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Convergence part 2-

Posted on Thu Dec 30th, 2021 @ 4:22am by Ensign Amanda Turell & Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo & Lieutenant Helena Wells & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse & Ensign Zachary Chandler

Mission: The Silent Scream
Location: Various
Timeline: directly following part 1


He immediately began to stand, still gripping the neck and head rest of his seat as he turned to address the security officer. "Ensign Turell, take point," he said to the woman. It was less an order as it was reaffirming what he anticipated she would have wanted.

"Yes Sir." Amanda flicked on the light on her phaser rifle and popped the hatch of the shuttle.


The interior of the Jem'Hadar ship was very dimly lit, only a few emergency lights ran at a minimum level, Amanda swept her rifles light across the open hallway as she stepped out of the shuttle and cautiously took several paces forward.

Summer paused by the doorway of the shuttle to look around, the interior of the ship was so dark on emergency lights she didn’t like the look of it at all.

HG only carried a hand weapon. She was more interested in seeing what was going on using the tricorder and observing. It was a typical ship of the type from what she knew. Plain, functional, there was little given to any comfort. "Well as obvious, power levels really low here. Been cycled to bare minimum. Control room if the schematics here are correct should be that direction." She waved a hand toward a door.

Not looking away from the corridor Amanda nodded and headed towards the door.

Lieutenant Commander Acevedo followed them closely, keeping an eye on Ensign Chandler who Ty strategically placed at the rear, ideally out of immediate danger yet still crucial to protect everyone's six o'clock. "Are you doing alright, ensign?" Ty asked the young officer.

"Yes sir." Zack gave the man a quick smile; hoping to assure him that he wasn't nervous. He was actually doing his best to pay attention and not go fiddling with all the new toys at his disposal, but unable to play with. His tricorder was acting as tertiary information for Summer and Amanda, and at the moment, that was his role; to provide a 3rd set of data if needed.

The First Officer looked to the Counsellor. "If you sense anything out of the ordinary, even the slightest peculiarity, sound off. Better safe than sorry."

Summer nodded. “I will, that I guarantee you. It’s feeling...oddly quiet here at the moment. If there is anyone aboard I should have sensed them by now.”

"I like quiet," noted Ty. "Ensign Turell, detecting anything on the other side of the doorway?" Ty asked. He was ready to proceed whether that be knocking the door down, activating it, or blowing his way through it.

Amanda checked the readouts on her rifles targeter, it wasn't as good as an actual tricorder bit would pick up anything living nearby. "Doesn't look like it." Reaching the door she stacked up at it ready to go in; guns blazing if needs be.

Ty idled his phaser before giving a swift nod. "Make it so," he said indicating that he wanted the security officer to breech, to advance their entry and start making their way through this ship. "Keep your eyes out for anything that may be useful. Accessing their ship's computer should be priority, whatever information they have may be beneficial to escaping this null space."

Nodding slightly Amanda took a deep breath and pressed what looked like the button to open the door, nothing happened. Signalling to the others to back up slightly she stepped away from the door, turned her rifle up to a higher setting and blew a hole in the door. Quickly she ran through the hole ready to take down any potential threat to the team.

After a few seconds she lowered her rifle. "Clear." She called out.

Ty followed Amanda through, taking a look at the scene surveying what his eyes were telling him. "I spy with my little eye some ugly and very dead Jem'Hadar," he said as he poked a body with his foot. He looked to the others.

Carefully Amanda took a closer look at some of the bodies. "These look like knife wounds." She eventually said.

"Old knife wounds by the looks of it," Ty added. "I'm not a medical examiner, but I don't think our friends here have been causing problems for sometime now. We're a bit late to the party...and to the funeral."

Summer was disturbed by the findings. “I hate to say this, but it looks like they might have either killed each other, or themselves. Question is...did they go crazy being stuck here, or did something on this ship cause it?”

"Toss another pharaoh on the fire, dried and dead as any ancient mummy." HG quipped. She knew that many might understand the reference. "On earth, they uncovered so many Egyptian mummies that they started using them instead of firewood. The resins from the embalming burned really nicely."

Ty shot a look at Doc Wells, a true scientist by any definition although he had known better than address her as Doctor. She liked to keep things simple. "I'm not seeing any indication that their...uh feeding tubes?" the First Officer said as he fumbled with terminology.

"They look as dry as a desert. I don't know how quickly it takes Ketracel white to evaporate, but none of these bodies look to have a drop. Do you suppose they ran out, HG?"

"Well unless they developed the mutation that allowed to make their own, most likely. It is interesting that no tubes present so perhaps they did. As supplies got thin it seemed that a spontaneous mutation arose that would help. These ships according to what I can access, where built for more or less one thing, warfare. They had less comforts than a Klingon ship. Could be that supplies ran out. While they could go a long way on the white, they still needed like many organisms to have water. If that ran out, might explain all this."

Ty shook his head and scoffed. It was at the circumstances that the Jem'Hadar had undoubtedly found themselves in, not at HG. Her assessment was likely nail on the head spot on. "These Jem'Hadar deserved a far better death than succumbing to addiction and withdrawal symptoms," muttered Ty as he crouched down to inspect what was left of the remains of one Jem'Hadar. He placed a hand on the skull of the fallen Dominion soldier. "Deserved a lot better" he added.

