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Tractor beams at the ready, prepare to board- part 1

Posted on Sun Oct 4th, 2020 @ 1:18am by Ensign Will Raynada & Ensign Amanda Turell & Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron
Edited on on Tue Oct 27th, 2020 @ 4:50am

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Transporter room 1
Timeline: during 'arrival at kappa-4'


Amelia stood in the transporter room waiting on the remainder of her team. The doors parted and she turned to see Gabriel enter pushing a cart full of weapons and ordinance. She nodded, gratified to see her old shipmate was still as through as ever.

“Rifles, pistols and stun grenades?” Amelia asked looking over the two crates on the anti-grav cart.

“As you requested Lieutenant, the grenades are set for concussive detonation and smoke. If it goes boom it’s because the defaults were overridden.” He said popping a case open and checking the rifle before handing it to her. “I have enough here for each team lead to have three grenades, as there’s only six of us going over. I planned for two team leads with three men each.” He eyed her to see if she objected. "Also, no breaching charges."

"You dont have a breaching charge?" Amelia asked with an eyebrow raised.

"No Ma'am, it's not war time. Fleeties don't get the fun stuff when there's not a war going on. That's reserved for the crayon eaters." he retorted locking eyes with her for a moment before returning to passing out equipment.

"What do you mean by that Chief?" she replied.

"I mean I've filled out the SF-210/D in triplicate and sent it to the Chief of the department numerous times to requisition breaching charges, shaped chargers, spare grenades and spare power cells. On the 'it's better to have it and not need it principle' and it always gets kicked back down to me denied." his voice dripped with controlled loathing

"Well to hell with that send it back up and I'll push it through." Amelia said a little heat in her voice at the idea that the ship didn't have what she needed.

"Do not play with my emotions like that Lieutenant, that's just cruel." Gabe said as his eyes snapped up to look at the Lieutenant.

"I'll get them if I have to twist every arm in crimson I can find." she replied with calm confidence.

“Now you are correct, Team one will be myself, you and Ensign Theodore. Team two will be Ensigns Turell and Raynada with P.O. Hernandez. We go to the bridge while they secure Engineering and secure the computer core.” Amelia said as he issued her three grenades and a side arm.

Stood beside Amelia Amanda eyed Gabe up slightly, hoping he'd remembered to bring her personalised rifle and not a generic type IV.

Gabe grunted as he felt Amanda's eyes on him. "It's under the top set Ensign, lift that tab and get your baby." he looked up and made eye contact "Do not damage her this time yeah."

Smiling Amanda went into the storage case and pulled out her rifle.

"I'm here." Came a male voice as the doors opened again and Will Raynada came through them, the call to join the boarding team had caught him off guard, he'd only had time to grab some basic equipment before running to the transporter room.

Amelia looked to the man who was coming through the doors. "Excellent, you will be with Ensign Turell's team tasked with securing the Engineering section and computer core. The CO apparently has a hard-on for this ships database."

Will nodded. "Understood Lieutenant."

"Stick with me Will and you'll be fine." Amanda told her friend giving him a reassuring smile, she couldn't remember Will ever being in a firefight before.

"What are we expecting over there?" Hernendez asked as he grabbed a rifle and sidearm for himself.

"Unknown, we are unable to penetrate their scattering field. So we will be running blind. Though I think we have a decent idea of what the layout should be by running comparisons by similarly classed ships. What we think has been uploaded onto our tricorders to assist with navigation." Amelia said as she looked over the group assembled.

"Six of us versus an unknown amount of people, sounds like fun." Theodore chuckled slightly.

"All set here." Amada reported after double checking both her own gear and Wills.

"Ready to go." Hernendez added.

Amelia nodded and looked to the transporter tech as she moved to take her place on the transporter and the others joined her. She tapped her combadge to open a link to the bridge.

=/\= Barron to bridge. =/\= she paused a beat to get a response then continued. =/\= We are ready to transport to the frigate. I request you execute the shield disruption so we can get over. =/\=

=/\= Firing in 3,2,1. Firing.=/\= came the response from the bridge.

"Energize, when able." she said as she readied her rifle.

"I have a lock," The crewman manning the transporter console reported. "Energizing."



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