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Belated Meeting

Posted on Sun Oct 10th, 2021 @ 1:02pm by Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Ensign Zachary Chandler

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: Counsellor's office

Zack was late seeing the counselor. He wasn't avoiding the appointment, it's just that things had been busy, and time management wasn't high on his list of skills. It wasn't until he got a rather sternly worded 'reminder' about his lack of clearance from the counselor that he hurried to make the appointment. So now he stood in front of the woman's office door and sounded the chime.

Summer checked her appointment calendar it seemed Ensign Chandler had finally arrived for his appointment. Walking over to the door she smiled as she greeted him, “Hello Zachary, please come on in.”

"Umm, thanks." He smiled politely. A bit surprised, but pleasantly so, at the informal greeting. He stepped in. "Sorry it's taken me this long to get in here, I forgot." He explained honestly.

“That’s alright, but any longer and you’d have had me chasing after you!” Summer grinned. “Please make yourself at home, the replicator is available for use.”

Zack took the offer, and replicated himself a glass of water, then made himself comfortable in the chair opposite hers across the desk. "Oh well, I'm happy to keep you from unneeded exercise." He joked.

Summer grinned, “That is very much appreciated Zack. Now, let’s get down to business was it just your psych evaluation?” She looked around for her PADD. “I swear my things keep growing legs!”

Zack spotted a PaDD on the coffee table over by the couch. Did people actually lay on the couch for these things? He briefly thought to himself, before levering himself up and going to grab it. "Is this it?" He asked, offering it to her. "And yes, just the psych evaluation with the new posting. I was cleared three months ago after finishing up therapy due to my amputation."

Summer smiled. “Thank you! I swear there are days even I feel like I’m going nuts!” She settles into her seat. “Okay...I’m sorry to hear about your amputation, that must have been extremely difficult. How are you coping now?”

"Much better. I was actually so tired of being in severe pain and extremely nauseous with the bio-neural rejection, that by the time I got the old fashioned prosthetic, it was a relief. It's not all roses and daisies of course, but most days, I'm fine." He answered.

“Of course” Sky nodded. “Anytime you’re having a hard day, and you feel the need to talk about it, feel free to give me a call or just drop by. That’s what I’m here for after all.” She smiled warmly. “So, how are you settling in?”

He gave a smile and a nod at her offer. "Settling in pretty well. I'm still adjusting to being on a ship. I'm so used to being on a starbase, but learning a lot, and everybody has been great to work with. She's a good ship."

“Indeed she is, and the crew are wonderful too.” Summer tapped her PADD making short notes as she went along, just for her own records. “So you’re an engineer, what drew you to a career in Starfleet?”

"Well, both my parents are engineers in starfleet. There are plenty of embarrassing stories about me teething on spent plasma torches, and streaking through Jeffrie's tubes as a toddler. I grew up with it, and knew I wanted to follow in their footsteps." He blushed just slightly.

Summer giggled at the picture that conjured up in her head. “I can just picture that! A toddler running around Jeffries tubes!” She grinned. “I guess we all tend to follow in our parents footsteps. So is there anything currently worrying you?”

"Umm." Then he did blush fully. "Nothing worth mentioning. Things really are going well." He assured her.

Summer gave Zachary a curious look, "Now that's not entirely the truth, you blushed about something. Is it anything you'd like to talk about?"

"It's really not." Zack briefly wondered if it was actually possible to die of embarrassment. Probably not. But he was not about to talk about his sex life, or lack thereof, with the ship's counselor. Why had he even thought it.
Oh right, she'd said worry, and his mind had gone immediately to sex, like he was 17. He took a drink of water, a hefty one, to try and recompose himself. "Is there anything else?" Normally he had no problems sitting through a doctor's appointment, or a counseling session. He'd been to enough of both over the last few months to be used to them. But he'd managed to stick his proverbial foot in his mouth without actually saying anything, and he just wanted to go hide under the covers or employ some other juvenile tactic to try and forget it had ever happened.

Summer had sensed Zach's embarrassment so she decided not to push the matter any further. "Well if you decide you want to talk about it, then just drop by and see me." She smiled warmly. "You don't need to be embarrassed."

"I will." He nodded, glad to be done with that line of questioning. He stood up. "It was nice to meet you." He smiled politely.

"I see you're desperate to get away" Summer grinned. "I'm happy to let you do so. It's been nice talking to you."

He chuckled. He knew he wasn't fooling anybody, but at least she had the good grace to let him go die of embarrassment in peace. "Bye."

"Bye" Summer grinned as she watched Zack go, signing off his evaluation she put the PADD away and got back to checking her appointment schedule.



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