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New Orders

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 4:56am by Captain Taliserra Tigran & Lieutenant Commander Radak & Lieutenant Kallen Navore & Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant JG Jasad Yuvek & Lieutenant Anthony Edwards Ph. D & Petty Officer 1st Class Miranda Fry

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: USS Wolff - observation lounge
Timeline: 12th feb 2395


=== Ready room ===

"Good day, Captain," Taliserra said moments before the screen flashed back to a slowly rotating starfleet logo, she'd just finished a call with the Commander of Starbase 54 where she received some important orders. "Miranda," she called out.

"Yes Captain." Miranda appeared as if out of nowhere.

"We have our orders, call all senior officers to the briefing room immediately," Taliserra ordered.

Miranda smiled, she was looking forward to getting underway again as well as Taliserra was. "Yes Ma'am." She stepped over to a console and opened a comm channel. =/\= All senior officers please report to the observation lounge.=/\= She also sent the message directly to the usual work stations of the senior officers.

Radak clicked away from his paperwork to the message flashing on his PaDD. As newly appointed Executive Officer, crew reviews were on his desk. He had been buried in paperwork ever since he had arrived. Not that he minded, but he had not had a lot of free time to get to know the crew. He stood from his desk and headed for the observation lounge.

Galatea finished filing the rest of the clearances and was just was the console beeped telling her that there was a message. She sighed and opened it. She hit the reply button for the coms to open. "Doctor Polaris on my way." She shut down her station and reported to Hunter that she'd be at a senior staff briefing if needed. She then made her way out towards the lift and up to the observation lounge. She sighed as the lift hummed to life as she entered.

Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek looked up from his desk. He had been working in the Chief Flight Control Office trying to get a strong handle on the flight dynamics of both the department and the ship as a whole.

His concentration was disrupted by the incoming message.

=/= "Lieutenant Yuvek, I'm on my way," he responded as he closed out his work and headed towards the door.

Lieutenant Edwards was on the bridge running a low level science station systems diagnostics routine. It beeped as it finished and with no changes suggested he responded to the comm message as it flashed in front of him with a tap of his badge. =/\=On my way Commander Tigran.=/\=

Elijah sighed. He'd had a bit of a shock when he'd been given the news that he would now be the Assistant Chief Sec.Tact. He was honoured....and a bit freaked out but he acknowledged the coms and headed to the Observation Lounge.

=== Observation lounge ===

Another mission. She wasn't too keen on going out again but she had signed up for this. Steeling herself and entered the room and gave a nod to those assembled. Galatea sat down and opened her signature notebook and uncapped her pen. It was this one comfort that gave her the strength to get through most things. There were days like today that she needed to hold on to all the comfort she could. She had a mystery on her hands and she was glad that she was able to finally get some help in solving it.

Radak was not far behind Lieutenant Polaris. He slipped into the room before the door had even shut and made his way to the Captain's right. He took his seat and then took a deep breath. It would be his first meeting his new official capacity as Executive Officer. Even though he knew he was more than capable it was still nervous. Despite his nervousness his face remained stoic.

The next to arrive was Lieutenant Edwards, as he did he grabbed a coffee before he took a seat. “Sciences are ready for duty Commander Tigran, I just ran a diagnostic of the bridge system they are perfect but close and well above the needed parameters.”

Lieutenant Jasad entered the conference room and took in the surrounding room for a moment before taking his seat. The young Cardassian had not spent much time on board and so he saw this as a good opportunity to meet... and size-up... his fellow crewmates.

Navore came into the Observation Lounge rolling down his sleeves. Another meeting and mission he hoped would put spark in the day? Navore saw the Cardassian and he fought the urge to hesitate; he even managed to continue with his walking to the table.

"Good Day Everyone," he greeted as he entered.

Lt. Yuvek noticed the look in Navore's eyes as he entered the room. He had seen it countless times on countless faces of other Bajorans. The split-second recognition while the brain decided whether this particular Cardassian would be a threat. However, the Bajoran did not break his stride and proceeded to the table and sat as if nothing was wrong.

Jasad made a mental note.

Elijah entered last and gave a nod to everyone as he slipped into the last chair available. He pulled out a PADD and waited.

