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A small clue

Posted on Sun Apr 14th, 2019 @ 2:21am by Lieutenant Seleya
Edited on on Sun Apr 14th, 2019 @ 2:38am

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Sickbay - Cmo's office


Seleya took a sip of her peppermint tea and sat down in the CMO’s chair. An uncomfortable feeling settled on her. She’d always wanted to be the CMO….just not like this.

She sighed, “Computer open medical log.”

There was a chirp that told her it was ready.

“Acting chief medical officer’s log. Nearly half of the crew is ill with this virus and a third are carriers. We have lost ten thus far and seven more are critical. We’ve had one spontaneous recovery and a serum is being prepared as I speak.”

She sipped her drink and then continued, “It appears that the Ambassador is to blame. His aid was brought suffering with the symptoms and confided in me that she was not to get ill. It seems, she had given an antidote or rather a dose of serum that was to keep her from getting ill.”

Seleya stood and walked around the tiny office, “It appears that due to the mutation of this illness the serum did not work for her. I have spoken with security and they are now investigating, lensing out an answer to all this madness. Samples have been taken to Doctor Edwards to aid him in producing the serum. I am anxious to get everyone well. We have lost so much.”

Seleya’s mind went to Galatea and she took a moment to collect her thoughts.

“Not many know of the Doctor Polaris’ passing yet. I have asked the commander to join me when his duties permit. I feel….”

It was strange to say she felt but she did. “I feel the loss of Doctor Polaris. I saw her as a friend. I have yet to inform her family. I have a few days to prepare what I am to say. There is also the matter of Nurse Payton who was in love with her. How will I tell him?”

She sat back down. “This has been a strain on all and I, for one, am going to be pleased when the crew recovers. I have…never been more tired than I am now. Everyone is working so hard. The medical staff has been pushed to the limits. The strength of the men and women I work with has me in awe. It proves that this crew, this ship, is more than a crew and ship, they are a family and there is nothing that they wouldn’t do for one another. We will get through this.”

She sighed, “Computer save and file log.” She finished her drink and then headed back out to the main sickbay. There were still patients to tend to.


Lt Seleya
Asst Chief medical officer


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