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Convergence- Part 1

Posted on Mon Dec 13th, 2021 @ 2:43pm by Ensign Amanda Turell & Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo & Lieutenant Helena Wells & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Ensign Zachary Chandler

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: Shuttlebay 1
Timeline: Immediately following 'Polaron Phantasms'

Having picked his away team, Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo had requested Esigns Turell and Chandler to assemble in Shuttlebay One. Lieutenant Wells and Counselor Wyse were also selected to come along; they had been present on the bridge, well aware of the situation that was facing them all. "Ensign Chandler," Ty said, carrying a PaDD and handed it to the ensign.

"Take this and begin pre-flight inspections," Ty said to the man. "We need to be ready to go as soon as possible, but don't rush shortcuts," added Ty. "I want a safe and smooth trip over."

"Yes sir." Zack took the PaDD. He was curious, of course he was curious. But lowly ensigns were low on the list for getting details they didn't need, and he was used to taking orders without all the information. It wasn't like he needed details to follow a pre-flight list.

"Ensign Turell," Ty called out to the security officer. "Are you caught up on the situation?"

"Only the basics Sir," Amanda replied as she opened up a case she'd bought into the shuttlebay with her. "Away mission, unknown potentially hostile people."

Ty glanced over at HG, the scientist he had snagged for the away mission though she practically had jumped at the opportunity. "I know physics is more your thing, but any insight that you may have on Jem'Hadar anatomy or biology would be case they are 'awake' over there. I don't want to end up as bulkhead décor."

HG made a face. "Unless they are all ones that managed to have the genetic predisposition to make their own required enzyme then doubt any of them alive. If they are, not much we can do. Even Klingons had trouble with handling one of them. I did not have time to check out and bring the personal phase inverters. Just phase otherwise and they could jump around all they wanted and nothing. Some of the fungi I have back in the lab are similar to the ones that make the white, possible to introduce something that would be toxic. Guess you could try to convince them you are a Vorta with plastic surgery. Takes a lot take them down and nothing we have immediately on hand that would make it easier."

"Jem'Hadar," Amanda said, quite surprised, she had only been a few years old when the Dominion war started but she'd read up on the entire conflict. "should be interesting." Pulling out a type II phaser for every member of the away team she handed them out before slinging her rifle over her shoulder

Ty took the type II phaser in his hand and looked at Amanda, and he gestured to the phaser rifle slung over her shoulder. "Yours is bigger, " he commented. "I'm not one to make a fuss over size," he added, glancing over at Summer. "But I would feel a bit more comfortable with one of those."

Summer couldn’t help but smile at the comment about size as she looked at Tyrus. They were playing a cat and mouse game when it came to their budding relationship, Tyrus wanted a chase and Summer was more than happy to oblige. “I thought size was always of importance to men Commander” She grinned playfully. “Does it matter if that one is bigger than yours?” She motioned to the phaser rifle.

"Have you tried taking down a Jem'Hadar with a type II? I wouldn't recommend a stun setting let alone firing a warning shot," replied Ty. He looked at Amanda. "Am I wrong?"

"Definitely, setting seven at least for a Jem'Hadar." Amanda replied, holo combat scenarios were never fun against the forces of the Dominion. "I don't go anywhere without this." She patted the butt of her phaser rifle as she finished handing out the rest of the gear. "Can take the white tube off a Jem'Hadar at over 500m with this."

Ty smiled. "So, did you bring any more of those or am I supposed to stay close to you at all times?" he asked of the security officer. "I'm hoping for a ship of skeletons myself."

“Likewise” Summer nodded in agreement, “I can handle myself but I’d rather not have to be in a firefight.”

Zack had made his way inside the shuttle, leaving the command team to do whatever the command team was doing. He ran his hand over the interior hull, appreciating the small yet sturdy form factor of the shuttle. In another life, he could picture himself as a small crafts pilot; had his love for engineering not been, and continued to be, so all encompassing. "Alright girl, let's make sure you are good to go." He spoke out loud, not caring if he was overheard. He took a seat at the helm and began the standard pre-flight checks.

"If we have the time I can go and fetch you one Sir." Amanda said, though she doubted they had the time for her to go and grab one.

Ty shrugged. "Oh well. I'll make my shots count with the type-II hand phaser, ensign. There's no reason to delay things any longer. I am curious and eager to get over there." The First Officer cleared his throat as a way to notify everyone that he was ready to board the shuttle and that they had better be ready for what was ahead.

Grabbing one last set of gear for Zack, Amanda climbed into the shuttle and found herself a seat.

"Oh, thank you." Zack commented, taking the gear. He looked back, waiting for the rest of the Away Team to enter.

HG was not so sure about the weaponry if it came down to it. She preferred other methods. Her mind was already thinking on things.

Ty had entered and taken his seat. "Ensign Chandler?" Ty inquired. He was looking to hear that preflight inspections were completed. "If you've cleared everything off the preflight inspection, we will get underway."

Zack finished checking his gear, and put the last item back in the bag that Amanda had brought. "She's clear sir." Zack patted the console.

"Lieutenant Wells, I yield to your expertise on getting us to our destination safely and efficiently," Ty said supportive of the science officer. She had put in the hours, monitoring sensor data and analyzing it. In a way, HG was becoming the leading most expert on null space or at the very least this encounter with it. He suspected she was probably working on a submission to some science journal about the Wolff's precarious situation.

"Like any there is much information," HG quipped as changed seats. "Alright, since we are close enough, and null space distorts energy and shooting photon beams if there is any chance of someone on board looking hostile. Some back research indicated that transporter or other style locks can help maintain the relationship of two objects. I am going to suggest we act like we are going to transport and use the lock, that will keep us in relationship. The Wolff can do the same with us, and the shuttle becomes like a tie between the two ships." She did some tapping and nodded. "Alright, we are good, follow the trajectory laid up and we should arrive without getting lost."

Zack grabbed his newly checked bag then vacated the seat for Lieutenant Wells.

Sat at the back on the shuttle Amanda checked her gear for the dozenth time, she was tense. This was her first away team since the boarding action and her latest heavy injury, she didn't want to let the XO down.

Lieutenant Commander Tyrus had settled in as best he could, though nervous about what was ahead. What possibly could be waiting for them aboard the Jem'Hadar vessel. Even if its crew were long deceased, the mysteries, the questions, the potential for answers was there. Starfleet and the Federation still knew so little about them.

What an opportunity Ty thought to himself. "Make it so," he said aloud in response to the reported information and suggestion. "Whatever gets us there and back in one piece," he added.

Their journey to the Jem'Hadar ship was a mostly quiet one. Ty had speculated internally that everyone was probably bouncing around ideas in their heads, some probably having flashbacks to war stories they had been told or heard secondhand over the years. The deadliest foes I have ever had the honor of facing those words from a Klingon that Ty had met a few years ago in a bar had been at the forefront of his mind.

In fact, he himself had been so lost in thought that the journey across to the Jem'Hadar vessel seemed to be significantly shortened. Did I nod off? he thought to himself when consoles let out small chirps of proximity.

He immediately began to stand, still gripping the neck and head rest of his seat as he turned to address the security officer. "Ensign Turell, take point," he said to the woman. It was less an order as it was reaffirming what he anticipated she would have wanted.

"Yes Sir." Amanda flicked on the light on her phaser rifle and popped the hatch of the shuttle.


Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo
Executive Officer

Lt. HG Wells

Lt jg Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor

Ensign Zachary Chandler
Engineering Officer

Ensign Amanda Turell
Sec/tac Officer
[npc Taliserra]


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