"Now," Taliserra started. "We have new orders but first if you have not already met them we have two new faces at the briefing table. Lieutenant Yuvek and Lieutenant Commander Radak who is taking over from Lieutenant Commander Anette, who I am told is safely on her way to her species' homeworld for treatment."

Galatea added her welcomes to the group. She also made a note of the two new members so she could do a medical and counseling exam.

The young Cardassian stood up and smiled to the gathered crew members. "Good afternoon, my name is Lieutenant Jasad Yuvek, your new Chief Helmsman." He smiled.

Radak followed the Cardassian's example and stood from his seat. He bowed politely to the gathered crew. "I am Lieutenant Commander Radak. I will be serving as your Executive Officer," he said in a serious Vulcan tone and took his seat again.

Lieutenant Edwards sat and listened to the two new Crew members. He still felt a little new to the ship himself. However he smiled and nodded before he started the old to new introductions with, "Lieutenant Junior Grade Edwards Chief Science Officer, PhD, Languages and Linguistics."

Taliserra stood up and stepped across to a Lcars screen bringing up a map of their ultimate destination. "The Federation and by extension us have been asked to mediate peace negotiations between two species, the Yatal and Kurai. Their territory is not far from the edge of Federation space." She motioned to the map on the screen. "They have not provided us with many details but both sides have agreed to a ceasefire period equivalent to 14 earth days while it is arranged to have us mediate, that ceasefire started 2 days ago"

Galatea interjected, "Will we be onboarding an ambassador? Do we know what the planets are like? Do I need to prep any shots for atmospheric adjustments?" She would leave nothing to chance.

"There are arrangements still to be made, but for safety reasons I believe the Wolff itself should be the site of the negotiations," Taliserra replied. "So both parties' ambassadors would come onboard."

Jasad thought to himself the various scenarios that could occur under such a volatile situation. It was obvious the two parties hated each other enough to engage in open warfare. The mere fact that they were issuing a ceasefire for only 14 days did not mean that they would not still seek an opportunity to strike at their opponent if the opportunity presented itself.

Radak nodded. "Are either of the species already known to the Federation or will this be a first contact situation as well?" He, himself, had not heard of either and was curious. First contact put even more pressure on the ship and the crew, aside from mediating a potentially volatile situation.

"Almost nothing is know about the Kurai but the Yatal are known." Taliserra returned to her seat before speaking again. "The Federation has had limited contact with them though, they have a tendency to keep to themselves. It was the Yatal that persuaded the Kurai to have us mediate."

"One thing I have noticed about many negotiations like this is that one of the most important things is both ambassadors being able to understand each other. I will start on the linguistics of both groups. The other thing most often a pinch point is that both groups come with the same feeling," Anthony said. He smiled at the new First Officer and said, "A diplomat might be handy, but I could probably do it, Sir."

Radak nodded. "Thank you, Lieutenant. I strongly recommend that Lieutenant Polaris and Lieutenant Edwards be involved in this process. I think that we should assign a team to be the Ambassadors'... handlers... for lack of a better word." He looked at the Captain. "Of course these are just suggestions, Captain."

Elijah made notes at the speed of light. This would indeed be a test. He'd have to have the entire department ready.

"What other Starfleet vessels will accompany us?" Lieutenant Yuvek asked. He felt it might be prudent for Starfleet to appear with a show of force in order to maintain credibility as the mediator.

"It is just us," Taliserra said. "We are the closest ship that is fast enough to make it in a reasonable time, and on that note." She turned to Kallen. "We are going to have to run the engines rather hard, I cannot anticipate how long the negotiations will take so we need to be there as soon as possible."

"How fast do you need?" Kallen asked with a grin. "I can give you full speed but would not advise Emergency Speed."

Navore replied, "It will be a good test to get the Lady's legs a bit of a stretch." He nodded. "You will have what you need."

"The computer has plotted a rough course that provided we can keep at warp 9.8 should take us approximately six days." She looked back and forth between Kallen and Jasad as she spoke. "I want the two of you to work together on the course to see if we cannot improve on that."

Jasad smirked. Of course he could find a way to improve the navigation routes and get them there sooner. Whether it was in accordance to Starfleet regulations was a totally different matter.

Galatea sighed, "Warp nine point eight? I better get some motion sickness hypos ready."

