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Getting Underway

Posted on Sun Aug 5th, 2018 @ 2:30pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Lieutenant Sika EngD & Lieutenant Kallen Navore & Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Uss Wolff - Bridge
Timeline: 13th feb 2395


In her ready room Taliserra poured through the most recent batch of information the diplomatic corp and fleet command had sent her about the Yatal; it wasn't much and she desperately hoped they'd get sent more before they got there. Going into a high stakes situation with very limited information was far from ideal. Leaning back in her chair she glanced down at the clock then tapped her combadge.

=/\= Tigran to Navore. =/\=

=/\= Navore here. =/\= The voice replied from Engineering, subtle echoes of systems in the background.

=/\= Your couple of hours are up, are we ready to go.=/\=

=/\= I can give you what is required Captain. We have a full power system ready to be used. Just tell the driver not pop the warp between gears please. =/\=

Taliserra smirked slightly. =/\= Head up to the bridge and monitor from there, if things go as they did last time I want you within easy shouting distance. =/\=

=^= On my way. =^= Kallen replied.

=== Bridge ===

Taliserra strode out onto the bridge. "Lt. Sika, contact the harbour master and get us clearance to leave. Lt. Yuvek bring engines online and standby to get us underway."

"Aye Ma'am," Lt. Yuvek said as he input the information into the panel before him. "Powering engines to 20%, initiating undocking maneuvers," he reported.

Lieutenant Commander Radak nodded to the Captain. He stood to the side and behind the captain's chair. Normally, this wasn't his shift on the bridge, but because they were on their way to a diplomatic mission and this would be his first mission aboard the ship, he felt it was necessary to see it off.

Navore sat at his console on the Bridge to monitor the power exchange, he had the slave panel from the Console on the Main Engineering Deck through his bridge station.

"All power is in the green. Impulse at the ready and main engines ready. One quarter speed on stand by," Navore reported.

Lt. Yuvek snorted in response to the Engineer's quip. He was more than experienced with large vessels to not jump the ship into warp prior to systems being ready. He put that thought to the side and continued to prep maneuvering systems.

Lieutenant Sika waited for a response to come through. Once his console alerted him to said clearance, he turned in his seat. "We have the all clear. We're cleared for departure" announced the Bajoran. "Just don't scrap the paint" he added.

"Helm, take us out, nice and steady," Taliserra ordered, then sat down in the centre chair.

"Support cables and structures have been released, initiating reverse thrusters at quarter power." Lt. Yuvek announced as he took the ship through the process of removing itself from the safe confines of the Starbase. Ironically, more accidents and collisions took place whiles vessels were within the confines of a starbase or docking bay than anywhere else.

As the vessel's fore cleared the docking port, Lt. Yuvek began to rotate the vessel while bringing acceleration thrusters online. It was typically suggested that a vessel get at least a full kilometer away from the base before engaging any form of impulse.

Radak watched with interest. It was good that he was getting a chance to see how the crew functioned as a team. He looked up at the viewscreen. It always amazed him how beautiful space was, even after he had spent so much time in it. It still had the capacity to take his breath away. He couldn't help the little smile that barely curled at the corners of his mouth. Amazingly, he felt rather comfortable, felt like he was in his element. Although, he did, shortly after that thought, admit that he was pretty much just standing on the bridge doing nothing.

The console in front of him beeped suddenly. He looked down, mostly out of curiosity and noted that it was from the station they had just left. "Captain... incoming message from the security station..." he said quickly. "They want us to hold. We apparently missed a transfer?" Radak looked at the Captain, his eyebrows raised in uncertainty.

"We don't have time to hold, helm keep going," Taliserra ordered. "Put me through to the security station."

=/\=Ensign Carter here Sir,=/\= came the voice of an officer at the airlock the Wolff had been using. =/\=One of your transfers, a Lt Commander Vaz was delayed by engine trouble and has only just got here, her orders check out and her baggage is here at the airlock.=/\=

=/\=We are mid departure and cannot turn back, can you transport tag her baggage?=/\=

=/\=Standby... affirmative Sir, sending you the tag i.d's=/\=

=/\=Thank you, Wolff out=/\= Taliserra closed the channel and turned to Radak. "Commander will you meet this new arrival in transporter room two."

Radak nodded. "Of course, Captain. Standard tour?" What he meant was take her to her quarters and then escort her to the Captain. He tucked his hands behind his back and prepared to leave the bridge.

"Just keep her busy till we're underway properly," Taliserra replied.

Radak nodded in understanding. "Yes, Sir." He exited the bridge and headed for the Transporter room.

Taliserra watched Radak enter the turbolift then turned her attention back to the rest of the crew. "Kallen, are we ready for our marathon?"

"Ready as can be, all systems are in the green," Navore replied.

She nodded. "Helm take us to warp as soon as we're clear and the transport is complete. Course 225 mark 12."

Lt. Yuvek quietly exhaled through his pursed lips. Punctuality was a staple of Cardassian culture. Unfortunately, it could not be said for others.

"Aye ma'am, clearing docking moors, coming about and laying in course," he said from Helm.

Steadily the Wolff cruised towards and eventually past the starbases outer marker, all they had to wait for now was the transport to finish.

After a few moments more a voice came from one of the backup stations. "Transport completed."

Lt. Yuvek’s fingers danced over his console as he laid in the navigation coordinates. “Engaging warp now.” He announced.


Comander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lt Commander Radak
Executive Officer

Lt Sika
Chief of Ops

Lt Kallen Navore
Chief engineer

Ltjg Jasad Yuvek


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