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Good to see you

Posted on Sat Jul 28th, 2018 @ 4:10pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Sickbay, Doctor Polaris' Office
Timeline: 12th feb 2395 1800 hours


Galatea sat typing away at her desk. She was just putting the finishing touches on the last few appointments she had and then she would go to rest. Sighing she hit the save button just as her door chimed. “Enter.”

Outside the office Ilana had taken a moment to collect herself before she rang Galatea’s door chime. She would have wanted to wait until morning but she just couldn’t sleep. She hadn’t seen her friend in a long time. When Galatea called for her to enter she smiled and headed inside.

Galatea looked up and was surprised to see Ilana. She smiled and stood. “Welcome!” She waited for Ilana to move knowing that Ilana wasn’t too fond of hugs.

Ilana opted for no hugs and sat down in the empty chair. She looked up concerned, “Sorry was I supposed to wait until you offered the seat?”

Galatea laughed, “No it’s fine. I’m so glad you were able to come on the ship.”

Ilana, who’d been Galatea’s pen pal in the Inter-Fleet Connections Program, didn’t beat around the bush. “Me too. My family’s been…trying to get in touch with me. I also needed your help with this book so I’m grateful that you were able to get me a civilian position…although I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself.”

Galatea sighed, “Well as to the position no problem there. We’ll find something to occupy you when you are not writing. Now the family thing…have you responded to their messages?” Galatea knew Ilana’s whole story. The two had been corresponding for two years now.

Ilana shrugged, “Well they prefer the in person touch base but I…well I have been avoiding it. Disguises are getting expensive though.”

Galatea had to hold herself from laughing. She could see the young woman in disguises. “Well I can understand why you don’t want to see them in person but have you thought about maybe calling them? Just to see what it could be about.”

Ilana shook her head. “No!” The words came out more forceful then she had intended them to.

Galatea sighed, “Well that’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want. So what else is new?”

Ilana smiled, “I found my hero.”

“Oh? For the book?”

Ilana gave a nod, “Yes. I found the perfect Romulan and he’s here.”

Galatea looked a bit confused. “There is no Romulan on this ship.” Not that she knew of.

“Well no but he’s my template.”

Galatea smiled, “Ah…okay. Would you like a drink?”

Ilana shook her head. “He’s perfect. He even looks like I imagined my character…minus the ridges.”

Galatea sat back, “Who would this hero be?”

Ilana smiled, “The XO.”

Galatea just stared at the woman. “Perhaps he’s not the right pick.”

Ilana stopped her, “No, No. He’s fine. We talked about it. I will set up an interview with him but I wanted to set up my sickbay shadow days for the book.”

Galatea smiled, “Well, if he says okay then fine. I’m wide open in a few days so how about you take a couple days to settle in and we can begin at that point.”

Ilana sighed, “Alright. I guess you’re right.” She stayed silent a moment and then asked Galatea the question that she’d been dreading asking. “Have my medical files come in?”

Galatea opened her computer and hit a few keys, “Just this morning. I haven’t had a chance to review them yet but I will and then we can set up an appointment to…”

Ilana interrupted her, “Did the test results come in?”

Galatea sighed, she could sense the woman’s fear and her need to know. “I’ll take a look.”

The silence stretched a few minutes and then she looked up. “They have.”

Ilana became fidgety. “Well…” She seemed to change her mind. “I don’t want to know…wait I do.”

Galatea looked at the woman with sympathy. “I know this is frightening but we have to know. When you wrote to me about it the last time I know you were okay with whatever the results say. We’ve talked about all the possibilities.”

Ilana started bouncing her right leg, a habit she’d picked up when she was nervous.


She looked up, “Alright. Read them.”

Galatea gave a nod. She opened the file and read the results. She looked at Ilana. “What are you hoping for?”

Ilana sighed, “Just tell me.”

Galatea gave a nod, “Well it’s like we thought. The tests confirm it.

Ilana suddenly felt as if the clouds had descended on her.

Galatea felt the shift. “Hey don’t let you mind go to all sorts of places. We talked about this. We’ll work through it all.”

Ilana suddenly stood, “I need to go. I need to think about interviewing my Romulan.” She walked out.

Galatea sighed as she looked at the file again. This was going to be interesting. She rubbed the bridge of her nose and was about to close down for the night when her door rang again.

She sighed, “Enter.”

To Be Continued…


Lt. Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical and Counseling Officer
USS Wolff


Ilana Jareth
USS Wolff


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