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Better late than never

Posted on Sun Feb 28th, 2021 @ 7:47am by Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Sickbay

Summer walked into Sickbay looking around rather guiltily at the fact that she was so late appearing for her medical. She’d even managed to avoid her psych evaluation but she was certain that was about to catch up with her as well.

Lieutenant Nicoletti was in the Chief Medical Officer's office when the woman walked in, triggering the lieutenant to stop what she was doing and setting the PaDD aside as she exited the officer and greeted the woman. "Hello there," Mariposa said pleasantly with a small smile. "Lieutenant...?"

“Wyse” She smiled warmly. “Summer Wyse, my apologies for taking so long, I’m here for my medical. As a Counsellor I should know better!”

"Ah, the new Ship's Counsellor. Welcome to the Wolff, Summer," replied Lieutenant Nicoletti. She extended her hand "Mariposa Nicoletti, but you can call me Mari. I'm the Head Nurse for the Wolff."

“It’s nice to meet you Mari” Summer shook the hand being extended in her direction. “Do we have a Chief Medical Officer or do those arriving for medicals fall under your care?”

The woman smiled "I'm a nurse practitioner, so you are in good hands," Mari said with a bit of reassurance. "But, we are still waiting for a Chief Medical Officer. It's been a hectic past few months. Our most recent Chief Medical Officer came, saw, and fizzled out," explained Mariposa.

She gestured the woman to a vacant biobed. "Your predecessor is strange one, but he left to go back to Earth. He was a civilian, expressed interest in the vacant Chief Medical Officer position, but needs a commission to do so. Last I spoke to him, he had gotten accepted into an Officer Candidate School through the Academy. In a few months, if he passes, he will have the commission needed. He already had the degrees for it...two in fact," Mari said shaking her head. The man was peculiar, to say the least. She was still finding bottles of organs, leeches, and oddities amongst the medical supplies.

“Sounds like an interesting character” Summer smiled as she took a seat on the nearest biobed. “There are times when civilians are required to fill in, especially when Starfleet is hard pushed for available people.”

"Definitely was true during the Dominion War," she replied with a smile. "Doctor El-Azar was strange. Very social, but very weird," Mari said with a perplexed expression on her face. "Something about not having practiced medicine in several years and the Captain not trusting him unless he held rank. I do not know what the story is between those two, but if you are the new Counsellor, you may want to pry a bit into it. The captain is a difficult one to crack."

“Hmm I’ll have to think of the Captain as a difficult case then” Summer nodded. “Thank you for the heads up. So as part of medical is there anyone you think I should speak to as a matter of importance?”

"Some of the crew have been here longer than I have. Dr. El-Azar was a civilian researcher before he held your position. He was thrust into it when several members of the crew were killed from some sort of virus. Those that were here aboard during that time likely need continued Counselling, but I am sure Deepak had left you plenty in what is now your office."

Summer nodded. “Thank you, I’ll give all the files and records a thorough read through.” She massaged her temples. “I don’t suppose you’d have anything handy for a headache?”

"Always," replied Mari. "I tend to have something around for the telepaths and empaths aboard. Some are still overwhelmed by the 'voices' of others," added Mari as she headed over to a medical cabinet and opened it.

"Ah," she said aloud. "Deepak has been in here. Leeches, tonics, elixirs," Mari shook her head as she closed the cabinet and loaded up a hypospray. "This ought to numb that headache for you." Mari pressed the hypo against the woman's neck.

“Thank you” Summer smiled. “It’s a little more complicated for me, I developed my abilities early on in life. High stress is a normal every day event for me but I try to just get on with my life. I spent a lot of time in hospitals when I was younger for treatment.”

Mari nodded. "Well, then we will just continue treating you as needed and I would like to see you on a regular basis, just to be safe. Once a month should do fine," added the woman who then fetched a medical tricorder and Bagan taking some basic readings of her patient.

"Have these headaches been any worse than usual or just par for the course?" inquired Mariposa. As much as making conversation, she was also seeing about the woman's medical situation.

“It’s worse when I arrive at new places, until I adjust.” Summer offered a smile. “But it doesn’t help with control when I’m tired. In emergencies I keep an inhibitor handy but I don’t like to use it, it makes me feel ... cut off.”

"Which for someone with your abilities can be crippling lonely," replied Mariposa. "I knew a Betazoid once who suffered a traumatic brain injury. She was otherwise fine, but her abilities had all but numbed entirely "

Continuing with readings, Mariposa closed the tricorder. "Aside from your headache, you appear to be in otherwise good health. I'm not seeing anything that would keep you from your duties," noted Mariposa with a smile.

“That’s good” Summer nodded and smiled. “So how did that Betazoid you knew end up? As you said being numb is completely debilitating for any Betazoid.”

"I'm not entirely sure," replied the woman. "Last I knew of her, she was on a spiritual journey trying to find herself."

Summer nodded. “I prefer to just put up with the headaches and get on with my life. I’m one of the luckier ones. Hence why I chose Counselling as a career, it seemed to make sense.”

"Good career choice," Mariposa replied. "I wouldn't be good at it though. I'll stick to this. I don't think I could handle everyone's 'problems' and help them sort through years of personal issues."

“Well we Betazoids seem to have a knack for it and helping others helps me.” Sky smiled warmly.

"True," Mariposa yielded. "Betazoids tend to have that specialty unless they go darker or experience an event that truly alters them." The woman didn't mean anything offensive. "Not that I'm worried you will."

“I certainly hope not” Sky looked concerned. “I have heard of such things but I’ve worked hard to control my abilities and my impulses. I don’t ever intend to give in to anything dark.”

"Good," replied Mariposa as she started to pack the equipment away. "All in all you are in good health and fit for duty, but if you need anything, please feel free to stop by Sickbay anytime."

Sky nodded and smiled. “Thank you and I will if I need to.”

Mariposa nodded and went about putting everything away. She was looking forward to a bit of peace and quiet aboard the Wolff. At least she could hope for as much.


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