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The commander

Posted on Tue Jun 5th, 2018 @ 3:40pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: USS Wolff - Sickbay
Timeline: 7th feb 2395


With everything that had happened over the last few hours Taliserra had let one extremely important one slip her mind; her Xo.

With some haste she headed for sickbay. "Doctor Polaris." She called out after she passed through the doors."

After all the excitement and despite her head nurse being on her case to rest Galatea couldn't. She had been aboard the Apollo, helped their staff, almost lost a patient, almost suffered neural collapse, had an unpleasant encounter with a crew member hell bent on making her life difficult, and dealing with a blind XO. She had tried everything and beyond. She had just sedated the XO and was finishing her report when a voice called for her. She turned and headed towards the voice that called her name. "Commander. Good to see you. Are you alright?"

"Yes doctor, I am ok." Taliserra replied. "How are the injured from the Apollo?"

"Mostly good. Not one lost, although....we've had a couple of close calls. We have two recovering here but they should be discharged in the morning. We've had a few of our crew injured as well, the most serious of which is the XO."

"How is she? her reaction on the bridge was rather dramatic." Taliserra asked, she could see Claire laying on a bio bed not too far away.

Galatea shook her head sadly. "Not good. She is completely blind. Her species is not one for a lot of light, the amount she got on the bridge...well that just about burned her eyes out. I have tried everything and short of pain control there is nothing...nothing I can do."

"Completely blind?" Taliserra repeated rather astonished.

Galatea nodded and leaned against the bio bed seeming to age years in a moment. "Completely. Nerves are fused and her lenses....well I don't even want to go there. I can't fix this...I wish I could but she is so far gone and with the equipment here I wouldn't even dare try the impossible. Maybe her people could do something but we can't."

Taliserra put a reassuring hand on Galatea's shoulder "I will talk with the staff at starbase 54 and see what we can do. How is Claire taking it?"

"Not well. She is agitated, scared, I can sense so many emotions in her." She placed a hand to her head which was aching as her senses were coming back after her little stunt with the Betazoid patient. "I've had to sedate her twice and she's on heavy pain meds but I can wake her if you'd like?"

"No, let her rest, she's going to need it." Taliserra replied. "If we do have to send her back to her own people for treatment I would like to explain it to her when the time comes."

Galatea gave a nod. "I wish I could help her. If I had modified the right eyewear for her in time maybe..."

"You know you cannot always help everyone Galatea." Taliserra told her. "Her species must know and be able to live with the risks or they would never have survived."

She sighed heavily. "I still should have taken more precautions." She looked back at the young woman on the biobed. "Her career may very well be over." She watched as the woman for a moment and then turned back to the CO. "Many were shaken by what happened. Are you sure you are alright Commander? Perhaps I better examine you."

"You and I both know we have been through much worse than that Galatea." Taliserra remarked.

She smiled sadly. "Yes...yes we have but I still want to check you over. Humour your old doctor won't you." She motioned towards the bio bed.

"Fine, learned long ago never to argue with doctors." Taliserra said, she walked over and sat on the biobed.

Galatea smiled. She pulled out her tricorder, her motions a little slowed and showing signs of fatigue. She opened it and quickly scanned the commander. She watched the readings. "Well it's official."

"What is?" Taliserra asked suddenly sounding slightly worried.

"You are suffering from the same illness as some of the other crew I've seen today." She said closing the tricorder.

Taliserra looked up at Galatea. "What illness doctor, is there a bug going around the ship?" she asked wondering why she hadn't reported it if there was.

"Indeed. It's called stress. The only cure, a nice, relaxing, holodeck visit." She smiled.

"Not today doctor." Taliserra told her. "With Claire in here and Lt Navore busy on the Apollo I do not have time."

"There is always time for rest. At least take the time for a quiet lunch to just gather your thoughts. Doctor's orders." She said picking up a novelty she had and a pen, writing down rest on an old time prescription pad she kept handy to make her patients smile.

"That I can do." Tali replied with a slight smile.

"Excellent, the smile is a good start." She sighed and looked back at the commander. "Would you like to sit with her a while. She should come out of it in an hour or so."

"Not right now." Tali replied. "But I will come back if you let me know when she is awake."

"I will do that." She looked at the commander again. "I'll also keep researching and trying."

Galatea sighed, "Commander, I wish you would reconsider my offer to take a rest."

Taliserra slipped off the biobed. "When I have the time Doctor." She said a little annoyed that she had gone back to this subject.

"And when will that be so I can note in my log how long the CO will be ignoring her doctor's orders?"

"Until Lt Navore returns from the Apollo and we are both underway again back to starbase 54." Taliserra replied. "Then I will have the 'quiet lunch' you suggested a few minutes ago."

"And that will be?" She asked trying to get he CO to give her word. She knew what once Taliserra gave her word and a time she would keep it.

"Hopefully not long." Taliserra replied. "That is the best I can say." She thought back to her earlier comment about not arguing with doctors, and now here she was.

"Can I get a 24 hour promise...going once...going twice...."

Taliserra chuckled slightly, "Sold." She said. "I've been awake since 3am thanks to Lashell, I don't think I would last another 24 hours.

"Excellent!" She smiled, "I'll hold you to that."

Taliserra nodded slightly and began to head towards the door. "Let me know when the Commander wakes up."

"Will do, Commander," She said as she watched the young woman walk out of the sickbay.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer/Counselor
USS Wolff


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