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Doctor Polaris I presume

Posted on Tue Mar 20th, 2018 @ 4:29pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Medical
Timeline: 30 January 2395


Anthony was finally on his way to the medical centre. He had spent the last few days working away feverishly on some of the information he had taken a copy of to work on. He had actually worked a few more bits out of it. It was a strange mixture of Romulan Reman and Bolian. Not surprising really on the Aurillac systems position on the border of the Romulan Neutral zone, in the outer reaches of what is now Bolian and Federation space.

“Oh well Hi Ho Hi Ho it is off to the doctors I go!” Anthony said as he turned the corner and entered medical. He rung the bell to let the doctor know he was here.

Galatea was on the tail end of her sickbay clean up when she heard the bell. Sighing she stood from her desk and walked over to the door. She opened it to be greeted by a somewhat wild haired man. "Hello." She said.

“Your finally back I see! Almost started to think I was the only one who stayed on to support Commander Tigran. Good to see you back again Doctor.” Anthony said.

Galatea smiled, "Well I never abandon my post." She looked at him, "Now then, I presume you're here for your medical?"

“I don’t know you medical doctor think your god’s gift.” Anthony joked before he rolled his eyes. “Yes doctor I’m here for my return to service medical.”

Galatea raised an eyebrow. "Have a seat on the bio bed Mr. Edwards I'm going to go bring a PADD with you file on it."

“Mr, Mr I spent twelve years getting my Doctorate. It might only be a philosophy doctorate, in languages but it is either Doctor Edwards or Lieutenant Edwards Mr Edwards would in this case be my father.” Anthony said with a smile as he took his seat to show he wasn’t offended.

Galatea shook her head and reviewed his file. "Seems as if it's been a while since you've been to a doctor...and your previous one had some rather...interesting things to say."

“He thought he was god’s gift to women and I found him getting friendly with one that didn’t want his attention. We disagreed with how poor and unbecoming an officer that made him and the Captain decided to transfer me rather than letting it develop to something physical. I try to eat healthily and keep up a heavy exercise regimen as it is a good way to stay alert and sciences need a good clear head.” Anthony said with a smile at the doctor.

She sighed, "Well let's get to it. Onto the bio bed." She pulled out her tricorder and entered a code on the wall. "Lay back and we'll start with the scan."

Anthony lay back and closed his eyes, he never understood why he did it but he always preferred the murmur of the Biobed when his eye were closed.

Galatea made a few notes on his chart and watched as the probe readings started coming up. "Hmmm your white blood cells are a bit elevated. Have you had a cold recently?"

"I started getting the sniffles as I left Aurillac 3. probably the three and a half months of recirculated planetary air." Anthony said.

"That could be it." She pulled a hypo, " are not afraid of needles I suppose."

Anthony laughed at the modern day oxymoron before he said “I thought needles went out when humans started using the hrpospray. No doctor I used to give blood quite regularly before assignment hypos are fairly easy to take. Don’t even need to get naked for them.

Galatea smiled, "Excellent!" She loaded the hypo and pressed it to his neck with a hiss. "This will make sure that you don't spread your sniffles The last thing I need is an epidemic. Now. Your shots are not up to date either. If you'll just wait a moment I will get the hypos prepared and then we'll chat."

"That is probably how I got the sniffles as you say Doctor and I am in no rush yet." Anthony said with a smile.

She stepped away and after a few moments she returned with three hypos. She applied each in two minute rest periods and then made notes in his file. "Now then. Your physical is okay, you are medically cleared for duty. That was part one. You now must be cleared by the counselor." She smiled, "Wanna guess who that is?"

Anthony had met one or two doctors that played counsellor, though they have usually have picked one or the other well before they get to chief of either. Polaris was the first He had ever met that was both medical chiefs. He played along “Well Hunter is a Nurse so that rules him out and while I am a Sciences Doctorate I didn’t get into psychology so I guess that rules me out too. So I guess you are then by scientific deductions.”

"Brilliantly deduced." She closed her tricorder and the scanner. "Now If you'll put your jacket back on and follow me we'll get tot he counselor clearances. "

“Yeah the one plus one equals a window does this ink blot make me look fat!” Anthony chuckled nervously. This woman held his life in her hands if he said something that offended her it would quickly go down hill from there.

She sighed, "I can smell your tension. Frankly you have nothing to worry about. The brain freeze only hurts for a second." She said attempting a sad joke.

“I see you haven’t tried drinking frozen coke in one gulp then!” He smiled to show he understood she had been joking. “Brain freeze might last a second but brain farts they stink forever.”

Galatea stared at him a moment and then burst out laughing. Her melodic laugh echoed through the bay. She shook her head and tried to calm her laughter. "That I didn't expect." She said wiping her eyes and she hadn't expected to laugh. She had not laughed that freely in a while.

“Good, my job is done here. Laughter is good for you, well good for everyone really. A good laugh cures depression.” Anthony said with a chuckle glad to have heard the doctor laugh. It was a pretty sound.

Galatea smiled and waved him off. "I'd say that you're fit for duty Doctor Edwards."

“Please Lieutenant Edwards, Doctor Polaris, to me the Doctor makes me sound like a medical person.” He smiled to show he accepted it as a given but didn’t much like it.

Galatea smiled. She handed him the PADD clearing him and watched him walk away.


Lieutenant Anthony Edwards PhD
Chief Science Officer
USS Wolff


Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical / Counselling Officer
USS Wolff


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