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Captain on Deck

Posted on Fri Aug 20th, 2021 @ 3:44am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: Deck 16- Waste Reclamation
Timeline: 7th april 2395- 1500hrs


Aiko had spent the better part of the morning touring Engineering and learning the layout. She decided to get her hands dirty but starting with the waste reclamation. It needed a good fix. The ship needed an Engineer, that much was obvious. There were so many things that needed some TLC.

Travelling down in a turbolift Taliserra was wondering why her new chief engineer who the computer had informed her had arrived several hours ago had not yet come to report to her as was expected of a senior officer. Eventually she had asked the computer where the woman was and found out that of all the places she could have been she was in the bowels of the ship; waste reclamation.

Eventually the turbolift stopped and she stepped out, quickly covering the distance between the lift and waste extraction she passed through the doors and looking out at one of the areas of the ship she seldom visited.

Aiko had just finished repairs on tube three and smelled like a dump....literally. She sighed as she wiped her forehead smearing a disquieting turquoise goo on her forehead. She looked up to see a four piper walking. "Captain on poop deck!" She yelled snapping to attention.

Taliserra looked around there were no other crew in the room other than the woman before her. "Lieutenant Kiroshi I assume?" she asked, bar the grime coating her the womans appearanced matched her files picture.

"That's least when I'm clear."

"This is not where I would have expected you to be with only a few hours left until we depart Lieutenant." Taliserrra said. "There is still lots to be done."

"I still don't have medical and counseling clearances so...this is the scope of what I can scoop." she snickered at her own use of words.

"Then why didn't you make them your first stops?" Taliserra asked. "If you're to be my chief engineer I need you operational and around main engineering not skulking around on the lower decks."

"I got my appointments set for tomorrow. I did see the XO, I still technically have a full day of leave on my record so this gives me something to do." She studied the captain. "Don't worry I'll have Engineering in ship shape rather quickly."

"We have a good engineering team, most of them have been with us for a long time." Taliserra told her, this first meeting was turning out considerably less formal than she'd wanted. "good chiefs have been hard to come by though."

"Yes well you have at least three idiots. I've filled out the transfer papers. This place needs to run properly and like a well oiled machine."

"There are no 'idiots' on my ship Lieutenant." Taliserra said sternly, "and you would do well to never let me hear you referring to any of the crew like that."

She raised an eyebrow at the Captain. "Then why did three engineers fail a simple test that you have to pass at the Academy when you earn your engineering pip?"

"No one will be getting transferred off my ship Lieutenant." Taliserra said, even if she wanted to with their departure soon at hand there wasn't time and there were much more important things on Taliserra's plate. "If you're unhappy with the quality of your staff, we have two weeks until we arrive at our next assignment, use that time to provide them with extra training."

She flattened her lip. "Actually Transfers are a department head's prerogative. I won't be transferring them now at our next dock. I've already submitted their scores, as per regulation, to Engineering command and they agree that follow up courses are needed." She wondered why this woman was so combative. She had read read such praise for her but the reports must have been wrong. So far Aiko was not impressed, nor did it seem that the woman was impressed with her.

Taliserra smiled. "I suggest you use the next two weeks to double check Stafleet regulations, as all transfers between departments, and on and off the ship need approving by myself and Commander Acevedo."

"Sure," She said. "I'll just continue to speak freely, cause frankly I do that all the time. It's why I'm not a diplomat."

She paused. "Very well captain. Here is a question for you. I'm an Engineer, considered one of the best, as you will see if you read my file. In times of danger and when needed I have never let a CO down. Part of that was because my staff is competant. Do you want me to keep staff on your ship that I know will get in the way and will, not may, but will cause issues for your ship and when you are in danger their actions, due to incompetnacy, could cost the ship much." She shrugged. "If so by all means keep them on the ship but as is my right I will file a formal complaint of their incompetancy and their failures, and the resulting consequencse, will be on your head. I only transfer people I feel are untrainable."

"It is my belief that no one is completely untrainable, these crew have gone through a lot of learning and testing to get their positions, some might need a refresher every so often." Taliserra said lightening her tone a little. It was clear the woman was quite hard set in her ways, which could be a blessing but also a curse. "Work with them for a few weeks, there shouldn't be much for us to do during our cruise to Arbazan. If they're still not up to standard we will consider your request to transfer them."

She sighed, "That sounds fair."

"It's as fair as you're going to get." Taliserra said with a slight smile, glad the woman had somewhat agreed to her instructions. "Now then Lieutenant, I have much to do before we depart so I will leave you to whatever it is you're trying to do here." She turned to leave before stopping. "I would recommend you get to know Ensign Larson, she may only be an Ensign but she has more experience of this ship than almost all of her seniors."

Kiroshi looked down at her PaDD. "She's on my list. She passed the test."

Taliserra was in no doubt that Debbie would have passed whatever tests Aiko had for her, she gave another slight smile. "Good day Lieutenant." She turned and headed out the door.


Captain Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer


Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi
Chief Engineering Officer


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