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Doctors make the worst patients

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 1:47pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Captain Taliserra Tigran

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Observation lounge
Timeline: directly after New orders

Previously on the Wolff...

"Later Commander, I believe Doctor Polaris needs to poke and prod at you before we leave." She looked across to Galatea who was just standing up. "Lt Polaris, please stay I would like to talk with you."

Galatea sighed wishing she'd slipped out earlier.

Radak rose and bowed politely. "Very well, I will return to my quarters and finish unpacking. Thank you, Captain." He nodded to Galatea as he headed for the door. "Doctor..." he said and took his leave.

Galatea smiled, "I'll see you in one hour in sickbay Mr. Radak."

and now the continuation...


Taliserra stood and went to the replicator. "Can I get you anything Galatea?" She asked.

She was about to say no but then she remembered she hadn't eaten all day. "How about a glass of sweet Bajoran iced tea."

"Miranda you can go too." Taliserra said as she placed the order on the replicator.

"Aye Captain." Miranda slipped the Padd she'd been using for notes in the meeting into her pocket and headed out the door.

With the drinks made; sweet iced tea for Galatea and a pot full of english tea for herself Taliserra returned to her chair. "So how are you doing Galatea?" She asked a little uncertainabout how to branch into the topic.

She smiled but there was a weariness there that showed the strain was there. "I am...alright. Most of the medicals are done, some have yet to come in, all but two counseling clearances are done....we are stocked for supplies and then some. Sickbay has some new equipment that has been put in and tested all went well." She had the feeling as if her being asked to wait had been akin to being asked to the principles office.

"That is work talking." Taliserra said. "How are You?"

"Oh..," That caught her off guard. "I'm....fine." She said in an unconvincing manner.

"I don't have a qualification in counselling but even I can tell something isn't right." Taliserra took one of Galatea's hands. "I know you are beating yourself up about Commander Annete and the patient from the Apollo."

She was about to protest but the fight went out of her. She sighed, looked at Taliserra and then said, "I should have been able to help the Commander...I should have figured how she could take more precautions....As for the Apollo everything went fine on the surgery...he shouldn't have died! Maybe if I was a better doctor."

"You are an incredible doctor Galatea." Taliserra told her. "We would have lost even more of our crew last year if it wasn't for you. The stuff we went through would have made anyone consider giving up on life but you stayed strong and never gave up."

She smiled tiredly, "Are you sure you don't have a counseling degree." Taliserra was right. They had gone through a lot and the crew that stayed on board was closer for it.

Taliserra smiled back trying to reassure her "You do a lot of talking to people in 6 life times, you pick up a few things."

Galatea laughed, "I guess so. It's been an eventful little while not just the Apollo but there have been some issues with the crew...I feel like I haven't slept in days." That was probably because she hadn't.

"And you keep telling me that I need to relax." Taliserra chuckled a little at the irony. "You need to take a break Galatea, we're going into unexplored territory in a few days and anything could happen, not that I am expecting trouble. I can't have you burnt out before we even get there."

Galatea sighed, "Alright. I'll take a couple of days off...Let me guess, Hunter expressed his concerns."

"Yes." Taliserra admitted. "He told me he war worried about you, between the commander, the apollo patient and 'stuf going missing' he was worried about you."

She sighed, "That man will drive me insane. Do you know he keeps putting notes around my sickbay saying 'when will you take a day off?' I just don't know what to do with him." She smiled, "And that just reminded me to check with security about the missing items." She looked at Taliserra, "Now how are you doing?"

"I'm fine." Taliserra said with a grin. "Glad we have some orders."

Galatea smiled, "And what a doozy it is. I say we both take the time to rest before these negotiations. I'm having one of my gut feelings again." She grinned.

Taliserra shrugged slightly "I've two species to learn as much as I can about in 6 days. One of which barely anything is known. I do not know how much rest I'm gonna get but I will try and keep to my promise to rest and relax as often as I can. As for your gut feelings, keep having them. When you have a gut feeling stuff usually does happen."

Galatea smiled, "Maybe my gut should sleep and stop calling things." She laughed and shook her head. "Alright, I have a head nurse to straighten out. I don't appreciate him going behind my back."

"He only did what he thought was right." Taliserra said. "And I agreed with him.

She sighed, "I won't be too hard on him I promise." Galatea finished her tea and then stood feeling all of her years in that action. "Well I have two more appointments today....three and then I promise I'll turn in early."

"Good, and no being on call, Jun and Hunter will be able to handle anything that comes up." Taliserra told her.

Galatea grinned, "Geez you already know me. Alright no on call but I will be holding you to your promise to rest too. I will be clearing the XO for duty in the next hour."

Taliserra smiled. "Good. Kallen has done a good job these last few days but he has had enough on his plate checking the ship over so as soon as Radak is available we can all relax."

Galatea gave a nod. "Alright," she stood and headed to the door. "Thanks for the talk Taliserra." She meant it. It was good to know that someone cared.

Standing up as well Taliserra walked with Galatea towards the door. "If you need to talk, any time, come and see me. You know my door is always open."

Galatea smiled, "That goes both ways you know."

"I know, have a good day Galatea." Taliserra said as they reached the door back onto the bridge.

"You as well." She gave a nod and headed into the bridge turbo lift to head back to sickbay.


Commander Taliserra Tigran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical and Counseling Officer


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