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Search for a cure: part 3

Posted on Tue Apr 16th, 2019 @ 5:13pm by Lieutenant Seleya & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D
Edited on on Wed Apr 17th, 2019 @ 10:02am

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Science Labs 3 and 4
Timeline: TBD

The work was painstaking and proceeded slowly but with the hour there were signs of a breakthrough. Stephens returned after a few hours. The door to Edward's lab hissing open and he strolling in. "I am cured....I think." He gave Edwards the tricorder. "Please confirm it."

Holding the tricorder with shakes hands hoping it wasn’t to be too good true Anthony said. “Just a few hours to late. It certainly seems you are cured Doctor.”

He sighed, "Indeed. We can start producing the serum. Can you take care of that. I need to speak with Doctor Seleya about how we'll distribute."

“Certainly Doctor, have you transported Galatea to medical yet?” Anthony asked as he set the computer to start working on the serum.

He shook his head. "She is still in the lab."

As he heard this Anthony removed his isolation suit he used the first hypospray on himself before he moved between the labs to see Galatea slumped on the floor where she had fallen off the chair. Picking her up he held her as a loving friend before setting her back on the chair. =^=Lieutenant Edwards to Medical, two to beam directly to sick bay from Doctor Polaris’s location. Full contamination procedures.=^= He knew Hunter was likely in medical but the safety of the uncontaminated crew must be preserved.

The transporter shimmered and the two materialized in a quiet area of sickbay. Edwards was met by Doctor Seleya. The young Vulcan took in the scene. "Doctor Edwards." She looked over at Galatea's body. "Over there. The morgue table please." It was already laid out. Seleya had known this was coming and took great care to ready everything.

Anthony carried her Galatea to the Morgue table that was indicated and he said “Doctor Seleya, I believe between myself and Doctor Stephens we may have found a cure . I got the first dose and more is being produced in the Science labs I just wanted to make sure she got here safely.”

Seleya gave a nod. "You were friends?"

“Not as closely as Nurse Payton, keep an eye on him. Seeing her on the Doctor Polaris on the slab could send him over the edge too.” Anthony said. “I’m not a human health scientist but One thing we can be completely convinced off is that it was the virus that killed her. Medical staff will be the first to receive the along with those that have made it here alive then those up on the bridge as soon as get enough of the serum sythesised.”

She gave a nod. "We have had one spontaneous recovery."

“Oh who was that? If we can we get a blood sample from them we may get an antidote for comparison, to see if we have ours right.” Anthony said. “Again to late for the Doctor but good to have none the less.”

"Security officer. Betazoid man. Alexander." She walked over to a table and pulled a few vials. "Here you go, three samples. It was odd. I do not think it was related to this. I believe it was due to Galatea's death that he recovered."

“Yes it could well be exactly that, as a betazoid she was very empathic and as an El Aurian she can choose death and hopefully she has chosen death for a life.” Anthony said.

Seleya gave a nod. "Once the cure is replicated I will go ahead and administer. Mr. Edwards thank you for your work on this. If you need anything from medical to get the serum replicated consider it yours."

"Thank you Doctor Salaya, I will let you know if anything is needed. I shall leave you to the autopsy. They were the reason why I stayed out of medicine. Blood and skinned knees I can deal with the icky inside stuff isn't what I call pleasant to look at." Anthony said as he grabbed a respirator to get back to the science labs just as a precaution.

Seleya watched him go. She turned to Doctor Polaris. "I am so sorry Galatea." She took the woman's hand in an uncharacteristic show of emotion. "You will be missed everyday."

Anthony smiled, he didn’t feel overly joyous at losing a friend but at least they were on top of whatever it was. He expected the smile was at getting his romantic partner and civilian scientist back. He stopped by the mess and got a sandwich as he went back to the science labs to check on the serum production levels.


Lt(jg) Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief Science Officer


Doctor Seleya
Chief Medical Officer


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