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Hide and seek- the finale

Posted on Sat Mar 27th, 2021 @ 10:13am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Ensign Debbie Larson & Ensign Amanda Turell & Ensign Cameron Kore & Ensign Daniel Franklin & Civilian Selene Devore & Civilian Jessica Haugen & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Lieutenant Nilo Rodis & Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Lieutenant JG Darzen Kail & Lieutenant JG Evelyn Kees & Civilian James Sulu

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Various
Timeline: Directly following Part 3


Watching the sensors which were mainly watching the asteroid with the supply station on it and he missed a coded message going out. As it registered he did a sweep but was too late as some of the larger more distant asteroids started to explode. As soon as Anthony was able to catch up with them he shouted "CAPTAIN WE HAVE TO GET OUT OUT OF HERE ASTEROIDS ARE EXPLODING." At this point, there was no escaping them unscathed as they were too close to the bigger ones which expectantly meant they had larger charges within them. Finally, he saw it happening "Captain that stations not going to be there much longer. We're not going to get any simple clues about those stolen sensors." At that point, he shut down the primary sensors and transferred all science power to shields.

"What!" Taliserra exclaimed completely surprised at what the mercs were resorting to. "Helm full reverse, emergency power to shields." She watched the sensor display on her chairs screen, a rumbling wave of explosions and colossal chunks of asteroid headed towards the Wolff from both sides.

Hearing the Captain's orders above the din being created, Nilo re-routed emergency power to the shields and nodded once he received a confirmation that the process was complete. "Captain, emergency power diverted to the shields," he confirmed.

"That's not good," she said to herself as she shunted power from the weapons and any other systems she could get ahold of into the shields. Her eyes went to the read out of the shield generators and assigned a rotating third to reduce power levels for a microsecond, the second third to remain at normal levels and the final third to pulse out. This she knew theoretically would reduce strain on a rotating third of shield generators to help them stay operational for a longer time.

Slowly increasing speed the Wolff began to reverse out of the asteroid field, more explosions registered on the sensor readouts as more and more charges detonated inside the asteroids

The ship began to rumble and shake as the rolling tide of fire and debris got closer. “All hands, brace for impact,” Taliserra called out on the shipwide channel as it engulfed the ship.


Summer was in the lift en route to the bridge as the ship started to shake and toss about, as the doors opened she was unceremoniously tossed out of the lift and onto the floor of the bridge. She quickly got to her feet and scrambled over to her seat trying not to get floored a second time.

On the Bridge, Nilo tried to hold on to the Operations station as the ship was engulfed by the explosions from the Asteroids making contact and before he knew it, he lost all balance and was thrown to the floor as the Ops station sent sparks flying and then the console exploded. Trying to find his balance as he tried to get up, Nilo felt a burning sensation as he managed to find a grip.

Once he was upright, he stumbled across to the Auxiliary Ops station, which was still functional. Looking at his right hand, Nilo could see a few burns and some blood where the skin had been split. Pulling out a handkerchief from his pocket, he grimaced as he wrapped around his hand and tried to ignore the pain in his left shoulder, which was throbbing after making contact with the deck itself.

Taliserra was flung from the center chair, landing on her face with a thud several meters away, she rolled onto her back and felt a small trickle of blood down her forehead from a small cut but she appeared unhurt. Pulling herself up to her knees she tried to return to the chair, her thoughts quickly went to her daughter in the crib in her quarters, she hoped her mother had kept her safe.

Anthony watched as a few of his colleagues had been thrown to the floor. He checked he had brought the pain hypospray in his very small first aid kit. He quickly moved to Lieutenant Rodis and quietly said to him "For the pain" and gently pressed the trigger as it rested on his shoulder. He quickly returned to the science station and kept his eyes on the console to keep the ship out of as many explosions as he could.

Nilo nodded as he righted himself on the deck and smiled a little as Edwards administered the hypospray to him. It helped with the pain but it was clear that there was more going on with his shoulder than it looked from the outside. His hit on the deck had done more damage than he expected.

Summer could feel Nilo’s pain, she had watched as Anthony had given Nilo a hypo grateful he’d had something for his injuries. She stood and moved around to the Ops station to assist as best as she could. “Nilo, let me help!” She wanted to hold him and offer comfort but the bridge wasn’t the place for that. She was fully Ops trained and Nilo was injured, right now he needed her.

