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Late night emergency

Posted on Wed Jan 11th, 2023 @ 10:22pm by Lieutenant Hope Ross, MD

Mission: The devil wears tripolymer
Location: Deck 6 - Sickbay - USS Wolff

Doctor Ross pulled the hair back out of her face and pinned it back as she exited her office. She grabbed a tricorder as she approached the group of officers that had just entered sickbay. "What's going on here?" Hope asked, it was the middle of the night and there was nothing really going on, until now.

One of the two officers carrying their friend spoke up "these knuckles heads" he looked over at his friend and then back to Ross. "They decided to turn the safeties off in the holodeck" he helped his friend onto the bio bed "and let's just say it didn't go to well,'am" the Ensign wasn't sure how the Doctor liked to be addressed.

"Always a great idea" Ross made her way to the first bio bed and started taking scans with her tricorder.

"It hurts, Doc" the man laying on the bio bed reached up and grabbed Hope's arm. The look on his face should have been proof enough that he was in an immense amount of pain.

"I bet it dose" Hope took her hand and placed it over his "if you let go of me I'll get you something for the pain." The tricorder had already pulled up Ensign Alexander Masters medical profile and Hope knew that the patient had no known drug allergies and it was safe to give him something to get him out of pain. In a matter of seconds the Doctor had a hypo spray pressed against the Ensigns neck and his pain was beginning to ease.

"Thank yo..." Alexander couldn't even finish his words and he was drifting off to sleep.

Doctor Ross started the surgical suite on the bio bed to repair the patients leg. "There we go" she said as she pressed in the final commands and the instruments went to work on the young mans leg. It would be a matter of hours and the patient would be able to work on his leg, of course he would have to take it easy and take a few days off.

"Is he going to be okay?" one of the men that carried the patient in and the only one of the three that stayed behind.

"He's going to be fine" Hope offered a soft smile as she started to the other bio bed. "He's out of pain and the computer will have his leg repaired in just under three hours."

"Thank you!" the young man whispered and went and stood by his friend side.

"So what program was worth him breaking his leg in three places" the nurse had given Ross a PaDD with her scan results and a list of what was wrong with this patient.

"I'm not sure" the young man waiting bed side shrugged.

"Klingon battle drills" came the voice from the bed in front of her. It was weak and rather shaky "it was obviously a bad idea" Ensign Venaran said jokingly. "Hell I almost lost my blue skin" Venaran was a Bolian and a very green Starfleet Officer.

"Yeah" Hope looked up from her PaDD "looks like the Klingon's might of got the best of you there Ensign Venaran."

The Ensign gave a labored chuckle "What are the damages doc?" he was trying to make lite of a situation that wasn't really funny to most doctors.

"Well you have several broken ribs" she pulled up some scans "and if this rib would have moved just a few centimeters more you would be dead young man." Hope was already preparing the bio bed for surgery. "Are you in any pain?" she asked as she knew he was trying to hide his pain with comedy.

"I'm fine" Venaran stopped "I can't lie, Lieutenant" he looked up at Hope "I'm hurting like hell" he admitted with a look of shame on his face.

"Nothing wrong with admitting you are in pain" she reached over and grabbed a hypo spray. "This will help" the pressed it to the young mans neck "enough to ease the pain but not knock you out."

"I appreciate it doctor" Venaran closed his eyes and tried to relax as he listed to the buzz of the machines doing their job.

"We are right here if you need anything" Hope said as she and the nurse stepped back to give them room to rest. She turned down the lights and started charting from a chair across the room.

It wasn't long until Hope looked up and both of her patients were fast asleep and the bio beds doing exactly what they were supposed to be doing. She checked the status on her PaDD and vitals were great as well.

Abut six hours had passed and the first surgery was complete and the patient was rest. "I'm gonna go" the young visitor said with a smile "I can see he's in good hands here."

"Get some rest" Hope smiled "I'll call if anything changes" she whispered and watched the young man leave from sickbay

Lt. Hope Ross, MD
Chief Medical Officer


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