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Pre launch party

Posted on Sun Apr 15th, 2018 @ 5:15pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Civilian Jessica Haugen & Lieutenant Commander Claire Anette & Lieutenant Sika EngD & Lieutenant Kallen Navore & Lieutenant Mikoto Misaka & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant Mari Solvbakken & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant Helena Wells

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: The lounge, Deck 3
Timeline: 4th february 2395 1800hrs


Anthony had spent many hours getting the lounge ready. Jessica Haugen the Lounge Manager was helping decorate too. Though only intermittently as she was getting the food and drinks ready. As one area of the ship that didn't need to be watched over 24/7 He decided to take on the preparation of the lounge for the pre cruise drinks and nibbles.

"Anthony." Jessica called out from the back room, "Do you want a couple of bottles of this Thessian red? or something a bit stronger?

“The red will be good it is a mixer for the crew to help build the family feel most ships have. I don’t want everyone rolling around drunk, we leave for the shakedown tomorrow so light booze to loosen and lighten the load of the getting together but still need to be in working order tomorrow.” Anthony said.

"The red it is then." Jessica came out of the back room with a few bottles of a vibrant red thessian wine. "Should be a good start, I've a few more bottles if we need them."

“Your the lounge manager your know the wines that goes best with each course much better than I ever would. My family were from Edinburgh that normally means either beer or whiskey that I know about.” Anthony said as he can back toward the bar to get the next load of decorations.

The comm panel on the bar chirpped into life. =/\= Tigran to the lounge=/\=

=/\=Lounge to Commander Tigran. Lieutenant Edwards here Commander!=/\=

=/\= How are things going? Are you nearly all set up? =/\=

=/\=About five minutes Ma’am.=/\= Edwards responded.

=/\= Good I will make the announcement in a few minutes=/\=

“Well I guess this is it Jessica! Within ten minutes our first arrivals should be here.” Anthony said.

A couple of minutes later the panel came to life again. =/\= All hands, the lounge is open for a get together, just remember we are due to depart at 0900hrs tomorrow morning.=/\=

At exactly 18:00 Anthony joined Jessica near the door as she got ready to open the door.

The first to arrive were one of the many couples that had formed over the years the Wolffs crew had been together. Ensigns Debbie Larson and Joran. "Good evening LT, miss Haugen." Debbie said as she saw the pair.

"Good evening Ensigns, Sorry I didn't get to know many of the junior officers or crewmen as I was transferred to the ship just before the refit, so I am not sure of your names but please come in and enjoy." Anthony said before he finished with "Plus the lounge is and off duty place so I would prefer Anthony. So long as it is said respectfully."

"Understood, Anthony." Joran said.

"We have drinks on the side, if you want anything different just let me know." Jessica said and headed back behind the bar.

Anthony smiled he was glad not to have to deal with all the Sir this or Sir that, on duty he expected it but it annoyed him off duty almost as much as doctor this or doctor that. “Thank you Joran that’s Trill isn’t it?”

"It is a common name amongst Trills yes." Joran replied.

"Go enjoy your evening. we have a busy day starting tomorrow for both of you by the sounds of it." Anthony headed out to grab a drink and some nibbles as the party started.

Lieutenant Commander Claire Anette entered the lounge and looked around. There weren't many people here yet, but there was food and drink and the few that were here already were mingling. It seemed she was early. At least she wasn't staring at that stack of PaDDs for now. Smiling, she moved further into the room.

Anthony saw the new arrival and in time made his way to her with an extra glass inhand. After checking her rank he said “Welcome Ma’am, I am sorry but you were part of the crew when I was originally given orders for the ship before her refit. I am Lieutenant, Anthony Edwards, Chief Science Officer Commander. Though seeing as this is the lounge I would prefer Anthony, if your okay with first name basis off duty Ma’am? Would you like a glass of red, other liquid refreshments are available through the bar if you would prefer?”

"Please, just Claire then," she replied, smiling brighter, her teeth possibly whiter than her skin. " It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm the new XO and I know I should know everyone on the ship by now, having been aboard for more than a day, but sadly I'm not quite that good yet. As for a drink... Do you have something sweet and non alcoholic?"

