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Part III: Romulan Food

Posted on Mon Jun 25th, 2018 @ 6:48am by Lieutenant Commander Radak

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Starbase - Bird of Prey Cafe
Timeline: 10th February 2395


"Hey!" Radak stood. "Hey now! You do not get to run off twice." He reached out for her arm. "It is okay to talk to me. I am definitely not going to judge you. Remember, I am your perfect Romulan." He chuckled softly, trying to make lighter of the situation. "Please do not run off again. We can go somewhere more quiet and talk... or cry... or whatever you need to do."

Ilana, not one for physical touches, didn't pull back this time. She studied him with head tilted. "Sorry, I'm not good at the social dos and don'ts... but..." See this was the hard part, would she allow herself to make a friend? She wasn't very good at it but she decided she should try. She wasn't very good at this, but that didn't mean that she wouldn't try. She had a book to research and talking with Radak had been effortless. She smiled. "Alright. How about this. I need to get out of this getup and check with Lt. Higgins to make sure my family is... or has left and we can meet at the top level restaurants on the promenade... how bout Romulan food?"

Radak shook his head and chuckled again, it was a little sarcastic sounding. "You know I have never actually eaten Romulan food. If that is what you wish then we should go there. How long do you think it will take you to check with Lieutenant Higgins? I could go up there and just wait if you would like."

She smiled, "Let's say one hour at the Bird of Prey Café?"

and now the continuation...

1 Hour Later - Bird of Prey Cafe

Radak picked a table that was away from the majority of the crowd and sat down. When the waiter came he ordered a drink, but told the man he was waiting for someone else and that they would order when she arrived. It was interesting to him that he had found, not only a person that was also going to be stationed aboard the USS Wolff, but someone who seemed to share some things in common with himself. He had always struggled to make friends. Friends pried into your background and anyone prying into Radak's background always made him paranoid, even though his deception was deep and well-hidden. He was also amazed at how easily he had taken to Ilana. Something about her just put him at ease. Perhaps it was the kindred spirit feeling he was getting from her.

Ilana had changed into a colourful outfit again and her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail. She applied her signature purple makeup and tacked on her purple glasses and heels that were way too high. She picked up her canary yellow purse and satisfied that her family had left she made her way to the Romulan café. She'd been frequenting it a lot trying to get her character right at least on his food likes and dislikes. She'd tried pretty much every dish on the menu.

She walked in and spotted Radak. Smiling she headed over.

Radak had to blink several times to get his eyeballs to stop vibrating at the color contrast of her outfit. He stood from the table and only sat again when she was seated. "I am pleased to see you back to your colorful self. Are they gone? All the way gone?"

She gave a nod. "Yes they are and I know! I love colours. They don't necessarily go but they are fun to wear!" She appreciated that he sat only when she did. While Vulcans did that too, gallantry was a dead giveaway to his Romulan heritage. She smiled as if she knew a secret. "So what looks good?" she asked, picking up a menu.

Radak shook his head. "Vulcans and Romulan might share a common heritage, but I do not even know what half of it says, much less what it is. I am afraid that you might have to do the ordering for me." His face was once again the emotionless Vulcan mask.

She looked at him and said, "So let's start with some Romulan wine and tell me are you vegetarian?"

Radak nodded. "I am," he responded, his brows slowly furrowing. "Do Romulans eat meat?" He looked down at the menu. Of course, he could read it, but he pretended it was blank to him and turned it over several times. "I didn't know they did that!"

Ilana rolled her eyes. "You are not that good of an actor mister. But if you insist the viinerine has no meat. I however, and my half Vulcanianess, will have the meat rolls. Delicious meat rolls." She rubbed her belly with exaggeration. "Mmmmmm meat." She smiled.

Radak stared at her, his face rather unreadable, but it was more than likely his unamused face. Then he shook his head and snorted a little bit in amusement. "I will take the meatless food, thank you. No judgement, many species do eat meat. I just find that my digestion agrees more with me if I avoid meat," he explained.

"Yes, I can admit my Vulcan side is yelling at me right now... but I usually tell it to shut up." She smiled. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, glad that she was able to salvage enough of a filter to ask about asking.

"Of course," Radak looked at her. Here it comes, he thought, worried that this enjoyable encounter was about to come to an abrupt end.

"If I mess up, tell me. I'm not very good with friendships and I tend to have a big mouth, so I say what I'm thinking without filtering first," she said as she sipped her wine.

Radak looked surprised. "I am fairly certain that you will not have a problem with me telling you anything. I am not usually the kind of person to hold back my opinions. I promise to let you know if you offend me. Besides, Kolinahr or not I am still Vulcan and still very opinionated."

She looked at him and smiled. "Great!" She wouldn't point out that his Romulan blood helped with the opinionated way of thinking. She wondered why he wouldn't admit to being Romulan. Their food arrived quickly and she tucked in. She always loved Romulan food. It started out as research for her book but her palate loved it. "I have fallen in love with this food. It's sooooo good. The desserts suck but the actual food is good."

Radak took a bite of his food as well, the first Romulan food he had put in his mouth in thirty years. With his first bite also came a rush of memories, most of them unpleasant. He wrinkled his nose. "I have to admit that it has a unique flavor. I found myself quite taken with the food on Earth. So much variety."

She smiled. "Me too, but there is something about Romulan food that... I don't know, it's hard to explain." She sighed. "So are you looking forward to your new posting?"

"I am. Although also a little overwhelmed. I was not expecting such an assignment, but how can I turn it down. It is an excellent position." He shrugged. "I do have to admit that I am nervous, but... what is it that the Human's say... fake it till you make it?"

