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Shape of Things to Come

Posted on Wed Apr 18th, 2018 @ 7:45am by Lieutenant Helena Wells & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: USS Wolff - Sickbay
Timeline: MD 6 0800


HG sauntered toward the ship's sickbay. She wore her usual frumpy blouse and trousers with leather shoes, but had left her jacket in her quarters. She had figured that it was going to only be one more item that might have to be removed and besides it made her a bit warm in the very steady temperature that the ship was set to.

While everyone was supposed to get medical clearance, for her there was not quite an official time. She best figured to get it out of the way before she got involved in other things and totally forgot about the requirement and had to be dragged from her lab kicking and screaming. Well maybe not quite the later but then it would require setting up revenge somehow on those that interrupted her experiments.

She wandered into the sickbay with the doors parting in that loud shoowsh sound. She was fairly certain that the doors were specifically engineered that way in order to alert the denizens of the sickbay that another victim....scratch that patient was presenting their self.

A golden haired beauty was working away in the office. HG paused taking in the sight and playing with a bit of imagination on how it would be to get that lovely ting into bed. A deep sigh and she shook the thought from her head and headed over.

"Pardon me, lieutenant," she said noting the rank on the collar. "I believe I need to get a check in."

Galatea looked up from the report she was writing. She smiled and gave a nod. "Of course. Please come in and sit down. I'll just pull up your records." She noted that the woman was not wearing uniform. "Civilian or crew," she asked.

"A little of both actually," HG replied with that sort of 'I have a secret' smile on her face. "I am crew, scientist actually but do not hold an official rank. Anyway, Wells, Helena Grace," she added and made a face as she said that. She was so used to just using her initials that almost any use of her given names felt like an ice pick to the gut.

Galatea smiled, "Ms. HG Wells, I have the file." She looked over the file and scanned for any flags on the file.

HG smiled at least the doctor seemed to have managed the use of her initials rather than name and she managed to slip past the doctor part as well. While she knew the surface of the file, senior officers probably had access to other parts that she might have. As she remembered the doctor was also the chief head shrink, well counselor and while her physical health was good, she was prepared as with the captain to spare over why someone would resign fleet over a stupid prize.

Galatea closed the file. "Alright then, shall we head to the bio bed and start the exam. Seems like a routine one." She stood and motioned for Wells to follow.

HG nodded and headed out. This was not her first time at one of these and she got herself settled on the bed.

Once Wells was on the bio bed Galatea began the scan. She was sensing a few things and to put the woman at ease she explained what she was doing. "Well the routine scan tells me that you might be in the healthy crew section. I don't see anything that jumps out at me. I do have a bit of a concern on your weight. For someone your height and body shape you could put on a few pounds but that's not anything major." She studied the read outs. "Tell me a bit about your diet."

HG chuckled. "Really doctor, it is about as miserable as it gets. Tea, lots of tea, the universe would not work without tea. I usually try to get a bit of beans on toast or crumpets in the morning and later in the day a meat pastry or fish and chips. After that whatever I can kind when the tummy wins out over the mind which is seldom. My brother William used to have to shove stuff under my nose I would get so wrapped up with work. Eat better, more exercise, stop and smell the roses, heard it most my life."

She smiled, "Well we've all been guilty of that but they are right. It's important to stop and smell the roses or at least to eat them..." She gave a wink. "It looks like you have all your inoculations up to date, I would like you to get a bit more exercise though. Your lungs and muscles could use a bit of a tune up. What's your exercise routine like?"

"Ummm....mostly banging on the panel of the computer when it is bogs down trying to work through multi-dimensional egienstates. Sometimes I like to run to get my head clear as well. Not the best, I will make my self a note." HG also tended to wander but on a ship that was not the best thing either.

Galatea smiled and picked up an empty PADD. "Here is a suggested diet that will get you to build up a bit of weight only use it for three weeks, also since you like running there is a running club on the holodeck if you'd like to join." She studied the rest of the readings. "Physically you are fit for duty. Now comes the counseling evaluation. Shall we head to the office?"

HG sighed. She knew this was required of crew. She nodded and followed along almost having to will her feet in the right direction. She put on her game face and took a seat. "Well then, guess you have to see if I am another Daystrom or something?"

