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Closing remarks

Posted on Tue Apr 30th, 2019 @ 4:24am by Captain Taliserra Tigran
Edited on on Thu May 2nd, 2019 @ 12:50pm

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - Captains ready room
Timeline: 4th march 2395

Computer begin recording

Captain's log stardate 72171.9

Negotiations were concluded successfully between the Yatal and Kurai people and we have spent the last couple of days providing humanitarian assistance to the Kurai at their request and now we are on our way to return Ambassador Al'mek to the Yatal homeworld.

We replicated a considerable amount of consumables for the Kurai, it was nowhere near the amount they require, but it should help keep them going until they can step back from their war economy and focus on their people again and get the longer term help from the Yatal as we outlined in our discussions.

As a show that both sides are going to follow the tenants laid out in the treaty the Kurai have released a large number of their prisoners into our care to return to the Yatal homeworld and Ambassador Al'mek has asked if we can do the same with some Kurai prisoners. This is a good sign, but I hope they keep it up after we leave. We will have to send a delegation to provide further assistance later on.

We are going to have a memorial service for the crew we lost to the virus. I believe I should ask Commander Radak to conduct it however, after the last one I don't think I can handle another one so soon.

I've sent a message to command asking for orders, as with this being a special assignment, we were not given anything to attend to after finishing here. Until I receive a response saying otherwise, I plan on reverting to our original purpose and doing some exploring, as after giving aid to the Kurai, we have enough supplies left on board for another month or so and this area of space has never been fully explored.

Hopefully things will be less dramatic and we can have a nice and easy time exploring the nearby system or one of the nebulas we passed.

Computer, end log.


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