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Telling on the Doctor

Posted on Wed Jul 4th, 2018 @ 4:10pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Lounge
Timeline: 10th feb 2395 - 1920hrs


Hunter had just returned from the starbase after picking up some materials for sickbay for Galatea. He had the night off and was going to take the time to have a nice dinner. He was thinking about his earlier run in with the security officer who seemed to be a bit distracted. The man should really watch where he was going. Hunter rubbed his shoulder where the two had collided.

He entered the lounge and noted that the table he usually sat in had the CO. He sighed and smiled. He'd been meaning to stop in on her. He knew that the new XO was here and he should go to him but this was a chance. He picked up his dinner and headed to her table. "Ma'am...may I join you?"

Taliserra looked up from her meal when she heard someone adressing her; a bajoran about the same age she was, the blue uniform marked him as science or medical and a chief petty officer but she still had to think just who it was, she smiled up at him. "By all means chief."

He smiled sensing she was having trouble placing him. His half Betazoid side was amused. He gave a respectful nod. "Chief Petty Officer Payton, Nurse." He said as he sat down. "How are you ma'am?"

"Ah nurse Payton." Taliserra said. "I have to admit even after all these years together I still have trouble with identifying people."

He smiled, "That is okay. I'm not that good with names either. I try for 'hey it's you!' or 'well hello stranger.' and that usually works." He chuckled. "I accompanied the commander to the Starbase sickbay. You will be happy to know that they will be bringing on a medical specialist from her home planet." He said by way of update. He tucked into his food not knowing how to broach the next topic.

Taking a bite of her steak. "That is good, how are things in sickbay?" She asked.

He almost chocked on his bite. Taking a few seconds he composed himself, "Well actually....I was going to talk to you about that."

Taliserra put her knife and fork down, Hunter had clearly planned this a little. "Is there a problem Chief?"

"Permission to speak freely, ma'am." He asked as he wiped his mouth with the napkin.

"We are in the lounge Chief, you can talk as freely as you like." Taliserra replied, it must be serious if he was asking permission to talk freely.

"I have some worries," he simply said.

"What sort of worries?" Taliserra asked just a little concerned.

He rubbed the back of his neck. One could see he was not comfortable. "It''s the doctor. I'm worried about her. There has been a lot that's happened and been happening and I...think that maybe she could use some time to process." He said.

"Doctor Polaris?" She asked. "Please explain."

He sighed, "This feels bad and she'll fry me for this but...well the commander. She blames herself for not being able to help her more. Galatea she...she's hard on herself enough but this really threw her off. She also lost a patient from the Apollo, a man she operated on. He was doing fine and then died the surgery was no guarantee but she, again, blames herself. She's snapping at staff quite a bit. I've been running interference but I don't know how long I can do that."

"She has taken the death of this particular patient extremely badly?" Taliserra asked, that didn't seem like Galatea. "Do you know why, this is far from the first person she has had die on her."

"Yes but with that and the stress of the Commander's eyes and the fact that several items from sickbay have been missing. Normally I'd say no, she shouldn't be affected but...well I don't know. I just think that she needs to speak to someone. I'd say see a counselor but you see the problem there. Maybe someone on the station?"

Taliserra thought about it for a few moments. "If we can make an appointment in time then we will arrange it with a counsellor on the starbase. We will not be here for more than a day or two." She told him.

"Would you talk to her?" He asked hopeful.

"If you think I would be more suitable to the task then yes I will." Taliserra replied.

Hunter looked relived, "Thank you ma'am." He thought a moment, "Ma'am please don't misunderstand me I think the doctor is an amazing doctor I just think she's stressed and not willing to admit it...or take time off."

"They do say doctors make the worst patients, I will talk to her Hunter." She said eventually remembering his first name.

He smiled, "Thanks!" He pushed on again pushing his luck. "You look a bit stressed too. Have you thought about aromatherapy?"

"Not you as well?" Taliserra said a little amused. "Everyone seems to think I'm stressed."

He smiled, "Well it has been a hard few days and whenever life changes it's a stressor, some positive some negative. There is always room for aromatherapy. Lucky for you I can do aromatherapy." He laughed, "Oh my, I'm starting to sound like Taya." He shook his head. "I just think a proactive wellness plan can help...and I haven't had much chance to use my crystals and aroma bottles. "

"Does it even work?" Taliserra asked after taking a moment to pick at the salad part of her meal. "Didn't aromatherapy get... what is the term 'debunked' at least on earth back in their 21st century.

He smiled, "So one would think but it does work. It is a scent so those that are soothing release soothing chemicals in our bodies. As for the crystals they work as well. Some...not so much but for example the Betazoid Balance Crystals help to balance the flow of blood in the body. They help retune the heart. There is lots to it. Would love a chance to show you!" He grinned, "And yes this is me shamelessly advertising."

Taliserra laughed. "Doctor Polaris is constantly saying I should try and relax, maybe this could help."

Hunter smiled, "Well okay! Let me check my schedule" He pulled out a pretend PADD, "Yup just as I thought free all the time." Grinning he sipped his drink. "How about tomorrow sometime?"

"If I have the time." She told him. "I will let you know."

Hunter grinned, "You know that's the same thing Doctor Polaris said when I asked her." He hoped that would spur her into taking some time to relax. There was much uptight energy on the ship. It was like the whole ship didn't want to rest.

"And exactly what I said to her when she aked me about taking time to relax on our way back here." Taliserra said.

Hunter smiled as he finished up his meal. "Well I will hold you both to your promises to relax." He cleaned up, "I should run and get some gym time before I turn in for the night. It was lovely talking with you captain."

Taliserra smiled. "Enjoy the rest of your evening Hunter."

Hunter smiled, "You as well ma'am....and thank you for listening."


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer


Chief Petty Officer Hunter Payton
Head Nurse
PNPC {Played by Galatea Polaris}


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