“Well then Claire welcome aboard. I am almost as new to the ship as you, I was assigned to join the ship but she was put into a refit slot so I have spent most of the last six months on a Cultural observation team one Aurillac 3 in Bolian space near the Romulan Neutral Zone, or on the base. I had some holidays owing so choose to temporarily join the team to cover them as a linguist as part of those holidays. Nothing wrong with it being a paid holiday waiting for a refit to finish. Though everything is nice and fresh now.” Anthony said before he said to Jessica, “Jessica, Claire would like something sweet and non Alcoholic maybe some apricot nectar on the rocks?”

"Coming up." Jessica said turning to her replicator. "It's not something I have fresh but I've a replicator file for it." She tapped the replicator and it hummed to life. "Here you are."

Accepting the glass, Claire sipped at it before replying with a smile. "It's perfect, thank you. If you'll please excuse me, I should probably make myself available to a few of the other crew."

Galatea and Hunter walked into the lounge. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" Asked Galatea.

Hunter smiled, "I am it's you i'm worried about boss."

Galatea smiled, "In to the belly of the beast that is socialization."

Hunter laughed. "You'll be fine."

Galatea smiled and the two walked into the crowed.

Navore walk in through the doors; he wore a simple pair of slacks, cotton long sleeve shirt with an open vest and Fedora; it was what many called a retro look, but he had thought if this place did not have any real excitement he would just head to a Holodeck and 'tinker about a bit.

"We well, this place does seem ready for a party." Navore strolled in, tipped the hat back just a bit and pu his right hand in his packet and his left hand he scratched his chin. "I suppose a drink would be a call of business?" He said and started to make his way to the Bar. "Do you have Bjoran sweet wine on stock?" He asked the Bar tender.

Anthony headed over to the bar and found the sound system. Well he had seen it as he moved back and forth helping decorate the lounge he found the light Jazz program and started it playing. As he did he heard Navore ask about Bajoran sweet wine. “I will see what I can do Kallen I am only an apprentice bartender.”

Galatea and Hunter found a table towards the back. Both happy to be observers. They each ordered some Bajoran tea and sat waiting. "I never understood this..." Galatea said waving her arm around.

Hunter shrugged. "Can't be a hermit doc. You have to make friends with the crew."

After a few moments Anthony gave up looking for the Bajoran sweet wine and asked. "Jessica, Kallen would like a glass of Bajoran sweet wine, would you mind getting him some?"

"I've some here somewhere." Jessica rooted around for a few moments before eventually finding the bottle, she poured a glass and took it over to Kallen

Navore gave a warm smile and a wink of ackowledgement to the Bartender. "I knew you would have what I craved Jessica, read my mind much more might have to ask you to marry me." He said. "But I bet you get that alot?"

"You have no idea how often." Jessica replied, she flashed him a smile then turned back to the bar.

Anthony heard the order for some Bajoran tea and replicate a pot for the Doctor and her friend before he headed over that way with a couple of cups and saucers. "Ah hello Doctor good to see you here."

Galatea smiled, "It was his fault." She pointed at Hunter who laughed.

"Don't think we've met." He held out his hand. "Hunter Payton, Nurse."

Anthony took Hunters hand in a solid handshake as he said, “Well anyone that is able to get the doctor out of their cubby hole to have a social life is a good thing in my book. Welcome Hunter.”

Hunter snickered while Galatea shook her head. "Join us," Galatea said.

As Hunter snickered he hoped it was at his summation of the Doctor always being in the medical bay rather than him. “Don’t mind if I do.” He responed to the Doctor’s Request to join the colleagues. “So I hate to talk shop, but are you two and your team, ready for tomorrow.” Anthony asked.

Hunter gave a nod. "Nurses are ready. We've got the supplies stored and the last of the equipment is getting loaded now."

Galatea had picked up her napkin and was madly wiping her glass before she drank. "What he said." She repeated.

Hunter shook his head. "I think that it's safe to drink from the glass."

Galatea's eyes opened wide, "Do you know how many germs are on this?"

Hunter sighed. He shook his head and turned to Anthony. "So what is it you do again?"

“Chief Science Officer so I could answer the doctor’s question, but hearing over and over again Billions but none that would survive the stomach acid hasn’t sunk in yet!” Anthony said with a smile at Hunter. “Linguistics major in a PhD but balanced it out at Doctorate level to be more useful as a science alrounder.”

