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Not again

Posted on Mon May 14th, 2018 @ 3:16pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Ensign Amanda Turell

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: 4th of February 2395


"I need a doctor." Amanda called out as she walked into sickbay cradling her right arm.

Galatea had been stacking the final instruments back on the shelf when the call came in. She turned the corner and was faced with a young woman who had an arm that was sticking out at the wrong angle. She winced in sympathy. "Over here." She was at the woman's side guiding her to the bio bed gently so as not to jar her arm. "What happened?"

"I was excercising on the holodeck and I slipped over and dislocated my shoulder again." She said, using her good arm she lifted herself onto the bio bed.

Galatea reached over to the side table and pulled a hypo. She eased it and waited for the long hiss to tell her the dose of pain meds had been administered. "Just a few more seconds and I can reset this." She pulled her tricorder and the small probe out and ran it over the injury and the rest of the arm. She held back a curse. "There is also a small fracture in your bone. This just became more complicated. "I can't set this until I use the regenerator and even then..." She motioned for the nearest nurse to come. The woman came with the regenerator. "Pain less?" she asked her patient.

"A bit." Amanda said. "That fracture is probably from me trying to get it back in myself."

Galatea's mouth dropped open. "You tried to what? Why didn't you call for sickbay the moment it happened?" She adjusted the pulse rate of the regenerator. It would heal the fracture enough for her to pop it back in but she would need more treatments after the dislocation was fixed. She motioned for the nurse to give the woman on more hypo for pain.

"It always used to pop out when I was younger, so I learnt a few ways to relocate it myself, it just didn't want to go back in this time." Amanda told her, Galatea was right though.

Galatea shook her head. The bone sufficiently mended she grabbed the arm below the elbow and looked up at Turell. "This will hurt not a lot but a little. Ready?"

"I'm used to some pain doctor, this is far from my first dislocation, go for it." Amanda said.

Galatea gave a nod. She took a deep breath and pulled down twisting at just the right time. The bone popped into the joint with a sickening pop. She watched her patient her nurse ready with another pain hypo in case.

"Son of a bitch." Amanda said through gritted teeth and gripped the side of the biobed with her good arm as Galatea relocated her arm, even with the pain meds it hurt like hell.

Galatea gave a nod and the nurse administered the second dose of pain medication. Galatea scanned the woman's arm with a tricorder. "Well Ms. Turell. Your arm is back in but the fracture has reopened." She sighed. "Lay back and I'll use the bio bed regenerator."

Amanda did as she was told and lay back on the biobed to let its regenerator go to work. "Thank you doc."

"No problem." She keyed in the code and watched the read out screen. "Alright now tell me when the tingling and heat get hard to bare." She watched the mending of the fracture. The bio bed regenerator was powerful and worked quickly.

"You know this is all my sisters fault." Amanda remarked as she lay there.

Galatea raised an eyebrow. "Your sister? Did she push you?"

"She used to play a little rough with me." Amanda explained. "Managed to break my shoulder once and since then it dislocates every so often."

"Yes well siblings can be a trial." She closed her tricorder. "We can fix this permanently but it will take quite a few treatments.

Amanda shrugged a little. "They tried a couple of times to fix it but it still kept popping out every now and again."

"Well I will do my best to help." She smiled. "Now that will be sore for a while maybe a day but then it should feel better. Plenty of rest and hot showers." She studied the woman, "Other then that how is your health?"

"Can't complain." Amanda said. "Apart from my shoulder."

"Alright well light duty for a week and then come see me." She said closing down the sensors.

Amanda sat up and swung her legs off the biobed. "Understood doc."

Galatea smiled. "Well thank you for using your local doc. If the pain is worse let me know. I do make house calls as well as my staff."

"I will do." Amanda dropped off the bio bed and gave her shoulder a flex; it felt much better. "Thank you doctor." She said heading for the exit.

Galatea watched Turell leave and smiled, "You are most welcome." It had been a rough day all around and she couldn't wait to get off duty and just soak in a nice warm bath.


Ensign Amanda Turell
Sec/tac officer


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical / Counselling Officer.


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