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Posted on Tue Mar 19th, 2019 @ 5:39pm by Ensign Bracca & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Lieutenant Sika EngD & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Bridge
Timeline: 26th Feb 2395 0415hrs


With nothing to do but twiddle his thumbs and occasionally check that the ship's position hadn't changed, Bracca had more time to think about how bad things could get if this virus wasn't cured sooner than he wanted. Right now, over half the crew were laying in sickbay and the cargo bays and several were permanent residents of the ship's morgue. No doubt more would be there by the end of this night shift. His thoughts were interrupted when he looked up and saw the viewscreen almost filled by the mass of a ship that appeared without any warning. "Lieutenant," he called out to the OIC Lt. Sika.

Officer in Command was a responsibility that Sika did not take lightly, nor did he fully embrace it either. He felt more comfortable at a console or assisting on an away mission. However, he was slowly but surely becoming more comfortable with the "big chair" if only for one of the quietest shifts and every so often.

Sika sat the PADD he had been glossing over down, turning his head in the direction of the voice. "Yes?" Sika replied instantly with a sense of curiosity as to what had caused the arousal in the officer.

The OIC quickly stood to his feet and gazed at the behemoth on the viewscreen. "Shields up," he added instinctively..."Identification?" he soon added wanting some confirmation.

"Raising shields," Ens Joran called out, the yellow alert klaxon sound across the ship alerting everyone that was still unaffected to the situation. "It matches the profile of a Kurai cruiser, much larger than the ones we encountered before though."

Lieutenant Sika crossed his arms and stood as though he were sizing up the other ship. Though he could not see the Bridge of the other vessel nor the commander of the vessel, he felt as though he were staring into their soul.

"Good," he replied to Ensign Joran. "Now, hail them. They haven't shot at us yet which is a good sign," surmised Sika. "So maybe they will be interested in talking," he added, though he was prepared to take whatever action he needed to in response to theirs.

Joran tapped a control. "Channel is open." He kept an eye on the Kurai ship, hoping that the ship wouldn't suddenly lock weapons on the Wolff and open fire.

"Kurai vessel, this is the Federation Starship Wolff. We do not wish to engage in hostile actions. Please state your identification. This is Lieutenant Sika of the USS Wolff," said the Chief Operations Officer.

Sika motioned for Joran to mute their audio transmission momentarily. Hopefully, the Kurai would respond with words rather than weapons. "Joran, summon Commander Tigran," ordered Sika, who knew all too well that his greatest weakness was his social skills and graces. He was not a diplomat.

Joran tapped another control muting the comm. =/\="Captain to the bridge."=/\=

Lieutenant Sika waited for a response, but the Captain did not reply. She probably will be walking through those doors any moment, he thought, as he looked at the doors as if they were just going to slide open.
However, open they did not. Appear, the Captain did not.

Then, came a terrible screeching, squeaking, and chirping. It was the response from the Kurai. Yeah, to you too, thought Sika, as he waited for the Captain. He looked at Joran "Uh... Universal Translator not working?" asked Sika.

Joran looked over at Petty Officer Saral at the Ops station. "Saral?"

"The translator is working on it," Saral replied. "The Kurai language looks to be complicated."

Sika sighed. "Computer, locate Commander Tigan," inquired the Chief Operations Officer, but the Wolff's computer could only tell him that she was in her quarters. Alright then, he thought.

He took a seat again in the Captain's chair. =/\="Bridge to Lieutenant Commander Radak,"=/\= called the Bajoran. =/\="Commander, the Captain isn't responding to her summons. There's a Kurai vessel staring me down and all I'm getting in response are the sounds of a sacrificial fowl or at least that's what their message sounds like."=/\=

=/\="I am enroute to the bridge now, Lieutenant,"=/\= came Radak's response. He was concerned that the captain wasn't responding to the comm. Taliserra was not one to sleep through alerts or alarms. He tapped his comm again. =/\="Someone in medical please check in on the captain. She is not responding to her comm. Thank you."=/\=

Galatea raised her head from the her lab work. =/\="Galatea here. I will send someone from medical."=/\=

She sent a message to sickbay to get a nurse out there right away.

It didn't take Radak long to get to the bridge. He made a beeline for the nearest open console and began to look at all the data they had gathered. "Lieutenant Sika, report," he requested. His gaze flicked quickly between the Lieutenant, the viewscreen and the console in front of him.

Sika gestured towards the view screen and looked back at the man. "Have a gaze at the view screen, Commander. It's a view to die for," commented Sika. "Kurai vessel. They have not fired on us... yet, at least. I've hailed them, but as I said.... their response sounds like nothing I've ever heard of. It's otherworldly. The closest I've ever heard to something like that was the Tholian language without the UT."