"No kidding. Impressive." He drank down his tea. "So what brings you here?"

“Being on the edge of known Federation Alpha quadrant space you mean?” Anthony asked before he answered his own question. “With a PhD in linguistics my main draw to the edge of what we know might bring a new languages and first contact opportunities to study them.”

Hunter gave a nod. "I used to love first contacts. I can understand your enthusiasm for learning other languages." He had been about to say something when he herd his name being called. "Well Doctor Edwards, if you'll excuse me I see some of the medical staff getting a bit antsy by the bar. I'll leave you and Doctor Polaris to chat." He turned and walked away towards the bar waving at the medical crowd.

Anthony hadn’t been surprised that hunter had gone with Doctor Edwards. “At least it wasn’t Sir.” He said looking at Galatea, “You can never count on nurses to keep you out of trouble for a whole party. Though to be honest I think it comes from the whole academy non academy point of view. What do yo7 think Doctor Polaris.”

She stared after Hunter making a note to chat with him later. "I think he's trying to play psychologist. I'm not much for socializing actually. I keep thinking of all the work that could be done."

Anthony laughed. “I think it is as innocent as giving us time to chat while he spends some time with hher s friends too. I wouldn’t be to hard on him maybe he is right and you need to socialise more.”

Galatea gave a smile and a shrug, "Doctor knows best."

Mari had taken a short break in her quarters. She was excited by the idea of a party. She entered the lounge, everyone that she saw was engaged at the moment, so a drink first. She approached the bar. "Congac please?" as asked of the bartender. When the drink was presented to her she took the snifter to her nose and smelled it. Lovely, she though. She looked around for an obvious opening in a conversation.

Eventually Taliserra herself walked into the lounge, she was glad so many of the offiicers and crew had turned up, most she recognised, a lot of them were olf hands on the ship but there were certainly a lot she didn't recognise that had arrived in the last few weeks.

"If you will excuse me for a moment." Navore went to meet the Captain. "Evening Talley." He said quietly enough for her to hear but not anyone else and offered an arm. "Allow me to get you a drink before the wolves pounce , you know I always give that VIP service to friends and all?"

"Good evening Navore." Taliserra said. "I will just have a glass off the wine on the counter.

Navore escort her to the bar and took a glass with the best reflected color and handed it to Talley. "Welcome to the party." He winked and figured his time with the Captain at a party was about done, she had others to meet as well.

Mikoto and Touma arrived a little late to the party. Touma grabbed a drink from the bar and a small glass of orange juice for Mikoto. They both found a seat at an empty table and sat down.

"Starting to feel a little tired right about now" Mikoto said with a smile towards Touma as she took the glass. "Your fault of course..." she added with a wink. Touma couldn't help but blush, in a way it was his fault as much as it was hers.

Taliserra had spent quite a lot of time before she arrived thinking of something to say to everyone in attendence and after nearly finishing her second glass she felt the time was right. Picking up a nearby utensil she walked onto the raised stage section and began tap the glass repeatedly to get everyones attention and waited till everything went quiet.

"Now, those of you that have known me for a while know that I am not very good at this sort of thing but I am going to give it my best shot." She paused for a few moments. "Tomorrow we leave spacedock after a long six months and I thank those that have stayed along with the ship all this time. To the new arrivals I say welcome onboard, I cannot promise everything will always go smoothly but I can promise it will be an adventure, so ladies and gentlemen." She raised her glass. "To the ship and to the adventure."

Anthony had heard a few more practice orators in his time but none ever wrapped up the needs of their speech better than the way Commander Tigran just had. He stood raised his glass and said "The USS WOLFF long may she reign and return us in safety and style."

Navore merely raised his glass, nothing else need be said. *I will give you the power to get home.* He thought to himself. *The rest is up to her.*

Anthony could almost see what the Chief Engineer was thinking. Well it was it really that difficult, he was an Engineer, it didn’t take a genius. *This cruise felt like it could be quite interesting.* He thought to himself.

Galatea and Hunter stood near the back. She had a sinking feeling this wasn't going to be as easy as everyone thought. Call it her years of being an officer or intuition but something felt off. She kept her thoughts to herself. Maybe she was right maybe it was the stress of the news she'd received just this morning. She sighed and slipped out while Hunter was engrossed in conversation with one of the other nurses.

