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Tinkerer's Torment

Posted on Sat Aug 28th, 2021 @ 9:44am by Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo & Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: USS Wolff | Deck 11 | Main Engineering
Timeline: 20th April 2395- 1020hrs



The fact that the USS Wolff had found itself inside some sort of null space, rendering warp speeds ill advisable for the time being, Tyrus and Summer had left the bridge of the starship on a journey down several decks to the center of the Luna class. They were heading to deck eleven, bound for the lower level of main engineering where Ty expected to encounter a frustrated Lieutenant Kiroshi. At least that was the picture he had painted in his head based on his own experiences as an engineer.

As the turbolift made its way down through the decks, Ty looked at Summer. "Awfully sexy of you to join me, Lieutenant," he said to her with a smirk on his face. "I don't mind the company though" he added.

Summer smiled, she liked Tyrus’ humour. “Anything I can do to be of help. Being on the bridge is all very well but right now I need something else to occupy my mind.”

"Computer, halt turbolift," Ty immediately called out, ordering the lift to stop what it was doing, just a deck or two before reaching its destination. It came to a slowed descent and eventually, a controlled stop, holding its place.

He looked at Summer with those dark eyes of his, meeting her curious gaze. Then, the First Officer stepped towards her, spreading his arms like a bird of prey loosely entrapping her between his 'wingspan' and they were mere inches from one another face-to-face. "I could think of ways to occupy your sweet little mind."

Summer looked at Tyrus curiously. “Is that so Commander?” Her eyes met his. “Just what would you have in mind?”

"Computer," the Commander called out. "Resume descent," he added and looked right into Summer's eyes while doing it. She was certainly a playful one, and Ty liked that.

The turbolift resumed its course downward. "One of these days," he said to Summer. "You'll find of these days" he added and removed his spread hands and stood back upright, giving his uniform a quick tug.

Summer offered a wry smile. “In that case I’ll look forward to it Commander.”

The lift came to a stop and the doors open. "As am I," Ty replied. He gestured outward to the deck. "Ladies first" he added.

“Thank you Sir” Summer smiled a warm smile as she stepped forward and exited the lift.

Ty followed Summer as they made their way to Main Engineering. The entire way there, Ty couldn't help but contemplate whether he wanted to pursue something with the Counsellor, or simply have this cat and mouse lustful game for his amusement.

=Main Engineering=

Kiroshi was on a rampage. If the department had been properly kept prior to her arrival then this would never have happened. "Of all the bloody...." She turned. "Halay! Get the engine primer ready. I need to flush the secondary shunt. Get Rogers on the manual override and get me a scan of the engines. I'm going to study Professor Alovar's Theory we have to figure something out. I'm not having my engines dead in the water."

"Well, they aren't quite dead now are they," Ty teased as he walked into Engineering with the Ship's Counsellor in tow. "They are resting. Resting because someone found their way into null space and now we can't risk going to warp" Ty added.

He flashed a smile at the Chief Engineer. "Enjoying the torment, Lieutenant Kiroshi?" Ty inquired. "The Counsellor and I were worried you'd be tearing the ship apart stern to bow."

"Ohhh I'm almost there. I see the Null space and I will figure a way to get us moving. Thrusters can be fine for now but I have an idea."

Ty leaned against a bulkhead and crossed his arms. "Oh?" he replied and looked over to Summer as if to say 'take notes' on what the Chief Engineer was about to say. "I hope it is a crazy idea," he added.

"Have you ever heard of a Vulcan named Alovar? The one kicked off Vulcan for his crazy ideas."

The Commander shook his head. "I cannot say that I have, but he or she sounds fun," Ty said. "Crazy Vulcan? Sounds like my kind of Vulcan."

Summer grinned. “What kind of crazy idea do you have Lieutenant?”

"Well the theory is..."

"Excuse me Lieutenant... The reports you wanted."

Kiroshi sighed and turned to take the PaDD. Momentarily frozen she watched the young woman a moment. She was...gorgeous. Seeming to get hold of herself she cleared her throat. "You are?"

The woman smiled. "Ensign Ruby Midnight, ma'am."

"You're an engineer?" Ty and Summer were all but forgotten.

"Yes," She smiled. "Just came on the station. My apologies I'm still getting up to speed on things but I did realign the isoliniar module. I was doing maintenance and it was...pretty bad.

Before she could respond the woman gave a small salute. "Well, I should go. There is so much to do here. I don't understand how this place is functioning. I've heard that you are new I hope I can help with getting this place working again."

