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Counselor to Counselor - The Plan

Posted on Sun Jun 17th, 2018 @ 1:54pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Sickbay via Call
Timeline: 09th February 2395


Galatea sat in her office sipping her tea and going over the new transfers that would be coming on the ship at the starbase. She slotted appointments for all and then opened a letter sent to her by a young woman. She read it briefly and made a note to go back to it just as her coms dinged and told her of an incoming call. She checked the trace and found it to be a counselor to counselor call. She looked at the screen and typed in her secure channel code and watched as the screen shimmered from Starfleet logo to a face she didn't recognize.

The black background with the merged Star Fleet and Marines logos appeared on the screen. The flamed-haired pale-skinned woman that stared back from the other side of the screen nodded imperceptibly before speaking.

"Lieutenant Galatea Polaris, Cheif Councilor of the USS Wolff?" the melodic voice more stated than asked in a tone accustomed to command.

Galatea smiled, "Yes ma'am. it's actually Chief Medical Officer and Chief Counselor. With whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?"

"I'm Avery O'Brien head councilor and peer to peer leader of Camp Hope. I'm calling in reference to Chief D'Anconia, you are familiar with him?" Avery asked with an odd mix of honey and iron in her voice.

"Ah yes, of course. I wasn't aware that the Chief was involved in Camp Hope." She pulled up a dual screen and pulled up some info. "It's not noted on his file as is required." It wasn't on his record and it should have been especially if he was a part of the Camp Hope program. It was, in fact, mandatory.

Avery snorted "I am aware, there is apparently an ongoing glitch to his file with regards to that perticular issue. Don't ask, I don't know how he's sweet talked other councilors into leaving that out. I do know he takes special joy in messing with officers. Did you serve in the war Lieutenant, if so let him know it will help."

"Good to know." She smiled, "I will append his record to make sure that the glitch is taken care off. I think that the Chief and I need a fresh start. That brings me to my next question, will you be the sole counselor for reach out or do you want it to be a tag team between us?"

The General thought a moment "I would suggest a softer touch Lieutenant. Stop the sessions and I'll deal with him for the most part. I'll keep you in the loop. Engage him outside of the office and build a rapport with him. He will eventually warm up to you but the one thing I learned in my years in the service was senior NCO's are proud, stubborn and will buck the officers when they feel they are pushing them outside of their bounds. Especially with the Chief, he's actually quite skilled in the counseling as it is, he's currently helping four other guys in the Camp too." she paused and thought "I'll take the sole charge of his treatment for now but will keep you in the loop. If you just want to mess with him call him and tell him the sessions are over and you are clearing him for full duty. He enjoys the conflict, take it away from him and lowe the pressure and he'll be more likely to come to you when he needs help outside of the scope of the Camp."

She thought a moment, "That can be done to an extent. I will need to requalify him for duty as per Starfleet regulations every six months and I may clear him but I will update his file about his treatment with you and my genuine concern for him. I don't doubt you, please don't get me wrong I've heard good things about the program I just wish the other counselors hadn't given up on him."

"Who says they did?" Avery said simply "It could be that they recognized the issues he's suffering from is being better served by the alternative treatments he's receiving. Especially considering his unusually anti-authority streak. Aside from his PTSD do you see any other issues?"

"I can't quite put my finger on it but...he has a lot of self blame. He hides it but it's there." She knew self blame. She rubbed the bridge of her nose as she did when frustrated. "I'll update his records and we'll go from there. I'll set an evaluation recheck six months from now and give him a conditional pass until then. I'd like to get regular reports so that I can update so I can le the CO know all is well."

Avery snorted "The self blame stems from the cause of the PTSD, have you read his jacket? Look up the Yorgrand incident, that's what all his problems stem from. He was nominated for the medal of honor for his actions on that incident, I wont go into it you can read for yourself but he was one of only four survivors."

"I'll do a detailed read up. I don't remember it on his file but most of the files that came in were only partial. I have been fighting with Starfleet counselling for the full files. " She straightened her uniform. "Alright so we have a plan."

Avery nodded "I'll get ahold of some of my contacts from when I was in the Marines and see if I cant shake loose the unclassified jacket for him to give ye a better idea of what exactly ye're up against. It's a very interesting read and will let ye know exactly what kind of man ye're dealing with. Loyal to a fault, by the book to the point ye'd think he has the General orders, SOP's and regulations tattooed on his arse, but a non-conformist off duty."

She smiled a bit, "That's great, thanks." She gave her neck a bit of a stretch. "Alright counselor. I guess I better go and update that file and do my rounds. I think I'll make the chief sweat a bit before I let him off the hook." She winked.

Avery so her head and laughed "And we wonder why the enlisted like to mess with us. Do you have anything else for me?"

Galatea smiled, "Hey I am a full believer in tit for tat." She sighed, "That's all on my end. I'll look forward to the file."

Avery nodded "Very well Lieutenant, O'Brien out."


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical and Counselor
USS Wolff


Avery O'Brien
Lieutenant General (Retired)
Cheif Councilor
Camp Hope, Earth
PNPC D'Anconia


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