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Check in and Check up

Posted on Thu Jul 19th, 2018 @ 1:50pm by Lieutenant Galatea Polaris & Lieutenant Commander Radak

Mission: Negotiations and Apothecaries
Location: Sickbay/Counseling Office
Timeline: 12th feb 2395


Lieutenant Commander Radak made his way slowly to the Medical bay of the USS Wolff. He hated medical exams. They always made him super nervous. He had spent most of his life carefully crafting not being a Romulan when he was. The medical exam was the only thing that could prove his lie. Of course, it would only be if a DNA profile was needed that it could actually be detected, but it still terrified him. You never knew what a Doctor was going to do while they ran their tests. So far he had lucked out. No one had had reason to test his DNA.

He paused briefly and waited for the doors of the sickbay to slide open before stepping across the threshold and into the room. To him it always seemed like sickbay was busy. It might not have even been that way, but it looked that way to him with people moving about constantly. "Excuse me," he said to the first and nearest person that passed him. "Is the Doctor available?"

Elle smiled, "Yes of course. Second door to the right."

Radak nodded curtly and headed toward the door that she had indicated. He tapped the buzzer on the outside of the door and waited, turning momentarily to look back into the busy room.

Galatea sighed, it had been a busy day. They had taken on more staff then she thought. "Enter." She waited for the door to open. She recalled that it was probably the XO or that writer again...

Radak let the door slide open and then stepped inside the office. It was a decent sized office. He looked around for a moment and then nodded to Galatea. "Greetings, Doctor. I believe we had an appointment. I am Lieutenant Commander Radak." Then he felt a little stupid for introducing himself because they had met at the staff meeting.

She smiled, "Welcome aboard, again." They had in fact just met at the staff meeting but she welcomed him anyway. "Have a seat." She indicated the chair across from her. "They haven't transferred your medical records yet do you have a record PADD?"

Radak sat down in the chair she directed him to and pulled a PADD from his belt. "I do indeed. Here you are." He offered it to her. "I speculated that perhaps they were not yet on file and came prepared." He looked at her, his expression blank.

She studied the file and then sighed and frustration rubbing the bridge of her nose. "Seriously... was your last CMO even qualified?"

Radak tried not to look the concern he was feeling, coupled with the anxiety of simply being here in sickbay. "I cannot speak to the man's qualifications, but Starfleet was allowing him to practice medicine." It was the only thing he could come up with. He had been fortunate that the man had been sloppy, but he was seriously starting to feel afraid that his luck was about to run out.

"Well this is ridiculous. He'll be hearing from me." She sighed, "This is a mess this file. He didn't take the requisite DNA sample that all on ship have to give, he just approved most of your files without noting updated information this is ridiculous!" She closed her eyes a moment. "The worst of this is I can't do anything until I find the gaps and until I find out what shots you have what you are missing and when the last usable data was recorded. This man was... beyond sloppy." She hit a few keys on the computer and sighed, "I will handle this with Starfleet and him now because of all this it will change how we go about your physical and medical updates."

Radak tipped his head to the side. He was having a hard time concentrating because his heart was pounding in his chest. "What will we have to do differently?" So this is how it all ends... Regardless of whether or not he had actually attended academy, even achieved academic excellence, not just at Starfleet, but on Vulcan as well, no one would care if they found out what he really was. None of that would matter.

"We'll start with your counseling exam. Your previous counselor was meticulous and really detailed. He was on point. I think that yours is the most detailed file I've received and he thought very highly of you. I will do a counseling clearance which is key to getting you working quickly. I will then do a quick scan just to make sure you don't have a flu or cold which is simple." She sighed, "That will be enough for now. I have to rebuild your entire file so I will just ask you some intro questions about your family health history and your health history in service as if you were a new patient. Then as I sort your file we'll do your vaccinations needed and I'll make heads or tails of your file. Sound good so far?" This would take a good few months to complete and he'd have to be on temp clearance until the file is sorted.

Radak felt a slight sense of relief. Maybe in that time he would be able to figure something out. He had no idea what, but maybe his uncle might have some ideas. He nodded in agreement to the doctor's proposal. "Yes, that will be acceptable, Doctor. As long as I can perform my duties to the ship. Who is your counselor? Will I need a separate appointment?"

