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Every New Beginning Comes from some other Beginning's End

Posted on Wed Jun 20th, 2018 @ 5:41am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Petty Officer 1st Class Miranda Fry

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: USS Wolff - ready room
Timeline: 11th Feb 2395


Miranda idly paced around the docking bay security station while chatting with the security guards, she was waiting for a Lt. Commander Radak who should be arriving any time now and Taliserra had sent her to meet him and bring him to see her.

Radak was nervous, but he was also a pro at keeping those sorts of feelings under wraps. He made his way from his temporary quarters aboard the starbase, to the docking bay security station. He only knew that he was looking for a Starfleet officer by the name Ensign Fry.

It only took him a moment to assess the situation and figure out who Ensign Fry might be since she was the only one in the area that wasn't really doing anything specific. He moved towards her, already dressed in his own uniform. He hoped he was right or he was about to look really stupid.

Seeing a Vulcan on course towards her Miranda checked the PaDD in her pocket, she had the file and picture of Radak just to be certain. "Lt. Commander Radak?" she called out.

Radak nodded. "Yes, ma'am," he called back. When he was closer he stopped and bowed to her politely. "Ensign Fry?" he questioned. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I must admit that I am looking forward to meeting your Captain."

"I wish it were under better circumstances," Miranda remarked. "Will you follow me please, Sir?" She turned and headed for the airlock.

Radak frowned when her back was turned. He didn't like the sound of "wish it was better circumstances". He followed her, curious and a little alarmed. Those words were never good, especially coming from Starfleet. He stayed quiet and didn't ask any more questions.

Entering the ship Miranda led Radak to the nearest turbolift and up to the bridge. Together they crossed the bridge and Miranda tapped the chime.

"Come in," Taliserra called out.

"Lt. Commander Radak to see you Captain," Miranda said as she entered.

"Welcome to the Wolff Commander," Taliserra said looking up at the Vulcan.

Radak bowed politely. "Thank you Captain. It is a pleasure to be onboard. Not that I do not enjoy being aboard stations, but I must admit that I am glad to be back on a ship." He stood patiently, unsure of what else to say.

"Thank you for taking this assignment on such short notice Commander." Tali invited him to sit as she spoke.

Radak selected one of the two chairs for guests and sat down carefully. "Thank you for offering the assignment, Captain. I didn't expect things to move so quickly for me. I thought perhaps I would spend time at a Starbase like this for a few years." He tipped his head to one side, the barest tip of his lips curling slightly in a smile. "I feel lucky to have been here when you needed me."

"And I am glad there was an experienced commander available immediately, but at the same time I am disheartened about the reasons for needing you to be assigned to me," Taliserra commented.

Radak looked at her. He didn't want to ask, but he could hardly stop himself. "They did not explain anything to me," he said softly. "I admit that I did not press them for reasons either."

"Then I will explain," Taliserra said. "Lt. Commander Annete is in the sickbay on the starbase. There was an incident during our last mission and she has become completely blind, the damage is so bad that we cannot treat it."

Radak winced, his nose wrinkling. He knew it was possible to be horribly injured and even killed in the line of duty, but he always hated hearing about it. "I did not know, Captain. I am so sorry," he said softly. "Not exactly how I wanted to come by a promotion."

"Life moves in mysterious ways," Tali found herself saying, a lot of her life had involved her being in the right or more usually the wrong place at the right time.

"It most certainly does, Captain. Perhaps this was simply meant to be, but I too am sorry for the circumstances. Should we consider this meeting, me reporting in? Is there anything I can do to catch up? I admit that I started going through the roster the minute the orders came through, but I have not gotten far."

"Then I suggest you get more acquainted with the crew Commander," Taliserra said, happy that he had at least made a start even with so little notice. "And quickly, I do not plan to be sat in dock for much longer, as soon as these repairs are done I want to leave even if we do not have a specific assignment to perform."

Radak nodded. "Agreed. Do you have copies of the damage reports that I could look at. I will follow up on repairs if you would like me to." He pulled out his PaDD and started to look through it. There had been a sense of urgency in the Captain's tone and for Radak it was contagious.

"Relax Commander, you do not need to jump into work right now," Taliserra told him. "Use the next couple of days to get to know the ship and the crew and have Lt. Polaris give you a check over."

Radak nodded again. "Yes, Captain. Thank you. I take it that Lieutenant Polaris is your physician? I will definitely report there as well."

