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The great intelligence continuum

Posted on Sat Nov 21st, 2020 @ 2:17pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran
Edited on on Mon Dec 14th, 2020 @ 6:57pm

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Deck 1- Captains ready room
Timeline: 3rd April 2395 - 0800hrs


Slipping into her chair in the ready room Taliserra turned the computer screen to face her, while they had the data from the research base and the computer core from the pirate ship she felt they needed more information and she knew if anywhere would have anything useful starfleet intelligence might. "Computer open me a secure channel to starfleet intelligence."

=/\= Working, channel open =/\=

Sitting at her desk and humming the jingle to Slug-O-cola, the slimiest cola in the galaxy, Intelligence Lieutenant Brexa was alerted to an incoming transmission, her finely tuned 'lobes' caught the sound split seconds before the computer alerted her to the incoming transmission. She took a sip of her raktajino, placed it aside, and straightened her uniform.

It was of course a secure channel as nothing came into or went out of Starfleet Intelligence without the utmost security. It was as secure as the vaults of Bolarus and in some cases perhaps even more secure. "Starfleet Intelligence, this is Lieutenant Brexa, to whom am I addressing?"

"Captain Tigran, USS Wolff. Alpha Sigma 154." Taliserra replied, reeling off her security clearance. Intelligencers were always a secure lot not letting a single word to leave their mouthes without a security clearance.

Oooo a Captain thought Brexa. She was still relishing in the recent promotion that took her up into monitoring comms, handling inquiries and requests. "One moment Captain Tigran," Brexa replied as she tapped away at her console. She input the authorization code and then proceeded to use the woman's voice for additional security measures. The code checked out and voice authorization was confirmed.

"Alpha Sigma 154," the Ferengi squealed and cackled. "Starfleet needs to give you a much more secure code, nevertheless Captain, your identity has been confirmed by these...primitive Hu-mon defenses" the Ferengi added with a sharp critique.

The Ferengi reclined slightly in her seat, grabbed her mug of raktajino and humored the Captain. "How may Starfleet Intelligence assist you today, Captain Tigran?"

"I'm looking for information about this symbol." Taliserra sent the image they'd picked out on the pirate ship over to the intel officer. "We indentified it on a pirate ship that attacked a research base 2 light years from Starbase 54. And we believe the same group attacked a dilithium transport a few months ago."

The Ferengi's eyes widened as she looked at the symbol in question. "Charming," she replied somewhat sarcastically. "I would not be surprised if they were responsible and pirate is putting it...delicately," the Ferengi said shaking her head.

"I will search the Federation database to provide you whatever they have, Captain, but if I cannot turn up too much in the Federation database, I can pull you some favors and contact the Ferengi Alliance. I am aware of this symbol and I know 'my people' have done 'business with them' from time to time at least" added Brexa.

"Who are they?" Taliserra asked, she was glad that they were aware of the people behind the image but if they were actually willing to tell her about them was another question entirely.

"Bad news," replied Brexa. "They are not pirates, at least not in the traditional sense; however, if paid for said services then I am sure they would commit acts of piracy. What you are dealing with are mercenary privateers, and they will flinch to kill. They are known as the Dead Skull Privateers."

"Privateers," Taliserra huffed. "fancy name for 'legalised' pirates. What can you tell me about them?"

"Pirates will kill for wealth," Brexa countered. "Individuals who work for the Dead Skill Privateers kill for fun and contract. They slaughter, they mutilate, and they do whatever the hell they want. I would avoid if I were you, but I am taking you do not have that luxury, Captain."

"These attacks do not have those kind of traits." Taliserra countered. "They were very pinpoint. No one was killed on the transport they hit or the research base, they were after specific things. A set of very well refined dilithium crystals and a prototype extremely fine sensor array."

"One can never tell what a mercenary group like them will do except that if they want their payment in full, they will likely adhere to their contractual obligations line by line, Captain" replied the Ferengi. "If they are instructed not to kill, then they will likely avoid it. Whatever the case may be, that symbol is theirs. I'll find you whatever information I can."

"Do you have any leads on to who they are working for currently." Taliserra asked, even the slightest hint could help track them down.

"Who aren't they working for is a more narrowing question," replied Brexa shrugging a bit. "They have had business dealings with the Orion Syndicate, Ferengi Alliance, and various others. I do not suspect they are mutually exclusive either. I would practically bet my lobes they have multiple contracts from different parties concurrently."

That answer didn't help at all. "Is there anyone specific that is operating in this or a nearby sector, all the attacks I know of have been around here?" She asked.

"Tikhar Mahan," the Ferengi squealed and licked her sharp yellow-green teeth. "But that is off the record. I cannot confirm that yet. It is something Starfleet Intelligence is currently looking into."

"Tikhar Mahan," Taliserra repeated, the name didn't ring any bells. "Does intel have a stance on him or the privateers yet? I want to go after the ships that attack the base."

The Ferengi grunted and squirmed in her seat. "It is a no go on Tikhar Mahan. Intel is still openly investigating that avenue, and we need to be by the book. The mercenaries; however, are of little interest to us. We have bigger grubs to fry. I will send you what we have on them and let you proceed at your discretion."

Taliserra smiled glad there were no objections to her taking on the mercenaries. "Good, thank you. Send me what information you have on them and keep me informed if the stance on Tikhar changes."

"Transmitting to you now, Captain. It is encrypted of course, but you'll be able decrypt it and access it with your command codes. Disperse the information to your crew as needed. Any additional information I come across I'll pass along your way, though it may take some time."

Remaining silent for a few seconds Taliserra spoke again when her screen reported the incoming data transmission was completed. "I have the data. Thank you for your assistance Lt Brexa."

The Ferengi smirked. "It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Captain" replied the lieutenant. "Good luck on tracking down the mercenaries" she added. "Brexa out."

Taliserra sat back in her chair, she hoped the information had something useful in it, she opened the file Brexa sent and started to read through it.


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Brexa
Starfleet Intelligence
(written by Deepak El Azar)


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