"We will make sense of this I promise. My apologies on behalf of all Starfleet medical for the file. Actually I am the counselor as well so we can do that today. There is one other thing. I do have to take a DNA sample that will be stored in the vault. As per regulation these are only used in case of an emergency."

Radak's stomach flipped. He took a breath and nodded. What else could he do?

He had no choice, but to agree and do it amiably. For only a moment he couldn't get his breath to speak. He was glad that she couldn't see his trembling hands in his lap. "Of course. I'm sorry for all the confusion. I had no idea things were so chaotic." He cleared his throat to get a better grasp on his racing heart. It wouldn't do him any good if she did an exam and his heart rate and blood pressure were through the roof. Fortunately, he was well practiced. This was definitely not his first confrontation considering that he had spent most of his life on Vulcan, with Vulcans and no one had noticed.

She smiled. "Not your fault at all." She studied him. "Why don't we start with the Psych Fitness for duty exam. We can deal with all the rest later." She sat back and studied him. "Being part Betazoid, I can sense you are nervous. I have to admit that I'm no fan of going through the exams either, but it will be fine. As I said, your previous counselor was amazing and I just wanted to start by having you tell me a little about you. Why Starfleet? What are some of your hobbies outside of work? Stuff like that." She hoped to put him at ease. She sensed his nervousness, but attributed it to medical exams. Everyone felt like that.

Radak nodded again. "It sounds perfectly fine to me. I graduated from the Vulcan Art Academy, but it has become more of a hobby for me. I chose Starfleet because I felt that they were doing the most good in the scheme of things. I wanted to help solve injustices and explore new regions of space. I also was attracted to the diversity of Starfleet's membership. If one is to grow as a person, one must expose themselves to all manner of things, not just what is at home."

She smiled. "That makes a lot of sense. IDIC and all that. Art? Why don't you tell me what drew you to art and what kind of art you do. Painting? Sculpting? Oh and would you like something to drink?" she asked, getting up to walk over to the replicator.

"Vulcan spiced tea... if you do not mind. I have done a little of all of those things, but I mostly prefer painting and sculpting. I enjoy painting space phenomena. Most of the sculpting I have done is abstract. Painting is a little easier to do on a ship. I have not really pursued the sculpting as much. They teach you a little bit of everything in Art school. I used to paint a lot of still life and landscape, but I have recently enjoyed the subject of space."

She ordered two Vulcan spiced teas and set one down in front of him as he told of his art loves. "Space can be beautiful. It gets a bad rap and can be dangerous but the colours and vibrancy... well it's lovely." She thought a moment, "Have you ever thought about displaying your work?"

Radak nodded. "I have, but for what purpose? It seems they would only serve to interest my ego. They make good presents. I have so many." He looked down at his hands for a moment. "When I was younger, my Uncle would take me to the market and we would sell the paintings. I have fond memories of that place. I was a shy child. It helped me to... come out of my shell... I believe is the correct phrasing."

She smiled. "That is a good thing. I can still see the shyness there, our childhood personalities never fully leave us." She thought for a moment. "Now, as to your questions no, not for the interest of your own ego, but have you thought that displaying your work could help your fellow crew? That it could take your leadership abilities to the next level and act as a prompt?"

He blinked at her for a moment. "I had not thought of such a thing. I suppose then, that it would be alright. Perhaps there is someplace on the ship that is in need of some color?" He smiled a little. "I do not know if it is in that mess of a file, but I did not participate in the Kolinahr. I felt as an artist, that it would rob me of my visions and passions. It became a point of contention between myself and my parents. So much so that I lived with my Uncle in ShiKhar." It was not far from the truth, just a little to the left, without all the Romulan part.

She smiled. "The Kolinahr is not for everyone and I commend you on knowing your heart. As for your paintings perhaps you can display some here. It might give others the boldness and the bravery to display their work. Your passion for your art is what made your file stand out to me. Perhaps, you were sent by the universe to help here. Think how much bonding there would be if all the artists on the ship displayed their work or even had an outlet to talk with other artists. You, my friend, might be the person to give it to them." She was glad that he was being open... although she sensed he was holding some part back, something he was twisting... but again that could be nerves.