Kiroshi blinked. "Yeah..." She watched the woman leave and just stared after her.

Ty snapped his fingers in quick succession. "Hey there," he said trying to snag the Chief Engineer's attention. "Crazy idea, let's hear it?" he added and made a mental note of that interaction, wanting to compare notes with Summer later.

"Rrriiiight…" She said shaking the cobwebs loose. "Okay right theory. There is a shielding technique that we can use to protect our engines. Kavesite, which is produced by shuttle engines can provide us with a boost." She wasn't making sense she knew that but Ensign Midnight had...well scrambled her brain just a little. She shook her head again. "Okay think of it this way. Have you ever been to a science fair where someone made those prehistoric Volcanos. Baking soda and vinegar and out comes the mess?"

Ty nodded. "Yes, and that sounds interesting, but protecting the engines is one thing. I feel as though our biggest problem is we are essentially trapped in a winding maze blindfolded. Part of why we cannot go to warp is what we risk in this unknown. Science has come up with something to give up a little more visibility in a sense, but sensors themselves were not very helpful."

"Excellent. That can be of help. We also need to update the probes but my idea is this. If we can figure out a way to get to the center of this...maze we can use a shuttle to create the Volcano effect that would send us into warp space without warp. At a certain point we'll be able to run our engines within the shield to get us the rest of the way out but there are risks."

"Okay, what are the risks?" asked Ty. "You'll want to have all your ducks in order before you present it to the Captain, but at this point, they seem to be a bit lost up there. A fresh set of eyes or an alternative way of thinking may be useful. I'd suggest checking with the Captain and the Science Department."

"I do need to work things out a little. Alright. I have some work to do but I will present this to you before I file the final report."

Ty gestured to Summer. "Counsellor Wyse was telling me on our way here that she would be happy to lend a hand in engineering. If you could use another tinkerer," the First Officer said.

"No! No offense but I want nobody in here without an engineering degree." Kiroshi was never afraid to speak her mind. This was her department and she'd run it.

Ty smirked. "Then, I guess you'll just have to get used to seeing a lot more of me down here, Lieutenant."

"If you can provide the credentials in Engineering and pass the test three of my so called engineers didn't, the transfer orders I gave you earlier, then your welcome. Fail the test, XO or not your butt is banned."

"Oh you can just call me Commander or Sir," Ty replied to Aiko. "And I will have you know I was a highly respected engineer prior to command with expertise in structural engineering, and don't fail my tests, because your stay on the Wolff will be a short one if you do not pass."

Aiko grinned, "You're all bark no bite...which I guess is good for the counselor." She gave a wink. "Just FYI I wouldn't make puppy eyes at one another on the bridge." Grinning she turned, "Now off to work for me."

"I'd be more concerned with yourself and the amount of slobber on the decking from the clear lustful thoughts on your mind when it comes to Midnight."

“I think that’s enough cheap shots at one another don’t you?” Summer looked between the pair. “We’re all professionals here aren’t we?”

Kiroshi liked Acevedo the fact that he could jibe with her said well. She turned and grinned at the commander, "My dear counselor our shots are never cheap and as for Midnight it was no such thing...I just saw an engineer I have never met."

"Yeah, and you want to know them biblically," Ty countered. "Just make sure you have that crazy plan sorted out before it gets presented. I don't need the Captain thinking you are reckless. That's my gig."

She laughed. "Yeah I met the captain she doesn't like me...and so far the feeling is mutual."

"I'm so surprised," Ty replied sarcastically. "You have a chip on your shoulder a mile wide and kiloton of temper. Counsellor Wyse could probably help with that, but I will start by politely asking you to tone it down and reel it in."

She shrugged, "I'm an acquired taste but I'm good at what I do!"

"Tyrany, arrogance, and causing disorder?" Ty shot back. "Yep, masterclass in that, but agreed you are an acquired taste" he added. "Just remember to stay in your lane, Lieutenant. It won't matter how good you are or think you are if those you work with aren't eager to have you around."

"Sure thing Yoda Sensei."

Summer was stood simply watching the exchange between the two, taking everything in.

Ty just shook his head, ignoring the comment. He exchanged a quick nod with Summer as an indication that they should probably let the Chief Engineer do her thing. This was going to be an interesting posting even if it was brief. Though Ty was beginning to entertain wanting to stay aboard the Wolff.


Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo
Executive Officer

Lieutenant (jg) Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor

Lieutenant Aiko Kiroshi
Chief Engineer


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