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Aboard the Apollo - Medical

Posted on Sat May 26th, 2018 @ 8:10am by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Radak

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Cargo ship Apollo
Timeline: 7th feb 2395


"Ready to beam over Lieutenant?" The crewman at the transporter panel asked as Galatea entered the transporter room.

"Ready, Where are you putting us... hopefully not in a bulkhead," she tried for levity.

"We have instructions to beam you into one of their cargo bays, their Captain will be waiting for you."

Galatea sighed and smiled, again her attempt at humour fell flat. She looked around at her team and gave them a reassuring smile and then a final nod to the transporter chief. She watched the chief, and room around him, shimmer out of existence and in a space of a few seconds she watched an entirely different scene shimmer back into existence. This was it, this was the moment. Her eyes searched quickly until they settled on a form striding purposefully toward her. "Captain?" she asked.

He grinned. He was an older gentleman, probably in his 60s and his short, military cropped hair was shot with silver. His face and features were almost hawk-like and his eyes a clear, crystal blue. He put his hand out when he stopped in front of her. "Captain Kerr Newton, at your service, ma'am. You must be medical? We don't really have much in the way of a medical bay for you to work in. The room is pretty small."

Galatea gave a nod and shook his hand. "Doctor Galatea Polaris at your service. That's fine, I can have minor injuries treated there and this room will do for larger tasks. We'll have some transferred over the Wolff. I'd like to get started, do you have any medical staff on ship that are uninjured and any officers trained in medical care or emergency first aid?"

Kerr rubbed his hands together in a nervous gesture. "Well... we have a nurse." He smiled hopefully. "We had a doctor for a long time, but he retired. We've been struggling ever since. It's hard to recruit a doctor to a cargo ship. I guess we should go to what is our med bay? We've sort of gathered the injured there and in the hallway."

Galatea suppressed a sigh, "Alright. Let's do that. Hunter!" She called.

Hunter stepped forward.

"Captain this is my head nurse Hunter Payton, CPO. He'll be doing emergency assessments with me. How many wounded do you have?"

Hunter gave a nod to Kerr. He was already motioning nursing staff splitting them around the few doctors there. This would have to be quick and précised.

It took only a few moments for them to arrive outside what passed a sickbay on the cargo ship. Galatea held a gasp in as she took in the scene of all the injured sitting on the ground around the door that lead to the little medical bay. She looked at Hunter, “Hunter, Higgins, I need the two of you to catch and release.” It was her code that told them that they were to assess injury and treat and release those not seriously injured.

Higgins and Hunter pulled their tricorders and began their work. There were, at Hunters count, 12 outside the medical bay. He was relieved to see that most were sitting up. Galatea had disappeared inside the medical bay and only popped her head out to call for Sam one of the other doctors.

Hunter worked treating cuts and bruises for what seemed hours blissfully unaware of the issues inside the medical bay.

==Inside Medical Bay==

Galatea was confident and Higgins and Hunter could handle things outside. She had gone in at the pull of a young cargo staffer. What greeted her inside had her sweating a cold sweat. There were three figures all laying still and bleeding. Sam ran to the left, Nurse Peters to the right and Galatea took the injured woman in front of her. She placed a gentle hand on the woman’s arm and spoke to her as she administered the hypo. “It’s going to be alright. I promise you.” She hoped that she didn’t have to break that promise.

In quick succession they knew what they had on their hands. The man to the right had a broken leg. The bone was sticking out but lucky for him none of the arteries were damaged. “Peters! Take this one back to the Wolff. Sam?”

Samantha Berry, a young doctor just starting out called back, “Alright here ma’am. Third degree burns, not transportable but I can stabilize him here.”

Galatea gave a nod. That left this young woman in her hands and this would be more serious. She couldn’t transport the woman as there were too many internal injuries. “Hunter!” she called, as she slapped her combadge. The door opened and Hunter ran in, “Outside there are mostly…”

He stopped cold when he saw the look on Galatea’s face. He gave a nod and hurried over. Not having the luxury of their ship and the necessary equipment they would have to make do with what they had.

They needed another pair of hands just as the edge of despair entered her heart the door opened and the ship's captain walked in. "Kerr! Get over here now!"

Kerr was no doctor, but he could definitely do as instructed. He rushed to her side. "Her name is Kylie Vi... she's an Engineer. What can I do to help?" He looked around quickly, looking for their own Nurse and not seeing her. "Has anyone seen Nurse Devlin?"

Hunter gave a shake of his head.

Galatea filled a hypo. "I need you to press this to her neck every 7 seconds on the dot, not 6, not 8, but 7. I'm going to have to do emergency surgery. Hunter get me another nurse and a mobile surgical sensor."

Hunter made the call and within seconds the transporter materialized a unit not for from where they stood. "I hope you have a strong stomach Captain."

Kerr nodded. "I've been around the block. Do what you have to do, Doc." He smiled grimly and took the hypospray. He held it close Kylie's neck. "Just let me know when I should start counting."

Galatea took a deep breath, "Now. First dose."

Kerr injected the young woman and started to count. "One one thousand, two one thousand..." His eyes were on Galatea's face.

