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Promoting from within 2

Posted on Fri Jan 8th, 2021 @ 1:41pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Petty Officer 1st Class Miranda Fry

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Deck 1- Captains ready room
Timeline: 3rd April 2395 1430 ish


After Rodis left Taliserra sat back in her chair, rubbed her eyes and sipped her tea. "Okay, what's next." she said to Miranda.

"We need a chief counsellor," Miranda replied. "The replacement for Lt Annestri had been redirected to the USS Bolivia."

"The Bolivia, why is it always the new ships that get priority on crew?" Taliserra mused. "What are our options?"

"As you know, Deepak had been doing the role quite well but if you wanted an actual officer for it, then we have...." Miranda checked her Padd. "Ensigns Val'daran and Kelly. They have the qualifications but not much experience. Or Lieutenant Wyse."

"That name does seem familiar, transferred from the Washington right?"

"Yes, she arrived about a week ago after 4 years on the Washington and another 4 on the Palatine."

"Certainly sounds like our best choice." Taliserra said then took another sip of tea before tapping her combadge. =/\= Tigran to Lieutenant Wyse. =/\=

Summer was sitting at her desk pouring over the usual counselling reports when the Captains voice came over the comms. =/\= Wyse here Captain. =/\=

=/\= Would you come to my ready room.=/\=

=/\= Of course Captain, I’m on my way. =/\= Getting up from her desk Summer couldn’t help but wonder if she’d done something wrong or something just right. Heading out of the office it didn’t take her long to reach the bridge. Stepping out of the turbolift her gaze met Nilo’s as he was leaving the bridge. Her surprise was now well and truly out. Not having time to chat she made her way across to the ready room and pressed the chime, waiting for an answer.

"Come in." Came Taliserra's voice from the other side of the door.

Walking in Summer smiled politely. “Lieutenant Summer Wyse reporting as ordered Captain.”

"Please sit down Lieutenant." Taliserra said.

Summer nodded and took a seat in front of the desk. “Thank you ma’am”

"I find myself suddenly in need of a new chief counsellor Lieutenant." Taliserra told her, deciding this time to get straight to the point as her tiredness was catching up to her. "And you would seem to fit the bill."

“Me? Chief Counsellor!” Summer sat looking like a deer in the headlights before she took a deep breath and relaxed. “I would be honoured Captain. I’ve always wanted to earn the position of Chief Counsellor and you obviously wouldn’t be asking unless you thought I was the right person.” Her dark eyes, the a-typical trait of he Betazoid heritage rested on Taliserra. “May I ask is everything alright Captain? You look worn out.”

"Getting woken up at 0200 hours to come and investigate this research base was not fun. I was just going to get some rest when I get a message from starfleet that the new crew I'd requested weren't coming." Taliserra explained. "Of course I decided to deal with this first rather than get some rest, a decision I'm starting to regret."

Summer nodded. “In that case my first duty as your new Chief Counsellor is to advise you to get some rest. As Captain you’re the Lynch pin here, the one that holds everything together, you have a First Officer for a reason.”

"Believe me, my quarters is my first stop as soon as I'm finished here." Taliserra said knowing that a counsellor would have given her that advice "At least for a few hours while until our scan results come in."

“May I ask more about our mission Captain? I missed out on the staff briefing so I don’t have any background to go on.”

"There wasn't much of a briefing, I barely had any information myself." Taliserra told her. "Starbase 54 wanted us to investigate the Kappa-4 research base, they had one quiet which wasn't like them. They had been attacked and a prototype sensor array was stolen." She motioned to the Tukefra nebula whose grey smokiness could be seen out of her window Right now we're investigating this nebula as a potential hiding place based on information we recovered."

Summer nodded. “So right now we’re pretty much going by what we find.” She shrugged her shoulders. “I intend to be on the bridge to help where I can but I need to assess the counselling department first. Do we have any other counselling staff scheduled from Starfleet?”

Taliserra shook her head. "No but there are two other medical staff with appropriate qualifications but they don't have the experience."

"Well if they have the qualifications it's a start." Summer smiled. "If you could send me their details I'll contact them with a view to have them as part of the counselling department if needed. I don't want to pull them away from other duties unless absolutely necessary."

"They will be sent to the computer in your new office." Taliserra smiled slightly.

“Thank you Captain” Summer smiled warmly. “I’m looking forward to being a part of the senior staff.”

Taliserra slowly stood up. "Now I don't want to make it seem like I'm rushing through this but I am very tired and need to get some rest so you are dismissed Lieutenant."

Summer stood ready to depart. “Thank you Captain. Enjoy your rest.” With that she headed on her way.


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

LTjg Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor


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