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Cerin wants to talk to the manager

Posted on Wed Feb 1st, 2023 @ 1:48pm by Lieutenant JG Sol & Lieutenant Dovenice Baka

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Deck 3 - Lounge
Timeline: Between times - not mission critical

"I put in the request three weeks ago and my replicator still isn't fixed!"

It was dinner time, and her shift had ended nearly two hours ago. All she wanted to do was grab a bite to eat before going back to her quarters. She had a rainbow hat back there, half done, waiting for her to finish crocheting it this evening. A peaceful dinner... But Cerin was in her face, leaning down to physically meet Dove's eyes.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to come to the lounge every night for a meal? There's never ever any seating and the food is atrocious. You should be fired for not meeting the needs of the crew," Cerin went on.

Unable to step around Cerin without swatting her out of the way, Dove reached behind her to pull her task list out. It was tucked into the waist of her uniform trousers, half in, half out, too large to fit in a pocket, and too awkward to handle carried under her arm. Dove raised her hand, motioning for Carin to take a step back. At the very least, she needed her out of her face in order to look at the list.

With a sigh, Dove turned the display on, "I'm not on duty right now, but let me check on that for you." Her friendly smile was clearly forced at the moment. She took a look at the open tickets first and could not find any requests for replicator repairs anywhere. It took a minute before she found it. "We serviced your unit three weeks ago. You signed off and confirmed it was working."

"No, you're mistaken," Cerin frowned. She grabbed the PADD away from Dove, but didn't know how to read the report that was pulled up on screen and threw it back. Dove juggled the device then dropped it, not expecting the force with which it had been returned. "It doesn't make any of the drinks I ask for, nor half the food. I can't live off of toast and water."

Dove shook out the pain in her hand. "You're going to have to put in a new ticket if there's a different problem. We can't send people out to randomly fix appliances when there's no record of an error."

Cerin pointed a finger at Dove, "No, you're going to fix it now. Do I have to go to your chain of command and make it an order?"

Dove flinched, not at the threat, but at the finger which was dangerously close to her eyes. What happened next, she couldn't be quite sure... But it ended up with a trip to Sickbay with blood dripping from her nose into her hands and staining the yellow front of her uniform.

"Sit down on the bed, please," Dr Sol requested for the second time, the half Vulcan's head tilted as he tried to work out if she hadn't heard him or was just ignoring him. He suspected the latter, waving his hand slightly to test if she would react to a physical cue.

"Wh..." Dove looked at the man, confused. She wiped a hand across her shirt while turning in a circle, spotting a few of the biobeds in the area. "I don't think I can get up that high right now." Indeed, her focus was failing as the initial adrenaline surge left and she felt the immediate need to sit down. The floor was a good place to sit. Her vision dropped to a singular focus while she folded her knees to find the ground, fighting the fainting.

"That is the deck, not the bed..." Sol caught her quickly, easily lifting her to set her carefully on the bed. He set to work scanning her quickly, glancing between the readouts and the patient with a slight frown. "Do you know where you are, Lieutenant Baka?"

The room around her reformed itself, her ears gave a slight ringing and the symbiont within took control of the autonomic systems momentarily. "Yeah, in sickbay," she answered. Her voice sounded far away, though her senses were returning.

"Very good," Sol nodded slowly, letting out a slight breath at the details of her injury coming together on the screen. "How did it happen?" he asked with concern as he gave her a painkiller with one hand, the other finding the regenerator without needing to look.

Dove gave the question a thought. "Uh..mmh. I think it was a fist? Normally, can feint fast enough to not be hit, but someone must have gotten in my way? How bad is it?"

"It seems there is no concussion," he assured, which had been his first concern considering her distant nature. He lifted the regenerator, carefully urging her to tilt her head back slightly as he tried to stem the bleeding from her nose. "Should I be alerting Security, Lieutenant?" he asked, his voice a little lower at the prospect.

"Ah, no, that's not necessary. There were enough witnesses and some of them were security. I'm almost certain she's in the brig right now." She flinched, "Ow, that hurts."

"Apologies, it is not my intention," he replied, trying to offer a better bedside manner than usual. He had been told it was an area that required improvement, and he supposed he should aim to achieve. "You have 'beaten the odds'...there is no broken bone, and the chances were high."

"Naw, Cerin hits like a Tribble... a mean Tribble," she clarified. "Say, you haven't been having problems with the replicators in your quarters, have you?"

"It has been a trifle...troublesome," he replied, unsure how one question had led to another, but answering it all the same. "But no tribbles..." he added, in case that had something to do with it.

After a moment of thought, Dove said, "Maybe I need to look at the system then... The null space may have done some damage that we didn't catch."

"Not now though," Sol said firmly, his brow furrowing as he watched her with as much concern that could be discerned from a Vulcan's face. "You need to rest for 12 hours, and report any headache, dizziness or sickness that occurs," he spoke as fact, to ensure there was no argument.

"Aye, aye, Doc." Dove saluted in a less than picture perfect move and scooted to the edge of the bio bed. Jumping down was ten times less difficult than jumping up now that the blood flow had ended. When she was younger, she had wanted to be a veternarian. Fainting at the sight of blood lead her into engineering instead. "Twelve hours?" she checked. "I think I can do that."


Lt Dovenice Baka
Chief Engineer

Lt jg Sol
Medical Officer


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