"Yes she is," Taliserra replied. "I also suggest visit the lounge and Miss Haugen, you will usually find a lot of the crew there during their off duty hours."

"Ah... all good suggestions, thank you Captain. I look forward to meeting with the crew." He noted the lounge on his PaDD. Meeting new people was always a little stressful. Hopefully the crew would like him, although he would have to keep in mind the circumstances of his being there as well.

"Good." Taliserra smiled. "You have your baggage ready to bring over?"

Radak stood from the chair. "I do. There isn't much." It was true. He only had a steamer trunk and two packs, one with his personal clothing and the other with a few belongings that he had carefully wrapped. His Vulcan harp for one. It was a small lap harp, and it was old and rather worn, but he loved it and it wasn't something he felt could be replicated.

"Then I will not keep you any longer Commander." Taliserra stood up and offered Radak her hand.

Radak took her hand and shook it firmly, the corners of his mouth curling in a smile. "Thank you, Captain. I look forward to working with you. I hope that I will at least meet your expectations. I will, of course, strive to exceed them."

"Miranda, will you show the commander to his quarters," Taliserra said.

"Yes Captain," she replied.

Radak bowed politely before following Miranda from the room. Once they were far enough away and the door had shut again. "May I ask you a question, Ensign?"

"Ask away, Sir. I'm here to help both you and the Captain with anything you need," Miranda replied, as they crossed the bridge and entered the turbolift.

"How long have you served with Captain Tigran? And what is your opinion of her? Both personal and professional if you wish. No pressure to answer any of it, of course." He tipped his head to one side and looked sidelong at her.

"I've known the commander for several years as she has been on this ship almost since the beginning, as for being her yeoman, only for the last 6 months or so but she was the XO before taking over the ship." Miranda started to explain.

Radak nodded. "That is good to know. I am glad that she has been on this ship for awhile. It is good for a captain to know her vessel and it helps me as well. Her knowing the ship helps me to know the ship. If that makes any sense. What about personally?"

"She used to be a lot more...." She pondered the right word. "....relaxed? Nothing would bother her for long, that all changed after our last few missions."

Radak nodded again, his gaze shifting from her to where they were going. "That is also useful information. Maybe I can help ease some of that. I hope. I am a hard and dedicated worker, not that I need to sell myself to you, but hopefully we can bring back the relaxed Captain. What is your personal overall opinion of her?"

"She was a good Xo," Miranda replied. "We're still waiting to see how she is when ALL of the ship's responsibilities are on her shoulders but I believe she will do well."

"Mm..." Radak responded. "I see. Thank you so much, Ensign. I appreciate your opinions and your honesty. It is valuable information. Do you enjoy serving under her?"

"Can't complain," Miranda replied as the turbolift stopped and the doors opened. "This way Commander." She led him down the hall. "She has always been nice, friendly and easy to get along with."

Radak followed, keeping pace with her fairly easily. "That is good to know as well. Sorry for the questions. I find it is a good way to at least get another opinion. Sometimes Captain's are not... what's the word... forthcoming? Not an insult to anyone, just how it is."

"You are right there, Sir. A lot are very uptight, but not Commander Tigran, if anyone wants to talk to her you just head straight up and she'll talk," Miranda explained as they got closer and closer to Radak's new quarters. "She likes things a little informal."

Radak smiled to himself. They would get along just fine then, it was good news for him. He preferred honesty above everything. It was easier for him to say what was on his mind rather than be afraid to share it and while he had never had a serious confrontation with any officer he had served under, he had been under a few that made him bite his tongue. "Well, that is a relief," he said softly. "I would prefer it that way."

Miranda smiled and then stopped by a doorway. "Here we are Commander," she said.

"Thank you for your opinions and thank you for the escort." He was a little surprised when the doors whooshed open and he was confronted with quarters that were considerably larger than the last few places he'd been staying. "What should I do to retrieve the rest of my belongings?"

"If you give me your quarters assignment from the starbase we'll have them bought over," Miranda explained as Radak took a look around his new quarters. "Anything else, Commander?"

"No, but thank you." He pulled a PaDD from his belt and sent her his room assignment from the starbase. "I am certain that I will see you again soon. You should have my quarters from the base now." He bowed to her.

"Then I will leave you to settle in, good day Commander." Miranda smiled and then disappeared down the corridor.

Radak smiled and let the door slide shut.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Ensign Miranda Fry
Captain's Yeoman

Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer


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