The Wolff's First Officer took a moment to respect the Jem'Hadar then stood, regaining his composure and coming back around with authority in his voice. "Ensign," Ty snapped his fingers. "Chandler, see what you can do," Ty added gesturing towards what looked like a station with a console. "See if you can gain access to the main computer...or at the very least get us some schematics to work with."

"Yes sir.' Zack was quick to head over, pulling out his tricorder. He began to see what he could do to get the requested information for the XO.

Ty glanced around at the deceased Jem'Hadar. "Obedience brings victory, and victory is life" he uttered one of their expressions, often one used before battle. He looked at Summer. "I ponder what they were thinking before they ran out of ketracel white, stuck in this...trap like caged animals, left here to die serving 'Gods' who probably deemed this crew expendable."

Summer shrugged her shoulders. “They probably believed in their gods right up to the end, believing that they’d be saved at the last moment. Either that or they accepted their fates and had done with it.”

"Ah well," Ty said a bit gruff. He cleared his throat. "Show of hands...who wants to return to the Wolff and report to the Captain that we want to pray for some God to come free us from this null space? No...anyone...HG?"

Amanda chuckled slightly at Ty's comment.

"Actually not yet sir," HG replied. "I would like to do a more investigation of the status of the ship. I have some ideas perhaps that we can use this thing, if it still is functional enough to possibly disrupt null space and allow an escape."

"Alright, once Ensign Chandler is about to get what we need, we can proceed to wherever you feel our best bet is, with a little luck or a miracle, we may be able to get out of this mess."

"Ummm" Zack interrupted. "I don't know about prayer sir, but I've found the ship's logs."

Ty looked over at the Ensign. "Got to love Dominion ships, so dominate that they didn't put much stock in cybersecurity. Who's going to board them?" The First Officer sighed. "Download those logs onto a Tricorder or a PaDD if you brought one. I don't want to risk trying to transmit them directly to the Wolff."

"On it." Zack assured him, then pulled out a PaDD. He was right about the cyber security. It wasn't much, which was the only reason Zack had been able to access anything. Starfleet Intel must have had an algorithm or something loaded that had allowed him such easy access.

As an Engineer himself, Ty smirked hearing how smoothly the ensign had gotten in and was transferring files over. The 'kid' either had the skills of a decryption specialist, or the starship was already giving away secrets about its history. "This ship was constructed and launched prior to Stardate 50049.3" (approximately January 2373) deduced Ty.

Zack wasn't sure how the XO knew that, but he double checked it all the same. "It looks like these logs cover the tale end of 2372, and end abruptly just after the start of 2376. I'll need to let the computer translate and decrypt the rest for any more details."

The First Officer looked at the security officer. "Torga IV," Lieutenant Commander Acevedo said to the woman as if to explain and justify his knowledge of the starship's construction period which had probably made him seem like the starship equivalent of a wine connoisseur.

"I heard about that incident," Amanda remarked. "That was quite the find for Captain Sisko and his crew, certainly useful for starfleet with the war on the horizon."

Ty simply nodded. "We aren't going to solve much by standing here recommencing about Federation History and paying respect for our fallen..uh...former enemies," stated the First Officer. "Turell, go on ahead and clear some of the rest of this ship. I don't expect to find any Jem'Hadar given...this scene, but buddy system nevertheless. Take Counsellor Wyse with you."

Summer nodded as she looked towards Turell. “Looks like it’s our turn for an adventure.”

"Ready to go when you are Lieutenant." Amanda said then checked her rifle.

Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo shot a quick look at Summer, enough to make eye contact with her. His brown eyes warm chocolate melting looking at her with concern, a bit of worry. Verbally, he said nothing to her, nothing at all, and yet non-verbally, his facial expression and shifting of his posture said everything that she needed to know. Please, be careful he thought to himself.

Summer saw the look, for the first time seeing just how much Tyrus had come to care since they’d started their ‘cat and mouse’ chase of a relationship. She said nothing but nodded as she returned his gaze.

Rifle raised just in case Amanda led Summer through the doorway off of the ships bridge.

“Any idea what we might find?” Summer looked at Amanda curiously.

"A shapeshifter hiding as a chair?" Amanda said laughing slightly before switching back to being serious. "We should probably head to engineering, see if anything is down there."

Summer nodded. “Agreed, hopefully there’s no shapeshifting chairs, or anything else for that matter!”

Ty winced at the thought of a shapeshifter. How long can they live? he pondered. He knew the answer was not to his liking, but could one be aboard a small Jem'Hadar vessel? He brushed it off as very unlikely. "I'll take anything that can be helpful," the First Officer said to the two women. "If you think there's something that's useful and it isn't bolted to the decking, take it."


Lieutenant Commander Tyrus Acevedo
Executive Officer

Lt. HG Wells

Lt jg Summer Wyse
Chief Counsellor

Ensign Zachary Chandler
Engineering Officer

Ensign Amanda Turell
Sec/tac Officer
[npc Taliserra]


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