"Summer, transfer Ops to the Auxiliary Operations station," he said between taking breaths. "The main Ops station is offline after the main EPS system leading to the console blew out," he explained. He was glad that Summer was there and also glad that she was trained in Operations, he felt safe allowing her to take over.

Amelia had dropped to one knee shoving her shoulder under her station wedging herself there so she wouldn't get tossed about the bridge like a rag doll. Her plan worked but it cost her the use of her left arm as all of her weight slammed against her shoulder and the console dislocating the shoulder and popping it out of joint. She bit back a scream as the ship shook and lightning bolts of pain went through her body as each shake lit her nerves up like a Christmas Tree.

Radak was tossed out of his chair and slammed into the deck. The air was forced from his lungs in the impact and for a moment he couldn’t breathe. He slowly forced himself to his knees, gasping, and trying to comprehend what was going around him. He reached out towards Taliserra. “Captain?”

"I'm alright Commander." She put a hand to the small cut on her head. "Just a scratch." She pulled herself back into the centre chair. "Get us level, Ensign."

"I'm working on it Captain," the helmsman said, the ship was still spinning, but the internal dampners and gravity plating were just about keeping the crew from spinning anymore.

Radak also pulled himself back into his seat. He surveyed the bridge in a sort of daze before he could take a deep breath and get his bearings. There was a medical kit and a medical tricorder on the bridge and he forced himself to his feet and toward the kit.

=========Civilian Quarters==========

James Sulu, named for two of the best Captains, James Kirk and his relative Hikaru Sulu, in Starfleet and related to one through a second exemplary helmsman Demora Sulu. He did what all civilians were expected to do when the Red alert started, as a non fleet civilian he was expected to head home seeing as most places of leisure were powered down he had locked down the kitchen and went back to his quarters. He started drawing up menus as he was paid by Starfleet to be a chef which meant he had lots of time to plan new menus that he knew there would be plenty of time to start trying once the alert was downgraded. He however was not enjoying being rocked by explosions but was glad he was not close to the hull as another one rocked the ship.

Safe in her own quarters Jessica heard the 'brace for impact' call and hit the deck knowing she'd probably end up there either way. She heard the sound of some of her personal stash of alcohol smashing on the floor alongside most of her other personal effects. She hoped the bottles in the lounge were holding up better.

From the moment the red alert siren had sounded Selene had gone to Lashell’s side and kept a close watch on her, when she heard Taliserra's voice call 'brace for impact' she grabbed Lashell out of the crib and finding the safest place she could held her tightly against her chest.

As the final explosions rocked the ship, James was caught partway through bracing for impact when a violent shudder threw across his room. As he was thrown into the wall he flattened his nose against his face and lacerating the skin on the left eyebrow, as he landed against the bulkhead that was the open entrance to his bedroom. Quickly grabbing a towel to stem the blood as best he could, he knew this was like just cutting himself in the kitchen so he made his way to sickbay.

====== Engineering ======

“EVERYONE BRACE FOR IMPACT!” Darzen called out again as soon as it came around the loud speaker. He grabbed the nearest railing for both hands as the ship rocket violently and things exploded around him. He was swept off his feet and cracked his head on the railing on the way down. His bell was rung pretty hard and for a moment he saw stars, but he forced his way back to his feet. “Lock it down!” he called and went for his tools.

Being most of the way inside a jefferies tube hedging back into main engineering Debbie got off somewhat lightly when the ship threw the crew around, being forced up against the top of the tube then being slammed down more than three times before things steadied. She checked herself, her hands felt a little iffy but nothing felt broken. Slowly she crawled out of the tube and flopped out onto the deck of engineering and tried to catch her breath.

“Debbie you alright?” one of the other engineers asked, after coming over to check on her.

“Yeah, I’m good,” Debbie replied. “Just got the wind knocked out of me. Give me a hand would you.”

With help Debbie got to her feet, she slowly moved to the railing around the warp core and held it to keep herself stable and started shouting instructions to her engineering team. “Che’tar, check the fusion generators are still running, they’ll want everything they can to the engines. Kendricks, go to antimatter storage, check the pods are intact, everyone else check the board for damage control.”