Navore was easing himself into a chair to let the people pass by, he had a seat at the Bar and a good vantage point. Life was good at moments like these, he could almost get used to it.

Taliserra had one last thing to say. "Now enjoy yourselves but don't go overboard or I will set our new Xo on you." She glanced across at Claire "And I expect to. See you all at your stations bright and early tomorrow morning." With that she stepped off the stage happy that her nerves hadn't stopped her.

HG had found the quarters, nothing much to write home about, but they would do. In fact, they were probably just a bit above what an Ensign or so might get since they were rooms set aside mostly for civilians traveling with diplomats or such. The announcement came over and she wondered if there was going to be real alcohol or not. It might be one last chance and she had not hardly touched her drink at the station bar having lost her way into the mysteries of mathematics. She pulled on a clean blouse, her favourite somewhat frumpy trousers, a much scuffed light leather jacket and almost men's looking, also scuffed leather, shoes and headed down. She had already memorized most of the layout of the ship.

She smiled as she entered. There was a bar! She made a beeline for it hardly paying attention to the decorations. "Craigellachie 12 years old please," she said. The bar tender looked at her, "Sorry, nothing like that." HG made a face and rattled off a few more ending with McCelland and Glenfiddich with a frown of each one. "Anything single malt at all?" She inquired. "Oh alright, whatever more or less passes for scotch."

"You have expensive tastes Miss." Jessica said as she came over, she pulled a small glass from under the counter and placed it in front of Helena then started rooting around for some scotch.

"Ah if one cannot enjoy the finer things then what is life for," Helena replied. She waited while the glass was poured and then raised it. "Helena Wells, but please just HG."

"Well enjoy it while it lasts Miss Wells, after today I can't serve real alcohol without the Captains say so."

"Indeed, that is what I have read and please, please, just HG." HG smiled at the tall nordic blonde and for a moment or two stripped her down with her eyes. She turned again to observe the rest of the crowd.

Navore came over to the bar; he could use another bit of a jolt; last day before he went dry at the ounge, he had met Jessica the few times he had been to the lounge. A pretty new comer to the Party, he shrugged and saddled up to the bar.

"Jessica, you think I could get one of those Earth Drinks; the Tea one from Long Island?" He smiled and looked to The woman beside him. "I am sorry if I inturrupted." He gave a tip of the hat. "Most ungentlemanly of me." He offered a hand shake. "Navore, at your service." He kept his first name aside being a Bajoran naturally.

"Not at all," HG replied. HG took the hand and replied, "Helena Wells, but I just prefer HG if you do not mind. New civilian scientist on board." He was a handsome sort for a Bajoran and interesting wearing a hat to boot. That was something one did not see much and reminded her a bit of her preferred style of dress, a bit anachronistic.

"Ah yes, we were expecting you." Navore smiled and slipped onto the seat next to her. "Glad you were able to get on board before we sailed. Playing catch up in a shuttle is never all that much fun." He chuckled. "How do you like the place thus far?" He gave a wry smile. "How do you like your welcoming party?"

"Well..." HG looked around, "The atmosphere is nice but the selection of scotch so far has been a bit lacking. However, beggars cannot be choosers and having any at all is a nice thing. So if I might inquire what is that you do? I take it from the collar and colour that perhaps command?"

"Engineering actually." He look at his khaki pants and red shirt with vest. "I am just a humble engineer who attends to the heart and legs of this fine lady. He winked. "I am told I care good care of the Lady's heart." He nod. "After all a woman's heart is always to be attended to with great affection and attention."

HG chuckled. "Presuming one is a lady. My parents and brother tried but I am afraid I fall short on that spectrum sir. I must say, that being demure is not in my character. Still, I will admit that having a handsome man or for that matter lady will always peak my attention. Anyway, engineering? Interesting, I put a paper out on how to bias the breakdown of decay to produce more anti-matter. A sort of reversed way the B-bar meson splits into more matter than anti-matter. If you haven't read it I will send it along."

"So it was your paper?" Kallen snickered. "Might like to go over the highlights at a later time." He offred. "This is closest I have been to a published writer."

HG shrugged, "Nothing spectacular, I think instead they liked the mathematical work I published on emergent gravity better. Anyway, of course, anytime I would welcome to talk about the paper and perhaps get a feel for the more practical aspects of engineering. Too much theory, not enough application of it if you ask me."