Galatea smiled, "Starfleet counseling gets a bad rap. The purpose of today is for us to get to know each other and for me to see if there are any issues that you want to talk about. How about we start with you telling me a bit about yourself, what you like about counselors, what you don't like and i'll tell you a bit about me and how I work."

HG made a sort of shrug and a bit of a face. "Well tell you the truth, I do not know much about counselors other than hearsay. That is not real data, so I would say that not like or like is too early of a judgement call. I just never went to one other than a minimal amount of time for the required Academy. They mostly seemed to be concerned if one was going to have a break down in the class pace. As for me? Well not much to say, I did my course work, did my dissertation, decided to try the Academy, didn't like where Fleet wanted to stick me and then resigned. I love tea, not particularly found of children, have a passion for physics and as you have already noted tend not to eat right or exercise enough."

Galatea smiled, "And are a ball of energy I might add." She made a few notes. "Alright well we do have to work on your eating habits and your exercise habits, physics is a great passion, tea is fun but coffee is more fun and the Fleet stuff is normal." She took a breath, "As for me I work this way. I have an open door policy, that means anytime you want to talk no matter the hour I am there, I have a small counseling staff that is well trained. I like to check in once a month with people and I do give homework assignments." She had a glint in her eye. "Now, I keep our sessions confidential and my aim is to help you but I expect complete honesty. If something is bothering you, the slightest thing I want you to tell me okay. It's my job to make sure all are fit for duty and all have the support that they need. Sound like a plan?"

"Indeed I understand. The only point I will disagree is that without tea there is no civilization!" HG replied and tried to look serious but it did not come out that way, she grinned too much. As to the rest, as far as she was concerned she would avoid as much as possible this particular office. She had already gone through the mandatory ones in the Academy and even spared with a few counselors who tried to keep her from resigning her commission. It might have been the wrong thing to do though as it had been hades to pay to get on a ship. Maybe she should have stayed and then worked from the inside. "Not necessarily me but the captain was not real happy to have civilian on board. I can not blame her overall, it was sort of forced on her."

Galatea smiled and then made a few notes. "Well then HG." She paused, whether for dramatic effect or not she didn't know herself, "Tell me are there any issues bothering you at this time. Is there something that keeps you up at night?" This is where her keen counseling instinct and Betazoid senses went into overdrive.

"Yes, how it all works," HG waved her hands in general. "The universe that is. There still has not been a good full mathematical correlation between the Einsteinian physics and quantum physics. Something is missing some place and I hope to figure it out. Some of the thoughts I had involved extra time dimension...." she trailed off.

"And that bit of work is why I quit Fleet. Some of ones with some brains knew the implications of some of that work. They wanted to stick me in a lab and then watch me like a bug in a glass and steal bits and pieces."

"ahhh yes," Galatea mused out loud. "The stealing of ideas and credit for work. Been there had it happen to me. Not fun. I'm sorry you had to go through that. It must have taken will of steel to get past that and put yourself in an environment where it could happen again."

HG shrugged. "I just refused to play their game is all. Sort of take may ball and go home." She made a face though. "The problem was I really wanted to be on a ship to get out to the stars and see things. So I sort of played a game of bluff with the Fleet upper cuts. The Zee-Magness for the MOND gravitational work was more a side effort for me, the meat was something else I was working on and so I told Fleet let me on a ship or I was going straight to the Romulans or Klingons. I think that scared them enough that if that was not my major theory what else did I have up the sleeve. So we dance, Fleet and I, like a pair of partners that step on each other's feet but still smile pretending everything is fine."

"That is a rough dance my friend." To Galatea there was some trust issues for HG to work out but who was she to tell the woman that. She too had trust issues. "Well then, I think you are fit for duty. Keep in mind my door is always open. Stop by whenever you want. I would like to chat some more in a months time, see how you are getting on and what's new. Sound like a plan?"

"Thank you, and indeed I will try to be the example of a compliant crew member as I am sure things will get back to someone higher up sooner or later. If I look like I am doing my part, then Fleet will most likely hold up their part and more or less leave me alone hoping for a breadcrumb here and there. Then for now, I shall bid you good day doctor."

Galatea smiled, "Have a wonderful rest of day Ms. Wells."

"Please just HG is fine," HG replied as she tried not to look too much in a haste to escape her least favourite places.


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical and Counselling Officer
USS Wolff


HG Wells
USS Wolff


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