=/\= Medical team to Engineering.=/\= Someone called from the upper level, Debbie looked up in the direction of the voice, someone must have been injured pretty good, her whole body suddenly went dizzy and her grip slackened on the rail and she dropped onto her backside on the deck.

With the Sickbay staff busy Eve answered the call =/\= Understood someone will be with you as soon as possible =/\= That someone turned out to be herself. She grabbed a medkit and another medically trained member of staff and headed to engineering.

Walking into Engineering a few minutes later Eve made her way over to Debbie after seeing her sitting on the deck, the young woman who’d accompanied her headed to check on others. “Can you tell me what happened to you?” She looked at Debbie then at Tricorder.

“I’m alright doc,” Debbie told Eve looking up at the woman. “Must have gotten bashed about more than I thought, guess I blacked out.” She tried to wave her off “I think someone up top needs you more than I do."

“They’re being taken care of,” Eve smiled warmly. “You said you blacked out? Did you actually lose consciousness or just feel dazed?”

Debbie shook her head slightly, regretting it straight away as her head started pounding. "I don't know, I came out of the tube after the ship stopped spinning and stood at the rail, next minute I'm on the floor."

“Did you feel dizzy?” She looked at her readings. “Looks like you’ve got a mild concussion from all the banging around, some bruised ribs and other bruising too. Are you allergic to any pain relief?”

"Dizzy... yeah, just before I went down, lost my grip on the rail." Debbie told her trying to figure out just what had happened to her in the last few minutes. "I can take whatever you have in that kit."

Eve nodded. “The dizziness is due to the concussion. Now I’m going to give you some pain relief and something to keep you on your feet for now, I think dragging you off to Sickbay would be counterproductive right now. I want you in Sickbay as soon as you’re not needed here, once this wears off you’ll hit the deck whether you want to or not.” She loaded up her hypospray. “Understood?”

"Ok, I'll try and get there before it does." Reaching her hand up Debbie pulled the collar of her uniform down a little so Eve could get in easier with the hypo.

Eve pressed the hypo to Debbie’s neck. “There you go” she offered a hand to help Debbie get up.

A tingle flew across Debbie's entire body as the contents of the hypo coursed through her bloodstream, she took Eve's hand and pulled herself up to her feet leaning back against the bulkhead as her head spun for a little longer. Eventually she steadied and looked up at Eve. "That's quite the cocktail."

“It is indeed. The adrenaline punch will keep you going for now, but once it drops so will you. You’ll know when it starts to wear off.” Eve offered a smile. “I’ll see you in Sickbay later.”

"Debbie gave her body a flex as the tingle subsided. "I'll be there."

====== Sickbay ======

Only the threat of being tied to the bio bed had kept Amanda from leaping up and getting to her station when the red alert had been called; something she was regretting now as they would have stopped her from being catapulted to the floor when the ship jolted, she screamed in pain as she landed on her already injured shoulder.

Mariposa would have ended up in a similar state of being, had her quick medically reinforced reflexes not grabbed onto the nearest thing attached to the deck itself. Still, the force of the starship's movement had dislodged her and sent her flying a bit. "Some turbulence we are having today," the woman said shaking her head, getting back to her feet, and dusting herself off.

Of course her first priority was to Amanda. "Are you injured, dear?" she called out to the woman grabbing a tricorder from the floor and coming to Amanda's side. "Hopefully that's the last of it. I am not fond of rough space voyages."

Equipment had fallen out of storage lockers all around Sickbay. Trays were scattered about as though a bomb had gone off. A few consoles had exploded, but none of that mattered right now. Now, Mariposa had to check on her immediate patients. Then, she'd need to have a look at injury reports.

"You could say that." Amanda said through gritted teeth. "I can't feel a thing from my shoulder down."

"Then I suppose I don't need to say don't move," Mariposa replied, reaching the woman. She noticed the dislocation visually. "Well, you definitely dislocated that," she added as she took the tricorder and began scanning. "Fun..internal bleeding."

Amanda tried to laugh. "Back into surgery when this is over I guess then?" She gasped as another spike of pain went up her arm. “Come on, give me a hypo, I’ll be good for a while yet.”