"You should come down and sling a wrench for a shift." Navore suggested. "I could assign you to some work that would give you some hands-on playing with the engines and such." He grinned. "If you don't mind getting a little Dirty?

"No not all, dirty is fun sometimes," she winked, "and I promise not to blow up the ship as well."

Anthony looked around to see many groups of happy smiling faces at the party. It seemed all whom had attended had enjoyed themselves so he approached the Captain to have a chat. “Captain, I would like to say thank you for allowing me to organise this, I know it would normally have been up to you, but I felt I needed something less bookwork to spend my time on.”

"It has been a good chance for the new crew to meet each other off duty." Taliserra replied, "Most of them look like they are enjoying themselves."

“Well that was the plan Captain, which is why I approached the lounge staff to help ma’am so everyone could come rather than it being just officers.” Anthony said with a smile.

Parties and social gatherings were not Sika's sort of thing. Even before his experience with the Borg. He was always more concerned with work and taking care of tomorrow's work in the downtime of the present day. He came to the get together in the lounge, but came with a PaDD.

He was all but pressed up against the observation area of the lounge, looking out at the blackness of space in a bit of a daze. He was gazing into the abyss in between looking down at his PaDD and looking over at the commotion caused by his shipmates.

Anthony saw a young Bajoran by the windows not enjoying the get together, he decided to surprise him. “Lieutenant Sika I presume?” He said in next to perfect Bajoran.

"Doctor or Lieutenant" he replied to the man. "Whichever you prefer. I'll respond to either. And you would be the Chief Science Officer, I presume?" added Sika.

“Well if we are going to be formal I guess I would prefer Lieutenant over Doctor. Though being the lounge I would prefer Anthony on my down time.” Anthony said.

Sika nodded. "In that case, Anthony, I look forward to working with you" said Sika politely. When forced to socialize he could. "I was in the Science department before transitioning over into the more technical side of things. May I ask what your area of specialty is?"

“Prior to joining the Academy I held a Masters in Linguistics and Social Anthropology from the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. I continued study on Languages while I did the Academy where I picked up Stellar Cartography and Astrometrics. I thought it would make for a much better likelihood for being promoted to Chief Science than as you have taken the option of the larger spread of Operations. I thought about it for a while but knew Operations would take me away from my dream of first contact Linguistcs. Not that Operations isn’t a good department and you are obviously are dedicated there to make Chief so congratulations Mr EngD.” Anthony said.

Sika chuckled a little and nodded before inhaling deeply. He let out a smooth exhale and gestured out of the observation area to the blackness of space. "Likewise, Mister Ph.D" he said to Anthony.

"Out there you hope to make first contact using linguistics" stated Sika. "Out there I hope to make first contact with a different variation of linguistics. You seek the spoken and written. Mine is through intelligent design, technological sophistication. Binary codes and cybernetic signals" offered the lieutenant.

He then looked back at Anthony. "I took on the technological sciences. My expertise is in the Computer Sciences, but more narrowly, I am a Cyberneticists."

“That would be why you went Operations rather than continuing on the Sciences line.” Anthony smiled as he said it. He could feel that Sika preferred to be by himself. “Well I have an early morning meeting before I have to be on the bridge tomorrow morning so I might head off the the science labs. With your permission I will talk to you a bit more some other time?”

Sika nodded pleasantly. "Operations and Science do tend to work relatively closely. I imagine we will be seeing one another fairly regularly. I look forward to talking to you more, Anthony" replied Sika. Okay, so maybe he was not thrilled about socializing, but overall talking to Anthony was not as dreadful as socializing with other people.

Anthony smiled. “Yes in a similar way to Intel and Security and to a certain degree Operations and Engineering, so I am sure we will have plenty of ocassions to chat.” He didn’t offer a had as it might have been a step too far on first meeting. He headed to the bar to clear his chit for the night.


As you finish added your signature please.

Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lt. Sika Eng.D
Chief Operations Officer

Lt (jg) Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief Science Officer

Civillian HG Wells
Science Officer

Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Counselor

Lt. Kallen Navore
Chief Engineer

Lieutenant Mikoto Misaka
Chief Security/Tactical Officer


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