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Testing Two Trills

Posted on Sun Mar 25th, 2018 @ 2:08pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant JG Jun Zhao
Edited on on Sun Mar 25th, 2018 @ 2:09pm

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 29th january 2392

With her baby daughter Lashell cradled in her arm Taliserra walked into sickbay, she'd heard from her yeoman that Lieutenant Polaris had arrived onboard and she figured that the first place the chief medical officer would be after getting settled in her quarters so thats where Taliserra headed.

Looking up as she heard the doors open Lt Jun Zhao smiled when she saw Taliserra come in with her daughter. "Good morning Commander." she called out.

"Good morning Lt Zhao." Taliserra replied smiling back at her.

"How is the little one?" Jun asked, she was the midwife when Taliserra gave birth so had a vested interest in the health of the young lady.

Taliserra stepped closer to Jun letting her see Lashell better. "She is doing well, both of us are, though I think things are going to get a little harder now I am in full command of the ship."

"Just make sure you make time for her, your mother is a wonderful person but 'you' are Lashell's mother and you have to be the main influence on her life, not Selene."

Galatea had just had another restless night. She'd finished the paper she'd promised Doctor Helen for her symposium and she couldn't sleep; nevertheless, she had a shift to show up for. What kind of example would she set as the CMO if she didn't show to her shift.

The sickbay doors opened as she approached and she was greeted by a little crowd.

"Good morning Lt Polaris." Taliserra said turning to face her. "Welcome back to the ship."

Galatea gave a nod. "Commander. Good to be back...I'm still trying to figure out what happened to my sickbay while I was gone."

"A few improvements from what the dock workers tell me." Taliserra said.

"Is that what they are calling it. It looks like a pack of Nausiccan raiders blew through here on a Romulan twistcycle. Nevertheless, I will get it functioning again. What an I do for you Commander."

"Just a chat, and a quick check up for both me and Lashell." Taliserra replied, most of the ship had looked like a pack of Nausiccan raiders had come through it after their fight with the Mirror Universe.

"Hmmm." Was all she said. She pointed to a bio bed and smiled. "Up we go!" She said to the little one as she held out her arms for Taliserra to hand her the baby.

Carefull handing Lashell over Taliserra went over to the bio bed and sat dangling her legs over the side of it

Galatea gave the little baby what looked to be a rubber ducky but was in essence a creating that her friend Eviess had created. It helped scan little children without scaring them. The duck quacked three times signaling the scanning had begun. Galatea grinned and held the little one. "Anything you are concerned about with our little ducky here?"

Taliserra shook her head. "Everything seems ok with her from what I can tell."

Galatea managed to get the toy sensor back and uploaded the readings. She handed the little one to Taliserra while she studied the readings. "All seems well I would like to update her vaccinations though. There is an outbreak of Tenpalian Flu. Which reminds me have you been inoculated for that yet?"

"Tenpalian flu? no, go right ahead and give us the innoculation. You had better check with the rest of the crew too."

"So far it's been mixed. I've handed out a few shots, a few came in had them." She prepped the hypo. "How have you been feeling." She pulled the first Hypo and have it to Taliserra and then prepped a lower does for the little one.

"Like a huge weight has just been put on my shoulders." Taliserra replied, which it had; the weight of command.

The counselor in Galatea kicked in. "How do you mean?" She stopped briefly and sat down by Taliserra.

"I did not expect to be given command Galatea." Taliserra replied. "I went from chief of Ops to first officer to Co in a very short time"

Galatea studied her a bit. "It is quite stressful to jump that quickly. Do you feel you were not ready for it? Do you think that you can cope?" She was a bit worried as her medical file did mention a bit of PTSD. She'd start slow and ease into things.

"If command thinks I am up to the task than I do will my best to make myself up to the task, I have a good crew and a good ship. I just hope I can live up to those expectations." Taliserra answered.

She studied Taliserra, "May I ask a frank question?"

"Go ahead." Taliserra replied, she had a fair idea what the question was going to be about.

"I have read your psychological profile and what other counselors thought could be issues. Tell me, does your past still cause you anxiety?"

She was right. "You mean am I still feeling the affects of PTSD." Taliserra said, one of the Wolff's first missions had gone really bad for her and she'd returned a quivering nervous wreck of a person, her recovery had been slow. "I have not had an... episode in quite a while, the bad dreams have stopped."

Galatea made notes in her file, "I see. And memories haven't bothered you while you were on duty for a while?" She left the opening for Taliserra to see if indeed all the traces were gone from the past. Galatea knew it was frustrating for the woman but she had to make sure.

Taliserra shook her head. "Nothing has triggered it recently." She said. "And I hope it stays that way."

Galatea made some notes. "But if it does I assume that you'll tell me right away, right?" She raised her eyebrow for emphasis.

"Oh you'll know when it happens, the whole ship probably will." Taliserra replied. "The last one was rather loud and violent."

Galatea raised an eyebrow and added some info to her file. "Well then, mom and baby are doing just find and I will clear you for duty." She looked at Taliserra. She wondered if she should broach the subject. "Ma'am I know we are about to get underway and all but would you have a moment to speak with me in the next few days?"

"Of course Doctor, my door is always open, when you want to talk just come find me." Carefully Taliserra slipped off of the biobed.

Galatea gave a nod. She picked up a PADD and downloaded a few items. "Your clear for duty statements." She handed it to Taliserra.

Taliserra slipped the Padd into her pocket then rebalanced Lashell in her arms. "Thank you. Say goodbye Lashell." Holding Lashells hand she waved at Galatea and Jun, Lashell gave a small smile.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Counselor


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