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Apollo's Captain

Posted on Mon May 28th, 2018 @ 4:04pm by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Petty Officer 1st Class Miranda Fry

Mission: Misson 1 - Rebirth
Location: USS Wolff - ready room
Timeline: 7th feb 2395


With repairs underway on the Apollo Taliserra decided it was time to get the ship's Captain over to discuss what had happened, so she'd sent Miranda down to the transporter room to bring him to her.

"Is the Apollo's Captain ready to beam over?" Miranda asked the crewman at he console.

"Yes Ma'am," he replied.

"Then energise."

The crewman nodded and activated the transporter.

The Captain of the Apollo, Kerr Newton, stepped down off the transporter with a relieved smile on his face. He was an older man, possibly approaching his 60s. His hair was short, military cropped and a steely grey, almost the same color as his eyes. His face was lined with worry and laughter. He put out his hand toward Miranda. "Greetings, you all couldn't have come at a better time."

"It is lucky we were in the area," Miranda said and took Kerr's hand. "I'm Miranda the Captain's Yeoman. I'm here to take you up to see her, so will you come with me."

"Nice to meet you." His handshake was firm, but not crushing. "Of course. I'm actually anxious to meet your Captain." He smiled and waited for her to lead the way.

Miranda led Kerr out of the transporter room towards the turbolit at the end of the hall.

He followed her down the hallway towards the turbolift and then waited with her for its arrival. While he stood there he looked down at his own hands, which were covered in soot and many other things. "I hope your Captain is a forgiving woman. I'm not in my best form." He seemed to mean it as a joke to break the ice.

"She will not mind," Miranda said as the turbolift arrived.

When they got onto the turbolift he noticed that the jacket he was wearing was also rather filthy and tattered. He made an exasperated noise and pulled the jacket off, folding it over one arm. "Really not my best..."

Miranda smirked a little. "Do not worry," she told him. "You've been through a lot in the last couple of hours." The turbolift arrived and she led him across to the ready room.

He nodded. "You're right. It has been a day." He looked around, curiously as they walked across to the Ready Room.

Tapping the chime Miranda walk inside. "Captain, Mr Newton of the Apollo."

Taliserra stood up and walked around her desk to meet Kerr. "Welcome to the Wolff, Mr. Newton."

Kerr grinned and left Miranda's side with his hand out, much like he had greeted the Yeoman. "Captain Tigran. It's a pleasure. You really saved us out there today. I thank you and my crew thanks you."

"How are your crew?" Taliserra asked taking Kerr's hand.

Kerr shook her hand, once again firmly, but not crushing. He smiled. "They're recovering... thanks to your crew and doctors. I'm fairly certain we'd be dead by now if you hadn't come along. Some of these people I've been with long enough to feel like they're my family. I'm sure you know what I mean, Captain."

"I do," Tali replied, she motioned to one of the chairs then walked back to her own.

Miranda stood a few paces away from the group with a PaDD in hand. She would take down any important notes if they were needed.

"Do you have any idea why you were attacked?" Tali asked.

Kerr nodded. "Thank you, Captain." He picked a seat across from the desk, but far enough away from the door that he could still see it. He sat down as if it was a relief and took a deep breath, running one hand over his short hair. "I don't know what to tell you... there have been a lot of attacks in this area. We thought we were prepared. Obviously not the case." He snorted a little in sarcastic laughter. "Why does anyone attack a cargo ship... Perhaps my cargo?" He shrugged.

Taliserra was a little surprised, if there had been several attacks surely she would have been briefed on it before leaving starbase 54. "What are you hauling?"

"Dilithium." He leaned back in the chair. "Crystals to be exact, among other things. We've got some ship parts and several cases of self-sealing stem bolts and a lot of odds and ends."

"Dilithium crystals?" Taliserra repeated. "You can get them legally all over the place, why would they risk a response by attacking a ship carrying them?"

Captain Newton shifted in his seat and made a little bit of a face. "Well... they might have wanted my Dilithium crystals in particular." He cleared his throat and sat forward again, his grey eyes serious. "The Dilithium I'm carrying is extremely well refined, Captain. They are close to the quality that is used in starships..."

Taliserra nodded. "That could very well be the reason, how many did they get away with?"

"Enough," Kerr said, shaking his head. "Most of my shipment. They took about twenty crystals in about ten cases." He sighed, rubbing his head again. "I guess I should just be glad I'm alive, huh?"

Miranda took down what Kerr had said, twenty extremely well refined dilithium crystals in the hands of pirates was potentially not good.

"Dilithium can be replaced." Taliserra remarked. "Good crew and close friends are impossible to replace. Where were you taking your cargo?"

Kerr nodded in agreement. "Starbase 54. We were supposed to unload there and pick up new cargo. We actually go there a lot, since they're on a good trade route. A lot of systems running through that station." He stood up out of the chair, his eyes on the replicator. "Would you mind if I got a cup of coffee?"

"Sure, go ahead, you look like you could use some."

Kerr went to the replicator. "Coffee, shot of espresso. Sweet." The replicator made a soft whirring noise and his order appeared in the panel.

Taliserra continued while Kerr got his coffee. "We were planning on heading back to Starbase 54 after our shakedown, so when you're warp engines are back up and running we will escort you the rest of the way."

"That would be much appreciated, Captain," Kerr said, returning to his seat and sipping the coffee with a small sound of satisfaction. "I'd hate to have your people patch us all back up and then we get hit again. I don't know what's going on in this area, but I've heard a lot of rumors about hits like this. I don't usually have a lot of problems in this area, but lately... I dunno..."

Taliserra shrugged ever so slightly. "When we get back I'll talk to the local commander, see if we can't get a few more patrol ships in the area, not sure how much it will help but unless some of our ships get assigned to actively take them out it is the best we can do."

Kerr nodded in agreement again. "Thank you. Most cargo vessels aren't much for guns and shields. Although, this whole little incident has made me consider upgrading mine. Maybe adding bigger guns..." He chuckled softly.

"That may be a good option," Taliserra remarked. "Though some of the time it seems to make things worse."

He nodded. "Can't argue with you there. Bigger guns always make for bigger guns to fight those guns and it's a never ending cycle." He took a deep breath and finished his coffee. "Well... as much as I wish I could solve this problem right now and make all this go away, I'm pretty sure we're not going to accomplish that in one night. I don't suppose we could pick this back up. maybe say, after a shower?" He rubbed the back of his head and grinned with his embarrassment.

"Sure, you can use some of the quarters on the Wolff if you like," Taliserra offered.

Kerr stood. "Thank you again, Captain. I owe you one. If there's anything you need just let me know." He grinned at her. "Who should I speak to about these quarters you speak of?"

"If I can think of anything then I will." She told Kerr. "Miranda can you take Mr Newton to some quarters?"

"Yes Captain." Miranda replied, she pocketed her Padd and stood up.

"Extend the offer to the rest of the Apollo crew," Taliserra added. "They can be guests here for a while if they wish."

Kerr turned back to her and bowed politely. "Thank you very much, Captain. I'm fairly certain that they will appreciate your accommodations more than their own ship." He chuckled. "You're gonna spoil my crew," he joked.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to try and steal them off you." Taliserra smirked ever so slightly as Miranda led him to the exit.

"I'm more worried about them trying to defect..." he joked as he followed Miranda.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Captain Ker Newton
Cargo shp Apollo
Written by Cmdr Radak


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