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Posted on Thu Jan 21st, 2021 @ 4:39pm by Lieutenant Nilo Rodis & Lieutenant JG Summer Wyse
Edited on on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 3:55pm

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Nilo’s quarters
Timeline: 3rd April 2395 2200 hrs

With Nilo having seen her on the bridge in passing Summer’s long-held surprise about her being onboard, was out. Waiting until after shift Summer couldn’t wait to catch up with her long time love, they’d been separated ever since she was reassigned from the USS Palatine. They’d had to settle for shore leave meetings when it was possible and over comms when it wasn’t. A long-distance relationship was proving hard for them both, so when Nilo had told her of his change of ship she had requested a transfer as well hoping Starfleet would have need of a Counsellor there.

Now here she stood outside Nilo’s door, dying to see him again! Pressing the chime she waited for a few moments before stepping through the door anyway. “Nilo?” She looked around, then as she set eyes on him she practically threw herself into his arms showering the Bajoran male with passionate kisses.

Nilo managed to catch Summer as she threw herself at him as he opened the door and welcomed the passionate kisses that she started to shower upon him. Realising how much he'd missed her as well, whilst still getting to grips with becoming the new Chief Of Operations onboard, Nilo relaxed before they both stopped and came up for some air.

"Summer? how long have you been here?" he asked her. Their time apart on different assignments had made his missing her all the more deep and right now, he was finally glad to hold her in his arms and hold her close to him.

Summer recomposed herself after throwing herself at the man she loved beyond all else. “I started here a week ago, as a Counsellor.” She kept her eyes firmly fixed in his almost as though she was afraid to look away in case he vanished.

"I didn't know you were aboard, to be honest, I've had quite a busy day myself. I start my shift working down on the ODN sensors on deck four before finding out that the Captain had me in mind to make as the new Chief of Operations officer and then I see you on the Bridge as I'm leaving...! I mean...Wow!" Nilo explained. Despite the busy day, he was glad to see her again and was glad to take some time away from work.

“That was my plan” she finally let her gaze drop before smiling as she looked back at Nilo. “You told me in your call that you were being assigned here, so I tried getting assigned here too and to my surprise, Starfleet said yes! I wanted to surprise you. Congratulations on your promotion! Believe it or not, I got promoted too!! I’m the new Chief Counsellor.”

"Well, that's another surprise, well done you!" Nilo said. "You know what, I think all this good news deserves a drink." He walked over to the replicator and stood there for a moment.

"So what can I get you?" he asked.

“Err ...” Summer smiled. “A fruit juice would be lovely thank you.”

"Computer, one fruit juice and also one earth root beer," Nilo ordered. Once the drinks were created, he picked them both up and took over Summers drink to her.

"This is going down as one of the better days on board this ship already," Nilo said as he raised his glass. "A toast, to the fact that the Universe is a small place and people, can reconnect as they should be," he said, chinking his glass with hers.

“To being reunited” Summer smiled as she put her glass to her lips and sipped her drink, looking at Nilo the entire time. Putting her glass down Summer “So what would you say to dinner tonight? I’d very much like to spend time together again, catch up on lost time.” She smiled a wry smile.

Nilo nodded as he took a sip of his drink. "Yes, that sounds like a great idea, that would be lovely," he said, putting his drink down and moving closer to Summer. "Dinner would be lovely and I can't think of a better way to cap off such a lovely day then getting closer to you and catching up...with you," he said, before leaning in and placing a kiss on her cheek.

"It has been such a long time after all and it's good that we finally get to spending some regular time together instead of over long distance comm channels," he added. He pulled back slowly to look her deeply in the eyes. "I missed you, Summer," he whispered.

Summer smiled as she looked back into Nilo”s eyes. “I’ve missed you too” She raised her hand to his cheek gently brushing her fingers against his skin. “You know, we could always add a starter to that meal idea.” She leaned in and kissed him gently and romantically whilst making her intentions perfectly clear. “So, are you going to carry me to bed, or am I going to have to drag you there?”