When he'd pressed the hypo to her neck and Galatea had heard the hissing end she took up the scalpel. "Payton, Ready on suction." The cut was quick and deep with the laser scalpel and just as the incision opened up the blood began to pour. Her patient moaned. "I know hun, but I can't put you to sleep. You've got internal injuries and I have to fix them while you are awake." He nodded to Kerr for the next dose.

Hunter turned on the suction and the surgical monitor. "Blood pressure normal, respiration elevated 25 percent."

Galatea took in the info and like a master seamstress she began to patch things up, first the lung that was nicked then the artery. It just seemed to be unending. "Payton transfusion." The surgical kit had a bag of blood, two at most and Galatea prayed it would be enough. Her eyes blinked the sweat away. "Read."

Hunter used the back of his arm to wipe the sweat, "Blood pressure... dropping!" there was an urgency to his tone. "Kerr double dose now!"

Kerr tapped the hypospray twice. He winced with the woman's moans, but he did not protest and he did not flinch. Apparently, he hadn't been kidding when he spoke of having been around the block. He was worried for his crewmember, but he knew that his worry had no place in this situation.

Two hours of no rest, no stopping, two hours of staying ahead of each injury complication and the use of the neurostimulator her patient was out of the worst of it and stable enough for transport to the Wolff.

She sighed as she cleaned her hands, "Captain... thank you for your help." The weariness was showing on her face.

Captain Kerr Newton didn't look much better. He smiled a little. "It's the least I can do. Thank you for your skill... and your willingness to share it. I'm sure that Kylie thanks you as well. I need to find my nurse. I have no idea why she's not here or where she could have gone. She was here before." He sighed. "Feel like we're over one hurdle and on to the next... and there's still quite a few in the distance." He chuckled. It wasn't really in humor, it was more in a commentary on the overwhelming nature of the situation.

Hunter excused himself to clear up the makeshift surgery area.

Galatea looked over at Kerr, she could sense the emotions rolling in him. She placed a hand on his shoulder, "Life always puts a hurdle in our path, we just have to keep jumping over them. This was difficult and I sense that your crew is your family. I want you to know that my staff and I will care for them as if they were our own."

Captain Newton smiled again, this time it was more genuine. "Thank you. It really means a lot to me to hear you say that. I know that you all are doing your best. I'm grateful, I'm also exhausted. Please forgive me if I get an attitude."

Just as Kerr finished speaking Hunter rushed in with another medic carrying in a young man with burns. "Stable third and second degree burns."

Galatea nodded, "Twenty CCs of Kelotane." It was the best drug for the pain caused by burns as it had a numbing effect.

Hunter helped deposit the young man on the table and administered the drug. "We've found your nurse," he said to Kerr.

Kerr looked relieved. "Is she alright?" He hovered over the boy, making sure that they didn't need his help again.

The red-headed nurse entered the med bay, not far behind Hunter, helping another woman walk, who appeared to have an injured ankle. "Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, Captain." Her hair was a mess and she had black smudges on her face and hands. "Gail here, called me over the coms and said Bannon had been burned and was stuck in a maintenance corridor. I had to go help and I knew Starfleet would send someone..." She tried to smile, but she was also overwhelmed.

Kerr went to her and hugged her tightly. "I'm just glad you're okay. I was worried. They got here and you weren't anywhere to be found."

"Sorry bout that..." she said softly when he let her go and turned to the medical officers from Federation starship. "Thank you all so much for your help. I'm not sure we would have survived today without you. I'm Janara and the medical personnel aboard this ship."

Galatea gave a nod. "Lovely to meet you." She accepted the PADD from Hunter and reviewed it. She then handed it to the Nurse. "I have taken a few of your crew to the Wolff and will beam up to make sure all is well. The cases here are all treatable and I'm going to leave my medical teams here for a while. That's the list of all injuries here and I will return later to make sure all is okay. Please let me know if you need any medical supplies. I make it a point to stock the supplies well."

"Medical supplies are definitely something we need all the time," Janara said. "It's not always easy to come by them out here and now with this," she gestured around them at the wounded. "We're out of most things..."

Galatea smiled, "I will make sure you are well stocked. I'll leave you to tend to the injuries left, Doctors Higgins and Clarke will be at your disposal and I'll be back as soon as I check on your people aboard ship. Please when ready come by and Mr. Hunter here will show you the supplies.

Hunter smiled. He stuck out his hand. "Hunter Payton, head nurse."

Janara took his hand and shook it firmly, a smile on her face. "Janara," she said. "Thank you for coming to the rescue. I wouldn't have been able to get him back here on my own and the transporters are still down."

He smiled, "Anything for a fellow Nurse." Hunter turned to Galatea, "Permission to stay with the med teams."

Galatea smiled, "Sure. I'll see you back aboard."

"Thank you again, Doctor." Janara smiled.


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer and Chief Counselor
USS Wolff


Chief Petty Officer Hunter Payton
Head Nurse
USS Wolff (PNPC by Polaris)


Lieutenant Command Radak
Executive Officer
USS Wolff (Kerr Newton/Janara)


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