Kallen had some apprehensions, the simple .8 of that warp factor may seem trivial in raw numbers but getting so close to Emergency maximum for a longer duration did tend to put a strain on the engines. He could maintain it but what would be the cost of 'Wear and Tear' that high above top 'cruising speed' had yet to be seen.

"Always glad to be of use Captain." Navore kept his jovial expression; he would not pass along any hint of what he really thought, the mission always came first and he would just do his best to see it happen.

"I know that look Kallen," Taliserra told him. "It's your 'I'm trying to keep a straight face but inside I'm worried' look.. Out with it."

"Running so close to emergency speeds is meant for hours; a day at most by design." Kallen shrugged. "Six days will be a strain and I am just glad we have new engines or it would not be supporting this action. With our current engines I wonder how much refitting we will be doing by running them hard and putting them away wet Ma'am?"

"If you and Lt Yuvek can find a more efficient course than we can slow down, but for now we need them running as fast as we safely can." Taliserra said, she understood his concerns and they were certainly valid ones.

Elijah stepped up, "Um... I have something. If the negotiations are to be conducted here. I will need to prep the security department. From the two sides do we know how big the delegation is? Will they be bringing their own security? Do we have dossiers on all those attending from both sides? Okay, I think that's good to start... I reserve my right to ask more questions..." He smiled charmingly.

"Right now I have no answers for those questions. We should get more information from the Yatal government if they decide to send any. But we will follow standard procedure for now; minimum numbers from each side, no weapons will be allowed onboard and their delegations will be screened before they come onboard," Taliserra replied.

Elijah made some notes. "I have another idea if I may. There is a way to set the transporters to transport people aboard and screen out potential weapons. Then we only need to do a quick manual scan. I would also feel comfortable if Medical does a screen on the down low just in case." Maybe this was stating the obvious but he cut himself some slack. He'd just been appointed Assistant Chief with no department head. He was as nervous as he could be.

"That is precisely what I plan on doing," Taliserra said. "The federation is being trusted to do our job; restoring and keeping peace and I will not let the Yatal or the Kurai continue to kill each other because we didn't do our job."

Elijah gave a nod. He realized that it was SOP with Starfleet but he was nervous. He woke up fine, then the call about being Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer and the staff briefing... it was a bit of an overwhelming day.

"Any more questions?" Taliserra asked after waiting a moment she turned to Kallen. "How soon can we be underway?"

"Just a couple of hours should be enough, a few things to tighten down and you can have all the speed you want Captain." He nod.

"Good." Taliserra switched the display off. "You're all dismissed."

Elijah waited and shot out of the seat as soon as dismissal was called. He had a lot to do.

Anthony got up and nodded his head to Commanders Tigran and Radek with a final, “Congratulations Commander Radek, I feel this crew will be lucky to have you as first officer.”

"Thank you," the Vulcan replied. Radak did not rise from his seat, but instead stayed seated and watched the crew file out. He looked to Taliserra. "Is there more for us to go over, Captain?" he asked, checking to see if there was more conversation about the mission that perhaps they needed to discuss. "I would also like to speak to you about other duties, unrelated though and now is not necessary."

"Later Commander, I believe Doctor Polaris needs to poke and prod at you before we leave." She looked across to Galatea who was just standing up. "Lt Polaris, please stay I would like to talk with you."

Galatea sighed wishing she'd slipped out earlier.

Radak rose and bowed politely. "Very well, I will return to my quarters and finish unpacking. Thank you, Captain." He nodded to Galatea as he headed for the door. "Doctor..." he said and took his leave.

Galatea smiled. "I'll see you in one hour in sickbay Mr. Radak."

"I have some hatches to batten down Captain," Navore said with a grin. "Seems the Commanding Officer is in a hurry to get under way, cannot let her down." He gave a smart salute and headed out the door.

Jasad stood. "If we're going to be running a full speed, then I'll need to update the duty roster for Helm so that we have the more experienced pilots covering the ship at all time," he said with a nod as he turned and proceeded to exit.



Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant (jg) Anthony Edwards Ph.D
Chief Science Officer

Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical and Counseling Officer

Lieutenant (JG) Elijah Alexander
Assistant Chief Tactical / Security Officer
NPC - Polaris

Lt. Kallen Navore
Chief Engineer/ 2nd Officer

Lieutenant (JG) Jasad Yuvek
Chief Helmsman

Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer


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