Nilo closed his eyes as she touched his skin and he recalled her touch being such a beautiful thing. He kissed her back slowly and by the time she had asked about being carried to bed or her dragging him there, Nilo scooped his arms underneath Summer and looked at her with a wink. "I'll carry you... I don't want you to use up all your energy dragging me there, besides, that would mean I'd have to do all the hard work...this is a team effort," he said.

Slowly walking into his bedroom, Nilo laid summer on the bed before standing back to admire her laid before him. It had been a long time since they had been together an even longer since they had shared a night of physical love together and for right now, all Nilo wanted to to share that experience again with Summer. "So, where shall we begin?" he whispered as he began undressing her out of her uniform.

Summer smiled as her fingers moved to Nilo’s uniform, helping him undress as he did the same for her. There was no mad rush, they had all the time they needed to be together now. “From what I remember ... you always used to like it when I helped you out of your clothes.” She pushed his jacket off his shoulders waiting for him to shake it off before pulling his top clear of his trousers.

Nilo smiled as Summer removed his jacket and he shook off as it fell to the floor. "That's right...please continue..." he said, knowing that he was enjoying every second of this as much as she was. He'd missed the intimacy between them in this long-distance relationship and allowed Summer to continue enjoying herself.

“Oh I intend to!” Summer smiled as her fingers moved to his shirt pulling it free of his trousers and running her hands underneath touching his skin. Her fingers ran lower playing with the skin along the top edge of his trousers before moving to unbuckle his belt.

Nilo smiled as she removed more clothing and then he stood up for a moment as she finished undressing him completely. As he stood naked before her, Nilo stepped forward and began undressing Summer. "Of course, you realise that it's only fair that if I'm stood here naked, that you should be too, that's all part of the fun," and with that, he started to unzip her tunic.

He then pulled off her duty shirt and carried on as Summer stood before him, smiling, with her breathing getting heavier and faster as he took more and more off her body before she bared all before him. He could wait no longer and Nilo pushed forward, pulling her to him and placed a deep passionate kiss on Summers's lips, letting his hands roam over her body as they made contact, skin to skin.

"I've missed you," he whispered in between kisses.

“I’ve missed you too” Summer smiled as she took a breath between passionate and loving kisses. Her hands ran along his skin as she leant back onto the bed pulling Nilo gently down with her.

Nilo followed her and leaned into Summer as they relaxed upon the bed and continued to allow their passions to grow within each other. As Nilo pulled up for air, he looked up at the ceiling. "Computer, Lights out," he said before they continued their reunion in the darkness.

~ A long time later ~

Summer lay entwined with the bedsheets and Nilo's body, her damp hair was swept out of the way and both their bodies glistened with fine perspiration from their lovemaking. "I love you Nilo" She smiled as she cuddled him.

Nilo held his arm gently around Summer and lay with her, feeling satisfied and also happy that they were close once more and together. "I love you too, my summer, I have missed you so," he admitted to her. He felt complete now that they were together again.

"I won't be parted from you again Nilo, no matter what I've found you and I'm not letting you go ever again!" She held onto him stifling a tired yawn even though her eyes were getting heavy. "I want to be ... with you always."

"I'm not letting you go either, Sum, we're together now and that's not changing, understand?" he whispered to her. "We're together here on the Wolff and nothing will keep us apart again. I won't let it, no matter what the universe decides to throw at us," he added.

He stroked her hair and felt relaxed as he could feel her heartbeat against him, as the warmth of their bodies together caused him to feel relaxed and to feel a little tired after their lovemaking session together. "I love you and we're together, that's all that matters," he whispered.

Summer made a happy response as she slowly drifted off into a peaceful sleep content in the arms of the man she loved.

Nilo smiled as Summer drifted off to sleep in his arms and he felt contentment knowing that they were both together again and that there wouldn't be another painful goodbye again where they would be separated.


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