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Welcome to the Wolff

Posted on Tue Oct 19th, 2021 @ 4:16am by Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi & Ensign Zachary Chandler

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: Main Engineering | Various sections | USS Wolff
Timeline: While docked at Starbase 54


Zack had no issues finding the engineering department on Starbase 54, but what was supposed to be a quick meet and greet with the department head who happened to be a friend of the family, turned into a long debate over the use of bio-neural gel packs in refurbished Ambassador Class ships.

Zack was now rushing to actually reach his posting. The USS Wolff was a Luna Class Vessel. He'd never actually been on a Luna Class, which surprised him. He was excited for his first posting. A deep space exploration vessel, far away from any other Chandler. Oh, he loved being a Chandler, but it did sometimes feel like he was still living in his parents shadow. He was ready to step fully out on his own.

His quarters were on deck 5, which was convenient. Close to the 2nd level Computer Core and the primary power distribution center. But his goal now was main engineering so he could properly check himself in. He practically fell over onto his bunk as he dropped his duffle bag. He would have to learn to scale down his Knick knacks or he was going to break his back, shear off his prosthetic leg, or both.

Finally unencumbered, he headed to check in with the Chief. He made his way to her office and sounded her chime.

Aiko looked up. She'd been up to her eyeballs in paperwork and was glad of the distraction. "Come on in," She called knowing this was probably the new staffer she'd been told about. She'd read the record and this could work out. Another competent team member was important...especially with some neglected items on her to do list.

Zack walked in. "Good morning ma'am. Ensign Zachary Chandler." He introduced, giving her a professional nod.

She motioned for the chair in front of her. "Alright, sit down, take a load off. What are you having to drink?" She asked standing and walking to the replicator.

Zack smiled. "I'll take a glass of water since you're insisting." He took a seat just a tad awkwardly, going to and from sitting was a challenge to manage smoothly. "Thank you." He waited for Kiroshi to start, not knowing what kind of department head he was dealing with yet.

Kiroshi brought back a water for the young man and a coffee for herself. "Alright. So tell me about your experience and what you liked and disliked at the Academy engineering program wise, how do you like to work? What management style you flourish under...stuff like that."

"Oh." Zack was mildly surprised by the question, in a good way. "Well, I'm pretty easy going. I'm not overly fond of the dictator chief style." He grinned. He could already tell he wasn't dealing with that. "I grew up on Starbase Aurora. I was puttering around her Jeffries Tubes before I could walk. I did all my academy classes virtually, and when labs where required I had the Chief mentor them. My passion is design, but design can be so flat if you don't have a practical knowledge behind it. So I'm wanting to get as much of that as I can. I don't have a lot of experience with warp cores, but I have plenty in power management."

"Well then it seems simple. Tasks that include design elements, some core experience and using your skills with power management. I can sympathise about the Jeffries Tubes. I once hid in them for three days...first posting...wasn't pretty." Aiko leaned back. "Okay. So how are you at mentoring?"

"Officially mentoring with reports and all that, I've never done. But I have helped plenty of lower clansmen. I think I've been mostly successful in not running them off from engineering all together. I do better with the enlisted ranks, they didn't seem to get as prickly at a baby face cadet trying to help."

"Great minds think alike. I will need your assistance with a few...prickly pears." She smiled. "Finally things are looking up."

"Of course. Whatever I can do." Zack easily agreed. "Things are looking up indeed. Where would you like me to start?"

Aiko sat back. "Okay. First settle in, no point in worrying about work if you're worried about unpacking and settling. Then report to me when you're ready and I'll get you started. For now I say look around, get familiar with where things are, get your standard issue tool kit assigned and just walk around and introduce yourself to people. If you are up for it I'll be holding a formal tour for the newbies and the oldies because I'm going to be making a few...structural changes along the way."

"Ok, that sounds good. When is the formal tour? I haven't been on one of those in years, it'll be fun." Zack smiled across the table.

Aiko looked at her schedule. "Just sent you all the info. Now do you have any questions for me?"

"Not at the moment, but I might during the tour." Zack replied. He then waited to see if there was anything else.

"Alright my friend. Well, welcome to the Wolff. I look forward to working with you. My door is always open and I work twenty-four seven so if in doubt always ask."

Zack chuckled, hoping it was an over exaggeration. "I will. I'm looking forward to the ship experience." He smiled, and gave the CEO a nod before heading to fully settle in.


Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi
Chief Engineering Officer


Ensign Zachary Chandler
Engineering Officer

USS Wolff


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