"You promise?" replied Mariposa teasingly. She fetched a hypospray and loaded it up. "One hypo for you, dear, try not to move around too much."

Carefully Amanda shuffled herself around till she could lean against the biobed "I ain't going anywhere."

"Yeah yeah, they all say that," replied Mariposa. "Just don't injure yourself any further."

A few minutes after James Sulu, the civilian chef, left his quarters he arrived at sickbay bloody towel held beneath his nose, and over his left eyebrow. If his nose could be seen beneath the towel it was obviously flatter than normal indicating that in some way he had broken it. Getting to a biobed he collapsed onto it groggy from loss of blood.

"Should I ask to see how the other guy looks?" inquired Mariposa, but she was fairly confident that the man did not get into a fist fight with anyone. She observed as he got up onto the bio bed. "Excellent. I love submissive patients."

"The other man looked much like all the other bulkheads to sleeping quarters. As to laying on the biobed, I think that is more just cause it was that or the floor. Though as a Japanese young man that learned early that fists were no match for speed, a thousand strikes to the chest and stomach the way a sumo strikes will be much more damaging than ten solid knockout blows. The way the sumo's deliver them they could flail a chest in about twenty of them in reality." James said groggily.

"When you are going against gravity, the bulkhead or deck will win everytime," Mariposa said. "Let's have a look at you" she added, taking a tricorder and giving the man a scan. "Give me a moment and I'll see about repairing your nose so it doesn't heal improperly, wouldn't want you walking around with a crooked nose."

"A crooked nose might not affect my breathing all that much, except how much I snore, however, the sense of taste is implicitly tied to smell and taste is my only reason for being out here." James smiled, he knew Nurse Mariposa had enjoyed at least one of his meals over her normal replicated fair. "So I guess the gastronomy of the crew would be much appreciated of you for fixing my nose. Then I might even be persuaded to make you a nice meal out of my own appreciation."

"That and how effective is a Chef really if they can't smell?" she offered. "They say we eat with our eyes, but we often find out food by scent. If it doesn't smell good, are we really going to eat it?" The nurse added before beginning to realign his nose.

Gabe had flopped off the biobed as well. Though as he was unconscious at the time his body was limp and didn't break anything. Though the crashing about did leave him looking like he went twelve rounds with a heavyweight boxer. His crumpled body was between the beds as the ship returned to a stabilized flight.

After the ship stabilized Cameron ran over to Gabes side, she pulled her tricorder to check him over, he was going to have plenty of bruises but nothing was broken. She rolled him over onto his back. “Don’t you go anywhere Gabe.” She told him though in his unconscious sedated state he most definitely couldn’t.

"If they do, just strap them down" quipped Mariposa. "Getting to be a full house in here today."

====== Bridge =====

With some extremely skillful manipulation of the ship’s thrusters the helmsman slowly brought the Wolff's uncontrolled spin under control and returned the ship to a stable and level condition. "Helm reads all stop Captain." She reported after a big sigh of relief.

"Good work, Ensign," Taliserra said. "Status report, all sections."

"Flight control systems green, thrusters and impulse engines green," the helmsman gave her report.

"Life support is stable," Daniel added after pulling himself back to the second science station and checking the environmental systems. “SIF and IDF are stable.”

As the ship stabilized Amelia came out from under the console, reached around to her left side with her right hand and opened her IFK to pull out a shot of pain killer which she administered to herself as she started to go over the readouts from her station.

"We have two thirds shields, one third of the generators show to be offline, one third are close to dropping due to strain and one third are fine. Weapons are offline, unknown if that's just due to me having taken them off or if there was some other issue," Amelia chimed in.

"Sensors working the same as they have through it all captain. Though of course in a much reduced way as I handed over most power to Shields As soon as I get the power back I can use them for a scan of the area." Anthony said.

Summer offered Nilo a more relaxed smile. “Go to Sickbay and get yourself sorted, I can handle Ops until you get back.”

"Very well, you have Operations, keep me updated," Nilo admitted as he made his way to the turbolift. "Captain, I'll be in sickbay if you need me," Nilo added, nodding to her before he entered the turbolift

“Go ahead, Lieutenant,” Taliserra told Nilo.

