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Office Cooler talk

Posted on Mon May 28th, 2018 @ 7:18am by

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: Security Offices
Timeline: February 5th 2395


Elijah had just finished his practice on the range and had put away his equipment. After hitting the shower and changing into some sweat pants and a t shirt the rumble in his stomach told him that it was time for food. Just as he was lacing up his sneakers the door hissed open. Eli glanced up seeing the tall man walking through it and instantly recognizing him. "Chief," he said by way of greeting.

Gabriel looked at the JG warily than nodded "Lieutenant." he replied, "You comin' off the range?"

"I am indeed... or rather I did about twenty minutes ago." Eli hadn't seen much of the Chief but he did catch the glance. His Betazoid senses were tingling. "How are you Chief? We haven't had a chance to formally meet since this ship started cruising."

"I'm well enough, and yourself Lieutenant?" he asked as he moved to his locker on the far side of the office and pulled a few books out of it. "Did you take care of my baby?" he asked looking over his shoulder to the Lieutenant referring to the weapons he had used on the range.

"Always do." He walked over to the Chief and stuck out his hand. "We haven't officially met. Elijah Alexander. Call me Zander or Elijah."

He raised an eyebrow and took the man's hand "Zander, I'm Gabriel, Gabe is fine."

Elijah smiled, "Nice to meet you Gabe. Up for early dinner and coffee?"

He nodded "By all means, just got on the ship and haven't quite gotten the hang of everyone yet so maybe you can fill me in on who I need to avoid and who is best to stay on the good side of."

Elijah laughed. "Well I can tell you one person to avoid and to keep on her good side."

He snorted "Oh? Who is that?"

"The CMO. That woman is about two shakes from an empty salt shaker. I'm not a fan of counselors nor am I fan of doctors. Two in one....that's just cruel."

He snorted "I see, I'll bear that in mind. Who else?" he asked as he chucked his head towards the door indicating the way to the food.

Elijah followed, "I really haven't met many people here yet. The head nurse is an okay guy and I hear that the scientist is a bit....eccentric. That's pretty much all I know." He looked at the Gabe. "How about you?"

"Aside from butting heads with the CMO I've mostly stayed in my armory and kept to myself." he said as they walked down the corridor to the nearest turbolift.

Elijah followed, "Yeah I feel most relaxed when I can work and know that I'm doing my job." They stepped into the lift and it hummed towards the cafeteria. "I haven't had the chance to hit the gym yet. Any good?"

Gabe shrugged "I mostly workout in my quarters. After all I only have enough of me to drive one Lietuenant batty at a time." he grinned wickedly at the man across from him "I had a Captain once tell me that he 'hated to see the line of broken officers I left in my wake'. I took that to heart as a compliment, a word of advice Elijah, never let a senior NCO know what drives you crazy. We've been in the fleet longer than you and know how to push your buttons and make you wish you could get a transfer. We can also do it while staying within the letter of the regulations."

Elijah laughed. "Good advice! Remind me to stay on your good side and to take notes."

Gabe cracked his first smile in mixed company since joining the Wolff. "Many less intelligent junior officers have made worse decisions Lieutenant. It's always better to tap the resources you have to help with your career."

The food arrived and the drinks too. Elijah began to tuck into his burger with fries. "So bad for me...but so good for the taste buds." He smiled at the Chief. "Do you have any siblings Gabe?"

Gabe shook his head "Nope, I'm an only child. Father was in the USMC, even though it's more of a ceremonial force nowadays. Still got that oorah treatment."

Elijah smiled, "Lucky. Siblings can be fun but they can be crazy too. I have three brothers and three sisters and all of them went into the family business but me."

Gabe snorted "Yeah I went into the family business just the wrong branch if you listen to my dad. 'Why didn't you go USMC son, were the guardians of the country.'" his voice deepened and his accent got heavier as he spoke "But if I hadn't of gone star fleet I wouldn't be sitting across from you right now eating this magnificent..." he dipped his fry into some honey mustard "meal."

Eli liked the Chief. He smiled, "I got the same thing. We're Betazoid and my mother takes this Third House thing seriously. It's the House of Healing so she became a doctor, she married a doctor, my siblings are all doctors married to doctors...Yuck. I'm was born to be a security officer and aim to be a captain some day," he said between bites of burgers.

Gabe squinted an eye at the man and looked sideways at him, looking to see something about him. "Give it a decade or two, you'll get there."

Eli laughed, "I aim to get there a bit least I hope." Elijah looked around. "So are you new to the ship or were you here a long while?"

"New to the ship, transferred in from the Academy. I was the Armory and range officer there. Trained many young Ensigns how to shot straight, at least on the range."

"Excellent. Now I know who to call for practice." He grinned. Just as he was about to say something else a voice drew his attention. He glared across the room at the boisterous laughter of a couple of ensigns from various parts of the shim. His fists clenched.

Gabe watched the reaction of the Lieutenant and raised an eyebrow. "Friends of yours or do you take offense to loud laughter?"

"Chief one thing that's made me a good STO is that I smell trouble, those three," he pointed with a fork, "Those two are trouble. Have you ever met someone that you could swear with you soul that is just not right? I'm Betazoid and I rely on my senses I can read strong emotions and those two have them just like anyone but..." He shook his head. "I could be wrong." He focused back on his food. He wondered if he was making senses at all. Maybe it was just the cruel words he'd heard those two cast towards another. He didn't know the whole story there but...

He nodded "I understand completely I'm getting, what my dad used to call, the asshole vibe from them too." Gabe caste his eye over his shoulder and looked at the two and sized them up.

Eli shook his head. "Enough of that we'll just have to keep an eye out on them. Do you run chief?"

He slapped his belly "Only from bears and latina women. I prefer to get my cardio from more... contact sports. Europeian martial arts, you'd be supprised just exactly how much of a work out swinging a longsword around will give you."

"Have always wanted to learn how to swing one of those. If you are up for a student I would love to learn."

He grinned wickedly "If you are serious about your desire to learn I would be happy to take you on as my apprentice."

Elijah laughed, "Said the spider to the fly. Chief your poker face is showing." He laughed again. He really liked the Chief. It was like he felt secure in that he'd made his first friend aboard the ship.

Gabe snorted as he laughed softly "What poker face?" he asked stoically as only a seasoned NCO can do when speaking to a command level officer.


Lt. JG Elijah Alexander
Tactical / Security officer
USS Wolff


Gabriel Estaban Aubrey D'Anconia
Senior Chief Petty Officer
Armory Specialist
USS Wolff


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