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All in order

Posted on Sun Apr 1st, 2018 @ 1:41pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Galatea looked around finally satisfied that her sickbay had returned to its former glory. All her equipment and supplies were on board, counted, and stored. All this was in part thanks to Hunter who had been sent by the Gods of Betazed.

She smiled as she headed to her glass enclosed office. It had been redone while she was on vacation and it looked just right. She had left sketches and ideas and the Engineers had indeed done what they were supposed to. The glass was see through when she wanted it to be and with the hit of a button it frosted over giving her privacy.

She headed over to the newly installed replicator and activated the control panel happy to see that her drinks had been preloaded and were ready for her. She hit the raspberry coffee blend and watched as the cup shimmered to life in front of her in a colourful swirl of molecules.

She picked up the cup, sniffed and closed her eyes in delight. He blew gently on the cup and then took a testing sip. She almost moaned in pleasure as the flavour was beyond anything she’d had in a while. She would make it a point to send a basket of goodies to Engineering thanking them for their care.

Pulling back her chair she plopped down and opened her personal log file. Putting the cup down she started her log.

Personal log Galatea Celeste Polaris. It’s been a long few days. When I arrived my sickbay was in shambles, my supplies missing, my equipment not ready. I thought I’d rip my hair out. The only good thing was my office and I dared not enter it until all was sent right. It has been an unusually difficult few months. Going home did nothing but open old wounds that I don’t care to reflect on now.

The good news is my sickbay is now back together and unlike Humpty Dumpty no bits are missing. Hunter, my nurse from the depths of Betazoid hell has been an asset. He’s whipped the staff into shape and gotten all in order when I was ready to rip out my hair.”

She smiled knowing Hunter would not like the description she painted of him. After a few moments she continued,

”I have started the crew assessments and so far all are fit for duty. Doing double duty as CMO and CCO has its downfalls at least people tell me but I’ve found it to be fun and a challenge that is most welcome. I missed medicine. The last few months have been …. Rough and I was looking forward to getting back out there. We just had the briefing this morning and will be leaving shortly. I don’t know how I feel about that as this maiden voyage seems a little too easy.

I can’t explain it but something in my gut tells me that this won’t be as easy as everyone things and for once I’m glad I over prepared.

I am looking forward to starting my exercise routine again. It has been too long since I got into the rhythm of working and I’m looking forward to the long days and even the reports. I think that I am looking forward to a quiet night tonight so that I can get the shift rosters done and get my staff briefings prepared.

Computer save log and file”

She looked around again and smiled.


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