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Business as Usual

Posted on Sat Jan 12th, 2019 @ 6:47pm by Ensign Mark Cross & Ensign Debbie Larson

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Main Engineering
Timeline: Current Day - 08:00


A shrill whistle echoed through Engineering at the start of alpha shift as the deputy chief Jason Voss stepped out of his office. Lowering his fingers from his mouth, Jason smiled, calling out. "Okay everyone huddle up, I've got some bad news."

The engineers moved his way a few of them chatting among themselves.

"Okay, I'll get right to it, the boss is sick," Voss said. "They don't know what it is yet, but needless to say he's off his feet for the time being," then with a smile he added, raising his hand. "And I know what you're thinking, I checked, he's really sick and isn't just trying to get out of our hellish repair schedule."

A few of the engineers chuckled, and Voss continued.

"Seriously though, our med staff have the boss covered, so for now, our job is to get our Wolff running again. The repair and maintenance lists haven't gotten any shorter, but I'd like to get them done before Navore is back on his feet."

Another staying hand is raised. "Not sure when that'll be, but when do we ever get reliable deadlines? As for the extra work, those of you who've done a stint on beta shift know I'll be doing my share right alongside the rest of you so we're in it together."

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "Though, given some recent incidents, while I need us all to be working hard, make sure you're taking some time for yourselves. Eat, have a raktajino, go walk in the arboretum, do Orion kickboxing on the holodeck, whatever it is that lets you blow off steam. We're out in the wilderness on this mission people, so we've only got each other to rely on to get through, so make sure while you take care of our ship, you take care of you."

Jason rolled his shoulders, thinking he should follow his own advice and make some tea after this to give himself a moment or two to catch his breath.

He carried on into the home stretch.

"As for changes under my benign dictatorship, there won't be many except for some coverage changes. I'm obviously taking alpha shift, I'll be talking to Lt. Kail about beta, and as for gamma, I want to try something a little different and I'll be speaking to some of you directly about my ideas."

Voss looked around at the faces of alpha shift. "So, that's it, before we dive in, any questions?"

"Nothing from me." Debbie replied shaking her head, find out your boss was down with illness was never good news to start a shift with.

There were murmers from other engineers indicating they had no questions either.

"Sorry Sir..." Mark raised his hand. His expression was deadpan, his voice calm and collected. Inside, he was giggling like a school child at his next question. Gotta keep the stand-in Chief on his toes after all. "I missed some of what you said there. Could you repeat the part about what's happening with engineering please?"

Voss grinned, "Nothing much, but we decided to sell you to the Gorn, Cross, hope you don't mind?" he relied.

"Green is my favourite colour..." Mark shrugged. That was well played.

Voss grinned. "Well then I am glad it's going to work out." He shoots a look around the engine room "I take it that was the only question? If so, then that's it get started on you work, I'll be making my rounds in a few minutes to check in see what needs to be done." He scanned the crowd before adding, "Cross, Larson, can I have a minute or two of your time?"

"Sure thing Lieutenant!" Mark responded as he edged closer to Lieutenant Voss through the rapidly parting crowd.

Debbie waited as the other engineers went back to their duties. "What is it chief?"

Voss stepped back into a corner of engineering, "Acting chief," he smiled to Debbie. It still felt weird to be doing Navore's job, he didn't want to seem like he was getting too comfortable in it either. "And I wanted to talk to you both about Gamma shift. Was thinking while the chief is down, we'd do something they did on my last ship and that was split the duty of running that shift between some of the junior officers, give them a chance to run things. Was wondering if you two wanted a go at that."

"I think we could probably give that a shot!" Mark figured that the pair had spent a lot of time keeping the engines together over the past week, and neither seemed to want to flush the other out of the nearest airlock. That was probably a good sign. Plus, he had aspirations of his own command one day. It was stepping stone number one.

"That's fine by me." Debbie replied, until the arrival of a gaggle of Lieutenants she had been practically running the department anyway so running a shift was no problem.

"Great," Voss said with a grin. "For now it'll just be the two of you, so, you guys can work out a schedule that works for you, I won't have a problem so long as all the shifts are covered," he said fishing a coin from his belt and absently flipping across the backs of his fingers on his right hand. "I'll be showing up a bit early for Alpha to check in with whichever of you had the shift the night before," he said before pausing. "Well okay, likely I'll be waking up in the middle of the night to tinker with things, but if I roll in on your shift keep doing what you're doing, I am not there because I don't trust you, I'll be there because I've got an idea I can't get to leave me alone," he offered flicking the coin back into his palm and tucking it back into his belt then smiled. "So that's about it from me, any questions or concerns? And Cross, keep in mind the Gorn thing is still on the table," he said with a grin.

"I hear Commander Vaz is starting to put her department through their paces Marine Corps style, if you need something to help you burn off some of that energy Lieutenant" Mark replied, only half joking. His brief period of insomina, brought about from a brain that wouldn't shut off, was cured by physical exercise during his time in the Academy.

That actually wasn't a bad idea. Less for the sleep, but as a challenge, and to do what his sister had been urging him to do since the incident: meet people. "I'm game if you are, Cross," he offered with a grin. "You're welcome to get in on too Larson, we can show the commander what engineering is made of."

"She's already trying to recruit me for Security after we met in the gym" he advised. "I think we could probably give them a good show. Not sure about Debbie's little chicken arms though...." Mark figured he was going to pay for that later.

"I think I'll pass." Debbie replied, she was more concerned about not being able to see much of her boyfriend Joran if she switched to the night shift.

Voss' brow raised in an almost Vulcan like fashion. "Really?" he asked Cross at the mention of Vaz's recruiting effort. "What'd you say?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips. "Either way, now I really want to show up her security people."

As for Debbie, Voss nodded. "Understood, but if you change your mind, then let me know."

"I said I'd consider it if she had dinner with me." Mark shrugged, his face was as expressionless as it was in the meeting.

The eyebrow is raised again a smile pulling at Voss' lips. "You didn't," he said. "What did she say to that?" he asked leaning on a bulkhead, arms crossed.

"Well...let's just say I haven't completely ruled out a change of career yet..." he smirked.

Voss barked a laugh. "I see. Well, wish you the best of luck there, though don't take it personally if Navore chains you to the warp core, I am sure the boss would hate to lose you."

Voss looked to the two engineers. "Anything else?"

"Nothing from me." Debbie shook her head.

"Alright then, you two can figure out who gets what shift for Gamma, just make sure I get a copy of the schedule."


Debbie Larson [npc Taliserra]

Mark Cross

Jason Voss
Acting Chief Engineer


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