She smiled. "Indeed it is." She looked out at the stars. "It will be interesting. So why Starfleet for you?"

Radak shrugged again. "I think it was the openness of Starfleet that attracted me as well as a chance to do something good with my life. Maybe I can help. I do like exploration as well, but I have always felt like my role was more of a... support person. I do not know how to explain that. That is not quite what I am getting at, but it is close... morale! Morale is a better word. I am better at morale."

She smiled. "As most logical Vulcans are." She winked at him, a wink saying, you are soooo Romulan.

She chewed her food and looked around at all the people who were around them. The restaurant was a popular one.

"The food is good. I am not fond of the seasonings, but it is palatable. I am certain that others enjoy it." He looked around as well. "There are quite a few people in here. So what are you going to do on the ship again? When did starships get their own reporters?" The second question was more of a joke and he did turn a little and smirk at her.

"I am not a reporter." She huffed a bit. "I am a novelist... and historian/archaeologist but I will be mostly writing my book and interviewing the Doc for the character in my book." She grinned at him. "And I have a Romulan character to flush out."

He snorted. "I am not a Romulan and you are not a reporter." He winked at her and pushed his half-eaten food away from himself. "So how long are you going to be on the ship? Is it a permanent thing? Or just a little while?"

She shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. I haven't thought that far ahead. I just needed some time to do some thinking, some writing, some growing. I'm not one to plan that far ahead into the future. Don't get me wrong. My day is structured as heck, most of the time but not that far ahead. I'm trying something new... I believe the humans call it winging it."

Radak nodded and chuckled softly. "Well there is nothing wrong with trying to find your way in the universe... You have definitely found a friend though. So, when we board this ship do not disappear on me."

She gave him a look that said are you kidding. She motioned to her colourful outfit. "You seriously think that I can disappear in this?"

He laughed. "No, but I saw you ditch your sister. I do not wish to be on the receiving end of that. So what I should have said was, do not avoid me once we are on the ship. I will find you and there is limited space." He grinned. "Everything will be fine, for both of us."

She smiled, as they finished the last of the meal and then she picked up a dessert menu. "So... I have a question for you."

Radak raised one eyebrow at her with interest. "Of course. Ask away." He smiled.

"Dessert here or do we go to the best place on this station the Dessert Palace?" She rubbed her hands with glee. "As the Klingons say... Dessert is a dish best served sweet and often."

The eyebrow stayed up in amusement. "I think we should go to this Dessert Palace... Do Klingons actually say that?" He wanted nothing to do with Romulan desserts. The Osol twist had always been too tangy for his liking and he was in the mood for something sweet.

She shrugged. "I'm sure some do... sometime..." She winked and waived the waiter down. Soon they were on their way to the Dessert Palace.

"I take it you've eaten here before?" Radak asked, following along. "Do you know what all they serve?" He was rather anxious to have something sweet to eat. He missed the Vulcan chocolate of home.

"Everything from Tiralian Pudding to Vulcan chocolate to anything your heart an imagine. Personally I'm partial to Vulcan chocolate but I have it in three scoops of ice cream with Belgian chocolate sauce and whipped cream," she said excitedly, as she all but ran into the little restaurant.

A man behind the counter waved at Ilana, she smiled and waved back and then as if someone who came here often she grabbed menus and clearly ignored the sign that said wait to be seated. She headed for the corner that had excellent views and seated herself at a table marked reserved.

Radak snorted in humor and shook his head, trailing behind her into the restaurant. He sat down across from her at her apparent table and smiled a little. "So is that your recommendation? The ice cream and the chocolate sauce?"

"Ohhhhh yes. It's pure heaven in your mouth." She rubbed her hands together as the old man that had waved hello greeted them. "I thought I'd see you again today."

Ilana snorted. "You see me everyday."

He grinned. "True enough. What can I get you and your friend."

Ilana smiled. "I will take the usual and my friend will take what he likes."

The man turned to Radak. "And you'll have?"

"I believe that I will be having the same thing she is having. Although I would like Vulcan chocolate... if that's an option." He smiled at the man. "Thank you, sir."

He gave a nod. "Coming up."

Ilana shimmied in her seat and clapped her hands like an excited child, "Chocolate! I have been craving one of these for two days now. I'm usually here everyday but I missed a day due to my sister." She looked at Radak, she head the urge to ask him about himself but it was not a question she liked asked of her and she thought that he valued his privacy as much as she did hers. "So what's your favourite place on Vulcan?" she asked the safe question.

"I really loved the public gardens in ShiKahr. There was also the Artisan quarter... and Mount Seleya. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen is the Fire Plains of Raal. It is all desert and volcanic. Some would find it depressing. The colors are dark, but to me... it is one of the most amazing things... I can't even describe it. Have you ever been to Vulcan?" He was sure that she had told him, but he couldn't remember currently.

She gave a nod, some what he said she agreed with. There was much beauty on Vulcan. "I went to the Vulcan science academy for my undergraduate studies. It was an... interesting experience," she said somewhat diplomatically.

He smiled a little. "I went to the Vulcan Art Academy. I love art. It's one of my favorite things. It is also a great way to reach out to people that perhaps you didn't have something in common with before."

She smiled. "A romantic soul! How un Romulan." She winked at him.

He laughed a little. "Yeah, some romantic soul I am," he said sarcastically.

She grinned, she wasn't an expert in friendship but she did believe she'd made a friend.


Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer
Starbase 54 soon to be on USS Wolff


Ilana Jareth
Starbase 54 soon to be on USS Wolff


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