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Catching up with Binea

Posted on Fri Jan 22nd, 2021 @ 3:51pm by Lieutenant Nilo Rodis & Lieutenant JG Binea

Mission: To catch a thief
Location: Operations Office
Timeline: 3rd April 2395 1515hrs


Having assumed the duties of Chief Operations Officer onboard the Wolff, Nilo made sure to get caught up with the current mission parameters to try and understand what he could offer and bring to the table, as per the human saying, now that he was a senior officer.

Once caught up, Nilo then made his way to the Operations Office, where he decided it was best to speak with the highest-ranking officer in the department, a Lt jg Binea, an Andorian officer.

Once he arrived at the office, Nilo pressed the comm button. "Lt Binea, this is Lt Nilo, please can you report to the Operations Office," he said calmly.

"On my way," Binea replied.

A few moments later she came through the doors. "The chair on that side of the desk is so much more comfortable right?" She said smiling. "I only found out a few minutes ago, I would say congratulations are in order."

"Lieutenant, thank you for coming so quickly," Nilo said as he stood up. Looking back at the chair and then again at the view from his side of the desk, he let a small smile begin to form. "Yes, I suppose it is." Nilo moved around to shake hands with the Andorian Officer.

"And, thank you, I wasn't expecting to get halfway through my day and suddenly find out that I was getting a promotion to Department Head," he said. "Please take a seat, I thought it would be a good idea to get up to speed on what's happening with the department now that I've been handed the reigns."

"I had a very similar experience when she asked me to be the acting chief," Binea said as she took a seat. "Right now most of the department are working with engineering to finish off repairs and adjustments we'd started back at 54. Having to suddenly drop everything and get the ship ready to go wasn't fun for any of us."

"No, I can imagine not," Nilo agreed as he sat on the edge of his desk. "It's not easy going from having the resources and assistance of a starbase to then making those same repairs and adjustments whilst on the move to another assignment or mission."

Nilo paused for a moment before carrying on. "Lieutenant, if possible and you accept, I'd like you to be my Assistant Chief for the time being," he offered her. "It seems to make sense, seeing as you've been on board longer than I have and you also have a good grasp of the situation whilst I'm getting up to speed on both the mission we're on and also how the Department works as a whole."

"The last thing I want to do is cause any waves, but also at the same time, I want to make sure that Operations runs as smooth as possible despite transitions and changes," he added. "The best thing that we can do right now is to give the Captain a reliable department mid-mission."

"We have a mix of older hands and new hands in the department, they're pretty good, I don't think a sudden change like this will affect them too much," Binea told him, she'd kept the department running strong in lieu of a true chief. "Though some are sleeping off hangovers right now, another effect of leaving the starbase so suddenly."

"That's good to know and completely understandable as well, considering the circumstances of having to leave Starbase 54 so suddenly," Nilo agreed. "But it's good to know that there is a good department already running into shape, that will help a lot to make sure things run smoothly going forward."

He was happy that it seemed like a seamless transition would take place despite the Captains decision to promote him to a senior officer and the Chief Of Operations. "Is there anything else that you feel I need to be aware of?" Nilo asked, already aware that he knew there would be reports to read before he was fully up to speed before he began his shift on the bridge.

Binea thought for a moment nothing official came to mind. "The Wolff has been through quite a bit over the years, nearly 10 months ago we practically had the ship blown out from under us. So much that they were going to scrap her, it took a lot to get the ship running again."

Nilo turned his head at this. "Wow, a Luna Class they were willing to scrap, despite the fact that this has been one of the newer classes that has also been one of the most reliable explorer initiatives Starfleet has launched? I'm surprised, but also glad that they decided not to," he answered.

"I take it that they obviously changed their minds and put the Wolff into a refit, otherwise we wouldn't be stood here talking?" he asked.

"More like put the whole ship back together again," Binea remarked remembering the outcome of the huge battle. "The sensor pod had been shot off, both warp nacelles ruptured, hull breaches all over the place. We had to be towed back to the starbase. Only thing that kept the ship from getting scrapped was Commodore Denevre."

Nilo looked up at the ceiling and around at the Operations Office as he realised what the Wolff had been through before and what good shape she was in now. "Well, I'm incredibly lucky to be standing on a ship that looks almost as shiny as the day it left Spacedock...considering the work that has gone into making sure shes back in one-piece...I shall make sure I keep that honour up with further hard work," Nilo said before pausing.

"And may I say, it's good to know that if she ever has to take a beating like that again, we have good people on board who can put the jigsaw back together again," he added with a smile.

Binea's antennae twitched. "Because of that though a lot of the systems are more or less brand new, the warp engines only have around 100 light-years on them, same with the majority of the power distribution system."

"Which means we need to keep up the good work that's already in place making sure that all systems on board, be they old or new, stay in good working order whilst we're out here," Nilo noted. "At least the Warp Engines have had a good run in after the last refit."

"Is there anything else you feel I should know about, Lieutenant?" Nilo asked, now that he realised he was learning a lot just be talking with Binea.

"For now I don't think so," Binea said shaking her head slightly. "guarantee that I'll think of something I should mention just after I leave though."

Nilo nodded as he knew there would be other things that he'd think of. "Of course, its always the way. Well if you do, feel free to give me a comm and I'll happily discuss them," he said.

As he moved around the desk once more, Nilo looked up at Lt Binea. "Thank you for taking the time to bring me up to speed, I really appreciate it," he said. "Now, I suppose I'd better get these reports finished up before my shift ends. It feels like it's been a long day already and my first shift on the Bridge is only a couple hours away."

Binea laughed slightly as she stood up. "You're a senior officer now, your shift will never end when you expect it too."

"Ah yes, the life of a senior officer, always wanted to be one and now that I am, I'm not sure I like the hours," Nilo said before letting loose a small laugh. He smiled before taking a breath. "Very well Lieutenant, you may carry on with your duties and I'll get on with my new ones."

"Aye Sir, good luck." With that Binea turned and headed out the office door and down the corridor.

Nilo looked as Binea walked away and he felt a new confidence in his new role. As he sat down and prepared to read more of the reports before his Bridge duty, Nilo started to feel like he was going to like it on board the Wolff


Lieutenant Nilo Rodis
Chief Operations Officer

LTjg Binea
Operations Officer
[npc Taliserra]


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