She smiled. "Now, are there any concerns that you have about your latest transfer here? I know it was sudden. I also know how hard it is to leave a crew you knew and were a part of. Tell me a little about how the transition has been?"

He placed one hand on the edge of her desk, like he was examining it, his thumb running slowly over the lip. "I was not expecting it, that is certain. I cannot say that I am unpleased. I have worked hard for my position in Starfleet. I am concerned about replacing a fallen officer and that the crew will not take to me, but as you suggest with the art, there are things that perhaps can be done about my... publicity. I would very much like to share it if it has the potential to help someone."

Galatea smiled. "I think it does and your feelings are normal. Everyone who replaces an officer who was injured has that fear. I am always here to work through it with you and to bounce ideas off of. Please feel free to call on when you are in need. I try to do a monthly touch base with everyone just to see how things are going. Other then that I will clear you for duty from a counseling point of view. Now if you are okay with it let's get you checked for colds and flus."

"Of course," Radak replied. "Is that something that can be done in here? Or do we need to go to the other room?" He sat forward in his chair in preparation to stand. "Do you find it difficult to play both roles? Counselor and Doctor?"

She smiled. "We'll head to the main bay." She stood with him and they left her office. "It has it's down sides. In medical school I found that a large part of being a doctor is counseling, so I decided to pursue both, couldn't make up my mind. I like talking to people. I'm not good at making deep friendships but... well it's nice that I can help others overcome what I cannot," she said honestly, surprised at herself for revealing too much.

Radak nodded appreciatively and followed along. "I would think it would be difficult to have to care for people's minds as well as their bodies, but I also understand being an overachiever and as you said, why not? You were already there." He smiled just a little. "When I attended Starfleet Academy I pursued an education in Philosophy. It is similar to Psychology. I also enjoy Ethics, both more psychological pursuits than anything else because both are based in opinion."

She smiled. "Mr. Radak, I think you will fit into our family here really nicely." She pointed to the bio bed. "If you'll lay down I'll do a quick scan to make sure you don't have a cold or flu." She picked up her tricorder. "Should only take two minutes."

Radak sat down on the biobed and then lay back. "I hope that I do not have any colds or flus. I have not felt ill, but I know that is not always what happens when you catch those things. Sometimes you feel fine, just as I do now." He watched her with interest.

She smiled as she started the scan. It took only thirty seconds and then she closed her tricorder. "All is well." She picked up a hypo. "This is a general shot for space sickness, it's something everyone gets prior to taking their post on a ship and then every year thereafter if there is a problem." She pressed the hypo to his neck and it hissed out its dose. "Great, now one final step."

"Ah good." He was cooperative even though he personally really hated being in medical and despised injections of any kind. There was really nothing that could be done unless he wanted to throw a fit, which he did not wish to do. He nodded and his stomach sunk for a moment. He reminded himself that she said she was just going to store his DNA, but it was still a ticking time bomb. For one brief moment he was overwhelmingly depressed because this sample simply and eventually meant everything he had worked for and loved would very quickly amount to nothing. He got a handle on himself quickly. "Thank you for your attention today, Doctor. I know you probably have better things to do with your time."

Galatea sensed the sadness. She picked up a swab. "Alright, open your mouth I'll take a swab and then we'll get this locked up." She looked at him. "Then, I'll have a question for you." She took a swab from his inner cheek and then placed it in a vial. "This way." She lead him to what looked like a wall with a control panel. She entered a code and one slot popped open. She inserted the DNA swab and then the compartment closed. "Now, you enter a code in the panel and that will keep your DNA locked up. It cannot be opened by anyone but the CO, in case of an emergency."

Radak followed her camly and watched, his face remained the tight Vulcan mask, but inside he was feeling rather defeated. He was glad that only the CO would be able to access it, but it didn't change its existence. All he could hope now was that there would be no need to ever get it out again. He nodded in understanding and picked a code, entering it into the panel when prompted. He stepped back when he was done. "Thank you, Doctor, for taking time to straighten all of this out. I had no idea it was in such a disarray."

She smiled, "Mr. Radak that is not your fault. Don't you worry, we will settle this. Now, you are getting cleared for duty temporarily pending that I sort out this file and we can then get to filling in the gaps."


Lieutenant Commander Radak
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Galatea Polaris
Chief Medical Officer and Counseling Officer


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