Radak stood from the console. "There might be a translator... I thought the Captain said something about the Ambassador providing one?" He looked toward the science station. "Ah yes. If we activate that device there..." he pointed and moved toward the station. "That should give us what we need to talk to them. At least they have not fired on us. The minute we get that device on I will need an open channel to the Kurai ship."

Sika nodded and looked at Saral. "You heard the Commander... get that device up and running. We need to know what the Kurai are saying, and get communications established," said Lieutenant Sika.

Saral moved over to the science console, activating the device the Yatal Ambassador gave them. "Device is active, go ahead Commander."

Radak nodded and stood. "This is Lieutenant Commander Radak of the Federation Starship USS Wolff. We are on a diplomatic mission and tasked with negotiations between your people and the Yatal. Please, respond."

Another series of chirps and squeaking came over the comm system. Saral checked the console then turned to Radak. "This device is not capable of instantaneous translation, there is a delay. When our translator has interpreted the language it should be quicker."

Almost the moment Saral finished speaking the translation came through.
"....Late, explain why you are so late."

"We did transmit a message, I am not certain that your people recieved it, but our ship has run into a sickness. We have had to quarantine ourselves until we can come up with a cure or a solution. We do not wish to risk the people we are trying to help," Radak explained.

"Explain this quarantine." The voice asked.

Radak took a deep breath, trying to decide how to explain a quarantine. "We have somehow contracted a highly contagious sickness. Some of our crew has fallen ill and it appears to be spreading, with potentially deadly results. We do not want to risk your people as well. Quarantine means that we do not wish to allow anyone on or off the ship until this illness is resolved."

"How long? We are impatient to begin, the agreement with the Yatal ends soon," the voice asked, the translation coming through much quicker and smoother now.

"Currently, we have no idea. Our medical staff is working on a cure for the sickness. We have not been successful yet. We are impatient to begin as well, but for everyone's safety, it is best if we delay. Do you not agree?" Radak asked. He was curious to see if the Kurai were willing to risk their own health for a resolution to this conflict.

There was a long pause before a voice with a slightly different pitch came across the channel. "We will wait, but the king will not be happy."

"Thank you. We truly appreciate your patience in this matter. Is there a way that we may contact you, as soon as this issue is resolved, of course. Perhaps, to keep in touch with our progress?" Radak questioned. "It might not be long before we can give you an idea of what sort of time it will take."

"We will wait right here, our ambassador is onboard the ship to meet with you."

"Very well," Radak replied. "We will keep you informed. I would ask, as a courtesy, that you please explain to your king what has happened here. I would also like to request an extension to the ceasefire, due to extenuating circumstances."

"We will see what we can do, you must get the Yatal to agree also," came a response.

Radak nodded. "That, I can do. Thank you for your consideration. I will inform you of their response as soon as I have it."

"We understand." The channel went dead.

Radak took a deep breath and sunk into the Captain's chair with relief, letting the breath of air out slowly as he did. After a few moments he sat forward again and tapped his comm badge. =/\="Lieutenant Commander Radak to Ambassador Al'mek."=/\=

Captain's Quarters

Vala, the Andorian Nurse, had drawn the straw to check on the captain. Truth be told she was happy to be out of sickbay. She had been shocked at how this was all going. She was glad Galatea was in charge. The doctor had been in and out of sickbay helping an in the lab, she truly doubted that the woman was sleeping.

The trip to the captain's quarters didn't take long. She stood outside and rang the chime.

Laying in her bed, Taliserra stirred ever so slightly but didn't wake up. In her crib nearby, Lashell was crying.

The nurse rang a few more times and then used her medical code to override and enter. She heard the baby crying and hurried to the room. Looking at the captain she hit her com. "Emergency medical team, Captain's quarters." She sighed and tapped her coms, "Nurse Vala to Commander Radak."

Radak tapped his com. "Commander Radak, here."

"The captain is down. We're taking her to Sickbay. She's coded Yellow for now."

"Shit..." Radak responded. "I apologize. I am on my way to the Ambassador's quarters now. The other side of this conflict is getting impatient. Is she conscious?" He wasn't exactly sure how serious medical yellow was.

"Negative sir. I will contact Doctor Polaris. Give her an update. I understand that Doctor Stephens has agreed to help and they are close to finding a cure."

"Thank goodness. Please keep me informed." Radak took a deep breath again. He hadn't exactly been prepared to take over when he went to the bridge, but that was exactly where he was now. He continued to the Ambassador's quarters to discuss the other side of the conflict.

The nurse acknowledged, just as the medical team finished loading the captain on a gravi bed. She was happy to see that the Assistant CMO had been called in too. The woman was sharp. She followed along with the Captain's baby in her arms. This was going to be a difficult thing to get past. She hoped that Doctor Polaris and her team would find the answer soon.


Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer

Lieutenant Sika
Chief Operations Officer

Ensign Bracca
[npc Taliserra]

Nurse Vala


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