“Ships systems are all over the place, Captain.” Summer looked at the Ops readouts. “Damage control teams are responding to repairs.” She looked at Nilo then back at Tigran. “I can manage Ops until Lieutenant Nilo has his injuries sorted.”

"Specifics, Lieutenant," Taliserra told Summer, she wondered how Summer had even ended up on the bridge, she hadn't called for her or anyone from medical and the bridge wasn't the woman's primary, secondary or even tertiary duty station.

”Sorry Captain.” Summer looked at the readouts. “Power relays have been affected on several decks, we’ve got a plasma fire in cargo bay 2, but fire suppression systems appear to be working to take care of it. I’ve rerouted power from damaged computer systems to backups, we just need repairs to damaged stations. Damage control teams are responding to reports from all over the ship, but all in all it could be worse.”

=/\= Bridge to Engineering =/\= Taliserra used her chairs com system to call down to engineering

=/\= Lieutenant Kail, Captain.=/\=

=/\= What's your status? =/\=

=/\= We’ve got most of the leaks locked down. Working on getting power relays back up and dampeners will need work, but we’re in one piece for the most part. Still have engines...We can fix what’s going on quickly. Sensors, warp, weapons... all online. =/\= Darzen replied.

=/\= Understood, keep us informed if anything changes.=/\=

With a better understanding of the ship's condition Taliserra turned her attention to what remained of their target. "Full sensor sweep, let's find out what's happened out there."

“Scanning space now, Captain,” Anthony said, not that it was necessary, even from a visual standpoint the entire centre of the asteroid field all the larger ones were a dust cloud. “The large one that we were surrounded by have been completely pulverised to dust now ma’am many of the smaller ones in the middle have been as well. The only ones that haven't been destroyed were the smaller ones in the outer ring.”

"No sign of the supply post or remains of the mercenary ships?" Taliserra asked though she knew the likely answer was there was absolutely nothing left, she doubted anything could have survived the explosions.

"Nothing whatsoever Captain, well that's not precisely true I can still pick out the metal fragments that used to be the ships or parts of the supply depot ma'am but there are no life signs out there and no signs of escape pods. The only metals out there are fragments of either ship supply depot of small dust particles that used to be part of the asteroids." Anthony said not surprised in the least.

‘Damm’ Tali thought, with nothing left of the mercenary ships or the supply base there was no chance of any more intel on the mercs and with nothing else to go on it felt to her that the hunt was over, at least for now. She sighed slightly. “Start charting the new layout of the field and update starfleet cartography.”

"Aye Captain, back to charting space," Anthony said, thankful that unlike some of his fellow crew members he was uninjured and fully able to continue his job.

Taliserra turned to Radak. "Commander, I'd like a full damage report... and a casualty report as soon as we know."

Radak nodded. “I will have that in your PaDD as soon as possible.”

Standing up, Taliserra stretched slightly. "I'll be in the ready room making up a report for starfleet."

“Very good, Captain,” Radak replied as he started to collect the damage reports.

"Captain, request permission to go to sickbay before the painkillers wear off." Amelia said cradling her left arm to stabilize and immobilize it as much as possible.

Taliserra looked back over at Amelia, she hadn't noticed the woman had been injured, Amelia wasn't one to cry out in pain unless it was major. "Get going Amelia."

Amelia grunted and motioned for one of her tactical officers to take over the station. She watched the woman and nodded to herself as she grunted and pivoted to head to sickbay.

"When the ship is secured, have Gamma shift come to their primary duty stations, dismiss everyone else, everyone could do with a rest, especially all of you." Tali said to Radak and the other bridge crew before disappearing into the ready room.


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer

Lieutenant JG Amelia Barron
Chief Sec/Tac Officer

Lieutenant JG Darzen Kail
Chief Engineer, NPC (Radak)

Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant JG Evelyn Kees
Head Nurse (Npc Summer)

Lieutenant JG Anthony Edwards Ph. D
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Mariposa Nicolette, DNP
Acting Chief Medical Officer, NPC (Deepak El-Azar)

Ensigns Kore, Turell, Franklin, and Larson

Civillians Selene Devore, Jessica Haugen + James Sulu


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